Mau Goddess Bastet

I believe the Egyptians were on to something when they acknowledged the cat (Felis silvestris catusas) as a god. Bastet, a half human and half cat, is the closest representation in Egyptology to the Christian god YHWY. Cats toy with their victims who never know why, and the mouse, inferior physically, has to submit and quietly wonder what it all means. Never having to explain “why” and inflicting and allowing misery on those that don’t understand, is the YHWY way. The warring nature of Bastet is a shoe-in that would fit nicely into Christian history.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

14 thoughts on “Mau Goddess Bastet”

    1. I know. Who would do that to a cat? I am mostly bald (on my head) and I always need a hat nowadays. I am sure Bastet would be highly displeased with this baldness.

      Liked by 4 people

  1. Hairless cat, a mole rat that meows.

    “Never having to explain “why” and inflicting and allowing misery on those that don’t understand, is the YHWY way.” This is one of many reasons I just can’t understand the dedication of the faithful.

    Liked by 1 person

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