What do you want to believe

Because the “four corners of the earth” are mentioned in the Bible, pseudo-scholars driven by faith have set out to prove the earth is flat. They will cleverly word every point to show that the Bible is right, and dupe many faithful followers to dig in their heels on this non topic to make Christianity even more silly than it already is. As if the 6 day creation wasn’t silly enough, they continue to believe this nonsense rather than look outside and see with their own eyes what the world is.

As I was walking in the canyons with my seven year old looking at the rock formations and fossils, I mentioned that some people believe all of this was created and formed in 1 day. She looked at me like I was crazy. I know she trusts me, and if I had sat down with her and read the “official” book on this (the Bible) and explained in detail that this was true, and god said so, she would have started a path of contradictory self doubt about the real world and what she is actually seeing, and myth. For now we don’t really talk about the mythical being in the sky. It’s an irrelevant distraction that keeps some of the best minds from real progress in reality.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

10 thoughts on “What do you want to believe”

  1. I thought god buried all of those layers and fossils there to test our faith! The OT is a running battle between the Jews and Yahweh, with Yahweh saying “Believe!” and the Jews saying “I’m thinking, I’m thinking! He literally was punishing the Jews for disbelief or improper belief for the entire first half of the OT … and he thinks people’s faith needs testing? How about establishing first?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. and if I had sat down with her and read the “official” book on this (the Bible) and explained in detail that this was true, and god said so, she would have started a path of contradictory self doubt about the real world and what she is actually seeing, and myth.

    And that right there is why its child abuse.

    BTW, you need a Follow Blog by Email widget thing.


    1. The ball spinning in the video, if to scale would spin once a day and probably shouldn’t be made of rubber. Just stupid.


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