Mixing Science and Faith

Maybe Christianity could adapt some scientific principles. They could claim it as gospel like they did paganism and mythology. But I don’t believe the two will ever mix because science is unprejudiced. Don’t forget their core! They are waiting and praying for god to come back and slaughter all the rest of us. That little tidbit says a lot about how they really feel. It’s a religion that is divisive and racist and prejudice to its core, and piety sets dividing lines to fight every step of social equality or scientific advance.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

83 thoughts on “Mixing Science and Faith”

      1. There’s a grand, spectacular, marvelous world out there beyond the Sunday, Wednesday, or Saturday(?) bubble and it is craving to be known… if one will just take the first few steps outward. 😉

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  1. Yes excellent! Love both pictures and what they say!
    I’m older, so much of this won’t affect me, but the younger generations will either succumb to this or get free of it.

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  2. They are waiting and praying for god to come back and slaughter all the rest of us.

    That really opened my eyes to something I had not thought of before. I admit I was always looking at it from the side of the theist and snickering at their silly belief of whole end times / return thing. But to look the flip side to see what they are really advocating is the murder / killing of everyone but those like them, and they are taking pride, comfort, and joy over those deaths. Ark keeps calling the abrahamic religions a death cult, and it is becoming clearer that is really what it is . Thanks. Hugs

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      1. Hello Mary. Yes I seen it earlier when you mentioned it in a comment on Jim’s blog I believe it was. I was horrified by it. It boggles my mind the way we humans , some a lot more than others, need to cover our own base feelings with a glossy coat of hypocrisy and feel good misdirection. Hugs

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  3. Had a conversation with someone today who claimed that god murdering us all was in some way his merciful plan for us atheists…I kid you not…

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    1. I’ve heard that too. I’ve also seen mothers drown her children to protect them from the cruel world. God should be in jail with her!

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      1. Excellent Mary. And scary what they want. Here’s the last paragraph Many evangelicals see him differently. They are ready for an unapologetic strongman to help them do end-times battle. They believe that God will soon separate the “sheep from the goats,” the righteous nations from the unrighteous. During the final judgment, God will decide which nations were faithful to him and which were not, and he will dole out punishments and rewards accordingly.


        1. “…God will soon separate the “sheep from the goats,” the righteous nations from the unrighteous. …God will decide which nations were faithful to him and which were not, and he will dole out punishments and rewards accordingly.”

          This is almost right. The “sheep and goats” are individual people, not nations though.

          Everyone is judged by the way they treated “the least of these”. Jesus says we’re to feed hungry people, visit those in prison, offer water to those who are thirsty. Surely you don’t have a problem with that, do you?


            1. There is no “higher humanist standard”.
              Things are either “right” or “wrong”.

              So, you think kindness is in order for everyone? I agree.
              But who are we to tell everyone how to behave? Everyone has the right to their own morality, don’t they?


  4. “They are waiting and praying for god to come back and slaughter all the rest of us…It’s a religion that is divisive and racist and prejudice to its core…”

    This isn’t taught anywhere in Christianity.
    Christianity says we are to value, “love, joy, peace, patience, self-control, and kindness”.
    Christianity says “treat your neighbor the way you want to be treated”.
    Christianity says “when someone hits you on one cheek, offer the other cheek”.
    Christianity says “when someone demands your coat, give them your shirt too”.
    Christianity says “go two miles when someone demands that you go one”.
    Christianity says “love your enemies and pray for those who hate you”.
    Christianity says “treat others as more important than yourself”.
    Christianity says “be slow to anger”.

    Your description of Christianity is warped.

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    1. I heard just the other day from my baptist friends about the coming doom. Where are they getting their ideas about god coming and cleaning everyone out?

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            1. The worst ones would be a long post in itself. Maybe a new canonized “Book of Sins” as an insert would work. Taboo 1:1 reads Thou shalt know what craziness you’re signing up for before proceeding to the feel good part.

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            2. LOL… a good idea, in concept. But sadly, Christians (like the sort we know here) would STILL cherry-pick and focus on passages listed above — a tiny part of the entire Canonical Bible — with one eye open and the other closed. Today it is a very common optical ailment Jim, very prevalent in the last two of the Abrahamic religions. 😉

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            3. No. The request I’ve been making is for one of you godless geniuses to explain how you can call anything “despicable, atrocious, or inhumane”. Perhaps, with your vast knowledge of evolutionary science, you can explain the logic of right and wrong. Don’t you need a consensus of expert opinions based on data? And don’t we have to consider ignorance and misinformation too?


        1. Some are bold enough to treat women and minorities with equality and go against the grain of Christianity. And I applaud them for their courage.

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            1. I’m no scientist. I’m am however an observationist that can add 2 and 2. The morals of the Bible would not pass litmus test of Humanist equality or any real time modern common sense thinker of fairness and compatibility. Mans morality has surpassed and tested biblical morality at many turns if you think about it. If we still went with biblical teaching we’d still have slaves and silent women.

