Common Sense

The term “common sense” is used frequently, mostly due to the the “lack of it” in other people. The majority of people think they have it and others don’t. While common sense has been studied as far back as Aristotle, and various definitions or applications can be noted, here is my definition. “Common sense is the ability to solve problems by applying a wide variety of experiences or learning to accomplish or complete a new task, or the ability to integrate or adapt by applying prior knowledge from a variety of experience or disciplines.

This being said, most people do get along fine in the world. Each finds their niche and have their own way of doing things. But here’s where the problem lies; In religion and other superstitions the “common sense” passed down from generation to generation stunts human potential. The Common knowledge that is part of the molding of common sense is off the mark and makes rational decision making impossible. I once had an eleven year old foster daughter whose mother was a mentally ill and superstitious religious woman. The girl could not make a rational decision of any kind, and often quoted her mother about various topics. It was a real life waterboy situation. Her baseline was skewed with certified confusion, only not to her. In her mind we were wrong, mom was right.

Raising children in superstition and religion can be an awkward awakening when actually faced with reality, where what you know conflicts with the real world. It can be a psychological mindbend, and for many the only way to swim out is complete reversal and abandonment of the old ways. One foot in and, one foot out is a forever unbalanced act of will.

Here is a pretty good wiki page about the history and concepts of common sense.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

30 thoughts on “Common Sense”

  1. Well Said. Ron and I often talk about the issues faced by children who have been home / church schooled by people more interested in indoctrination rather than knowledge or critical thinking. Those children as adults hit the job market or higher education facilities unable to function and relate to the society they now must live in. They either struggle to catch up and as you say reverse all they were indoctrinated with or they falter and fail, having no way to fulfill their potential in a reality they don’t fully grasp. It is a shame as some really develop strange untenable ideas because they have no other way to process the world they live in. Maybe worse they vote. Hugs

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I agree. My wife and I homeschooled my oldest son from 1st through 6th grade mostly because we were Christians and wanted him to have a “more meaningful” school experience and not be forced-fed the lies the public schools use to “educate” the kids. He did fine and was happy for a few years. Somewhere between 5th and 6th grade we noticed my son’s efforts were getting poorer (lazier) and he seemed to be a little sadder. He seemed to be a little lonely too. We tried to get him into sports and other activities, but he was uninterested. He had a couple of friends but getting them together was difficult due to conflicting schedules. We decided that the best thing for him was to enroll him in public school this year for seventh grade. He was nervous. We were too. He has absolutely thrived. He had an awkward couple of weeks in the beginning, but now he’s fitting in nicely. He’s a straight A student with several friends including a girlfriend now. All our fears were put to rest. Of course it’s a public school in the middle of nowhere so we’re not thinking he’s getting a world-class education. But the experience he’s getting being around other kids and learning to work together with people who are different than he is going to help him tremendously going forward in life. To me, the education takes a backseat to the interaction and problem solving skills he’s learning. Those are going to be the things he’ll take with him forever. I don’t remember much of the history, math, Spanish and other things I learned back in school. I do remember the people and I do remember what it was like to be able to function in groups of people with mixed ideas and beliefs. Some education is very important. Some of it is time-filler. It’s the whole “society training” that he’s getting that he has been missing. I can’t change the past, but I can do better in the future. (for him and my other children)

      We began this school year as Christians beginning to lose our faith. We are going to finish this school year as ex-Christians who now feel foolish for ever having been deceived. We thought we were doing the right thing for our son because of what we were told was true. We believed that the Christian way was the only way. Boy were we wrong. Our eyes are wide open now. Hindsight is definitely a sobering experience. Looking back I cannot fathom what made me trust the lies for so long. I know I was brought up that way, but I should have been smarter than that. But placing blame and holding on to the past doesn’t make things get better. We made mistakes, as we all do, but that is all in the past. Better late than never, right?

      Liked by 8 people

      1. And most of your situations stem from fear, and withholding key points to suit your religious needs. Glad you busted out. Sounds like it was a great move!