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            2. Yes. “The litmus test of Humanist equality”, what is that? I’ve never heard of such a thing.

              “Mans morality has surpassed and tested biblical morality at many turns…”
              There is no such thing as ‘mans morality’ just like there’s no such thing as ‘monkey morality’. Men are just fancy monkeys.


            3. There is no such thing as ‘mans morality’ just like there’s no such thing as ‘monkey morality’.

              Many paleoanthropologists, entomologists, sociobiologists, and naturalists would strongly disagree with you. I too disagree with you. There is very plausible, if not compelling reasons that morals and ethics are absolutely humanity’s creation dating back hundreds of thousands of years, probably millions. Read this entire article by Harvard University’s E.O. Wilson:


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            4. It’s called a metaphor John. Litmus test tests the PH of any given compound. Sometimes we use the words litmus test to describe or judge other items like the right and wrong in this dialog. Mans morality is better at judging right and wrong than what we read from “god”. A litmus test in this case would be to throw the morality of god out for a vote. Question 1. Should we allow the oppression of homosexuals based on their orientation? Human answer -No. Christian answer- we must because the Bible says it’s wrong. Best answer …ding! Mans morality is more loving than gods. More fair than gods. Man wins round one! Next question please?

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            5. ” 1. Should we allow the oppression of homosexuals based on their orientation? Human answer -No.”

              Not all humans answer, “No”.
              So which humans are correct?


            6. Find me some humanist that think it’s ok. You have lost and don’t know it John. Your grasping at nothings. I know your smarter than that.

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            7. Find me some Christians who think it’s “ok”. You’re still setting up a ridiculous cartoon version of Christianity. I defy you to find me a single person who professes to be a Christian who will respond “yes” to the question, “Should homosexuals be oppressed?”

              I’m not interested in who “wins” or “loses”. I’m interested in the truth. When we discover truth, we both win.

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            8. They are coming around slowly I admit, because gods laws are behind the morality of mans and the pressure to keep up. If it wasn’t for brave men and women standing against the churches barbarism could be an official religion


            9. You mean the barbarism of “treating others like you want to be treated” and “loving your enemies”? Or the barbarism of “turning the other cheek” and “putting others above yourself”?


            10. You got parts. Now change the cult ure to match the rest of the good that is available to everyone if we will it to be.


            11. And on the subject of non-hetero relationships/love Jim, and I’ve mentioned this to you before I think, according to the Christian God’s doctrines and His 4th-century CE Canonical Bible, THIS is also God’s working or prenatal workshop — 5-Alpha Reductase Defiency (Guevedoces) found in many parts of the world as this BBC article investigates… 😉


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            12. That’s a fabulous article. Why would god let people be born with deficient 5-alpha-reductase ? To see if we love him?


            13. True Jim, and that’s just one condition out of how many thousands developed prenatally!? To do it to somehow garner love and/or awe for Himself is or would be extremely warped and psychologically maligned… UNLESS…

              it was a perverted way to somehow show us that our current Christian ethics, morals, theology, and resulting sociopolitical constructs are HORRIBLY wrong. 😮

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            14. Also, one of Christian apologist’s pat answers to these Xian incongruencies is these prenatal conditions are a result of a Fallen world, of Satan, and that we cannot fully understand “His” methods of glorifying Himself. Hahahaha! But on the sadly serious side of that… what an utterly f*cked up pathology to do that to ANY child before they even take their first breath in this world!!!! 🤮🤬

              I want nothing to do with that type of God or His blind, ignorant followers!

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  5. You know this is getting crazier and crazier and dangerous. How can any person that is not mentally ill, believe and want to worship and admire a god that was capable of creating a whole universe and laws of physics and evolutionary processes, that ultimately gives such a huge and magnificently beautiful variety of life here and probably on other planets as well….., but yet be so totally insane and consumed by vengeance, lust for blood, lust for the most horrible of tortures and killings, judgements beyond comprehension, narcissism and obsession of being worshipped?

    So if you believe in the creator of the whole universe and all it’s beauty, you can’t believe in the other biblical mockery of a god.

    And if you believe in the crazy vengeful one….it is not a god or at least it is not a god worthy of anything but revulsion.
    You can’t have both…..unless you’re nuts

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    1. I think to really know god you would have to adapt the reality that he is capricious. The Greeks were more accurate in their mythological construct, that if there are gods they are cunning and untrustworthy mean sob’s.

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      1. Yes Jim! I think you might have seen this video-clip by Stephen Fry (listed as a Comedian) on my latest blog-post about capricious gods and more importantly about the immense value of unbelief, scrutiny, and applied critical-thinking skills. If I may Sir…

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  6. The only humans that would answer “yes” to the oppression of homosexuality would be those influenced and corrupted by religion and follow like sheep

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    1. BINGO!! Contestant Mary is our winner today. You want door number one, two, or three? Particularly judgmental and harsh is the Abrahamic religions I’m sure you were referring?


    2. And the question remains unanswered.
      Nature is full of oppression, cruelty, violence, and inequality. On what basis do godless folks say, “that’s wrong”?


    3. Yes nature is full of all kinds of harshness, oppression and violence and that’s why humans try (most of us) to alleviate suffering, oppression, unfairness etc. because it is for the good of the individual, the family, the country one lives in and the earth itself. It literally creates a meaningful life and it is a striving to ensure this for everyone.

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    4. The end game is survival of the species. In animals there is procreation and the survival of the fittest thing….not really morality, although there have been instances.
      In man, part is survival of the fittest for sure, but it is ultimately survival of the species and we do this through a morality trial and error that is often in flux , because it IS up to us to figure this out. Overall, we are doing a fair job of this especially in most democratic countries.
      But religion, and yes, more so the Abrahamic ones, fight it every step of the way. They don’t want to lose their control. They want to keep oppressing and judging and having their flock believe it’s ok to worship a cruel heartless egotistical god.

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      1. “Abrahamic ones, fight it every step of the way. They don’t want to lose their control. They want to keep oppressing and judging and having their flock believe it’s ok to worship a cruel heartless egotistical god.”

        Wait…I thought you said, “It’s all about procreation and the survival of the fittest”. What difference does it make who has control as long as the species survives?


        1. It matters to each of us that we are happy. Why does it have to be misery with you guys all the time? Human advancement can be a joy. Why must we fight? Oh, religion. Let’s have equilibrium and peace in our bonds with each other.


            1. It may not matter to you because your used to unhappiness being a Christian and all. This is the kind of against the grain attitudes that stifle. Your point has been heard. You choose to regress to ultimatums in favor of conjecture instead of trying to work a real solution your religion has not provided. You Always against productive dialog? All creatures try to find equilibrium or homeostasis. Happiness is important as unhappiness is bad for the creature. Stress and misery lead to shortened lives barely making the threshold for reproduction. This is not conducive to survival either. Stress in young humans leads to imbalance and suicide, often long before reproduction. It is an epidemic right now, and Christians are leading the pack here as well as other Abrahamics

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            2. “Stress in young humans leads to imbalance and suicide, often long before reproduction. It is an epidemic right now, and Christians are leading the pack here as well as other Abrahamics”

              I’ll need to see some data before I believe Christianity is a leading cause of suicide and depression. I think you’re making that up.


            3. Followers of religions that strongly prohibit suicide, like Christianity and Islam, have a higher suicide rate than those religions which have no strong prohibition (e.g. Buddhism and Hinduism.)


    5. John, I said “in animals” it is about procreation and survival of the fittest”, as they don’t have a reasoning ability.
      Survival of the fittest plays only part in humans. But it’s our ability to think and reason and make a determination that we must work out morality for the good of mankind to survive over the long haul and to ensure our planet survives as well.
      And it doesn’t matter who has control (humans or a god) as long as the species survives in a way that is conducive to a reasonably happy, peaceful, tolerant and safe life on a planet that is cherished and it’s environment is not thrown to the winds of big money.
      Humans are trying to do this and your Abrahmic God cannot because of his very character or lack of, I should say.

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      1. I haven’t mentioned God. There’s no point in bringing up God to you atheists.

        Morality is not necessary for “the good of mankind to survive over the long haul”. Single cell organisms are the most hearty lifeforms on Earth. They have existed for EONS before mankind without any morality whatsoever.

        If I chuck the religious concept of the Golden Rule, then why should I care what happens to other starving people in other countries? Why should I care what happens to the Earth after I’m dead? What’s wrong with stealing money from old people as long as I don’t get caught?


  7. I have seen people gleeful at the thought of them safe in heaven, while all sort of hellfire and horror befalls the sinners down below. A pleasure for them to gaze upon. To gloat over. To be smug in their holy fucking righteousness. Nothing like a good fucking x-ian.

    Those people disgust me to the very core of my being.

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    1. Branyan needs to know he is a guest. There is something to learn from everyone, even them now and then. But some guests wear out their welcomes and if he can’t be a good learner or sport about things I’ve got to block him. He went on a rant to another Christian on my other post criticizing Taboos hefty line of knowledge. I’m not tolerating any more of that. On a good note, I must be fairly effective here to attract so much piss n vinegar. Short, sweet, and right to the solar plexus baby!! Thanks for dropping in Shell.

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      1. I was thinking of Branyon when I wrote that and his denial of that particular reality I described, or more precisely of it not being in the bible. Well…maybe it isn’t. But that certainly doesn’t mean it isn’t fostered and well fed in church on Sunday. Deny that!

        Funny how people love to snipe for technical points, but dance all around the real issues.

        I like what you are doing Jim. Body shots are very effective for setting up the overhand right.

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    2. Seth Andrews of the “Thinking Atheist” says he realized a conflict when his mother who wouldn’t be happy in heaven looking down at him in hell claimed heaven was total happiness. It can’t be either. Either he is in heaven with her, or heaven couldn’t be her total happiness. I wish more people could see these faults in their scripture. Hugs

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