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      2. Ben I congratulate you. You cared enough about your son to see through the lies and see him and his needs. You are correct. Schools provide or should provide more than just the curriculum. We are a society and a community of diverse people and we don’t start that magicly when we hit 18 and adulthood. We learn it every day of our lives. Seems you son has great parents who care very much about his development and future. Hugs

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Thank you Scottie. My wife and I care about our kids more than anything. It’s unfortunate that my oldest son had to experience the hardships of homeschooling, be at least we know going forward for the next two (soon to be 3) kids. 4 kids? What was I thinking? 🙂 Of course, putting Christianity behind us makes everything so much easier. We live and we learn. Hey, we’re people. We make mistakes and we learn from them. When we make mistakes but don’t learn from them, we call ourselves Christians 😉

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      3. Thanks for sharing your story. Real testimony to how being religious can alienate us to our own detriment. I have been there, somewhat. Whereas being religious helped me survive high school, I only barely survived. I now know that I missed out on a lot because of it.

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        1. We, as parents, try to do what we think is best for our kids. Sometimes we are right and sometimes we are way off. When you see your child struggling right in front of you it’s tough. It would be even worse to continue doing the same thing despite seeing them struggle because your religion says it’s best for them. The “secular” outside world was not as scary as the church told us it was. In fact, everything we once thought was true was turned on its head and the people we were told were “lost” turned out to be some of the best people we’ve met. Freethinking was not just discouraged in the church, it was considered sinful. It was a sign that Satan had a hold on us. How ridiculous. I am so glad that life is behind me and can look forward to the future.

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          1. Even some of the spew I used to parrot was not me. After leaving and confronting how I really felt about social issues I was a completely different person as well.

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            1. It’s like a switch gets flipped once you realize what is the real truth. I used to think so many things were wrong simply because I was told they were wrong by the church or because the Bible said so. Being a Christian takes your thoughts away from you and replaces them with someone else’s. It makes you look back with regret once you’re out of that way of life. But, like I said, there’s no point dwelling in the past. I’m now on to bigger and better things.

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          2. Again, I can relate with that. Most of my friends now are either atheist or really liberal. They are some of the best people I know. Yet I wouldn’t have known that if I was still believing all that I was told as a Christian. That they are lost, evil, hell bound etc. I still have to take caution though as we all should. But opening up your mind and taking the courage to act on what you honestly believe and know really makes life much richer.

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  2. …here is my definition. “Common sense is the ability to solve problems by applying a wide variety of experiences or learning to accomplish or complete a new task, or the ability to integrate or adapt by applying prior knowledge from a variety of experience or disciplines.

    I love, love, LOVE these parts: “applying a wide variety” and “from a variety of experience or disciplines“!!! That right there will hone and hone and PERFECT your/our critical-thinking skills. The more we do it, put ourselves bravely into unchartered waters or territories, we WILL become more whole, fulfilled, and wise human beings!

    Great post Jim! 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I found it fitting after B yawns comment yesterday- “I don’t know where your from, but around here we defend our beliefs”. No fact, just a narrow perception of reality based on superstition.

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  3. Your foster daughter was torn between two worlds, and I guess the biological bond caused her to listen to her mother. Which is very sad. I would like to add that it is important to teach our children to think for themselves. It can be dangerous to simply follow the crowd/crowds. Never asking any questions. Common sense may be good, but not all that is common is.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you. Excellent point. “Not all that is common is”. Immersed in pop culture and religion it’s amazing that anyone survives to intelligence.

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  4. Well, like a Young Earth/Creationist, Christian Scientist I once knew once said to his puppy, Yappy, “Yappy, we Creationist/Young Earthers got lots ‘o common sense ‘n experience. We gots da combined experience of knowin’ dat da earth is flat AND dat it’s only 6 thousan’ years old! When ya’ combine dat with da great, never-ending, plethora of knowledge we gits from readin’ certain parts o’ da bible, we are da most experienced common sense folks dat der ever, ever was or ever, ever will ever, ever be. Hey! Gardarnit, Yappy. Why’d ya havta go ‘n pee on my autographed copy ‘o Ken Ham’s, ‘Dis Book Says Da Earth Is Only 6000 Years Old, So it Must Be’? Now I gotta buy ‘nother one from Mr. Ken fer 125.50! Geez! Dat’s a lot ‘o dough!”

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  5. I have long known common sense isn’t so common. It’s few and far between.

    As to home schooling between the two of us we’ve got 8+ years of schooling after high school – and my experience in the I.T/I.S. field is formidable. I suppose I might home school, not because I’m Christian – in fact am an Atheist myself. But because the math and science I know would be useful to a kid. Come on, I’d have the kid studying point-set topology and forming mathematical proofs.


    1. I have a question. Couldn’t any parent who wants their child to have more information / education than they are getting in their school use their experience and knowledge to teach their children extra skills? Why take the child out of a good school program and tech them at home alone. Simply add your wonderful education to their existing studies. Hugs

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