God Is Love.. What is Love?

My wife is super cool. She goes out of her way to do things for me, is a hard worker and manages the family like a pro. Every day she tells me she loves me, and every day she is there, doing things that ease my life and make it better.

If she told me she loved me, did nothing to show it, laid around for years on end telling me how inadequate I am and worthless without her, all the while doing nothing herself, I would not believe that she actually loved me. Saying it is not enough. Love is an action verb. It is nice to say, but without any effort or action, it is null.

God is love. Spoken from every pulpit in Christianity like a broken record. What this means, is you need to love others for god to get any credit. If you do nothing, like God personally, then gods love is absent. Why doesn’t he do any of the loving himself? Why doesn’t he feed the poor, but counts on us to do it for him? He is all powerful, yet nothing. But, if you go out of your way to help someone, he gets the glory, even if your an atheist.

The words are great, that god is love, but history has shown since the beginning, that god does not love, that god is absent, and that the preachers are counting on you, from the beginning, because he has refused countless times to do it himself. Or he simply is not real, and never has been.

Don’t forget to look around. Things in religion rarely show themselves as they say, and requires continual words to prop it up.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

87 thoughts on “God Is Love.. What is Love?”

  1. No love and no action. That’s the god I know. My former church’s New sign out front is ” Don’t worry. God is in full control.” I would hate to see what this world would be like if he wasn’t in full control. What do they mean full control? Either this messed up world is exactly as he wanted it and that’s how he’s in control or he’s letting it get really bad because he’s planning something big….or maybe he’s not there. Just maybe.

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    1. Full Control. North Korea may just be a prototype of heaven. Total subservience for eternity doesn’t sit well with me, although some people insist on having a royal to worship and fondle over and excuse every tyrannical deed as wisdom. God is is full control really has a nice, dual ring to it. What a funny slogan to promote your church.

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    2. Ben:

      ‘God is in full control’ … I like it~! Proof, if needed, that God is a sadistic Brute on an unimaginably vast scale. An honest admission from The Church? Unintentional, be assured. (As soon as they really what they’ve actually said that sign will be whisked down.)

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      1. I doubt they have any clue what that sign looks like to the “outside world.” To them, everything is perfect. God’s still farting out rainbows for them to bow down to and lift up praise.

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  2. I’ve been a lifelong atheist…never even thought there could be a possibility. Was it because I wasn’t raised in a religious home or around religious people or am I just wired different?

    I look at the OT and think…how on earth can people believe this stuff is real! It’s myth, violence, revenge, judgement and extreme cruelty, not to mention jealousy and narcissism.

    What then..a switch to the NT and suddenly god becomes Jesus and is all good and wanting not to judge and take care of thy brother, the poor and on and on! Well this isn’t true either, as you must believe the correct religion of Christianity and the correct version of it, or….well it doesn’t go well for those other 3/4 of the entire earth’s population. But god,who is now Jesus, is all loving and not judgemental.

    So as an outsider looking in, it is totally incomprehensible to me that people actually believe this fantasy and as evidenced by some of the occasional religious follower on these boards, delight in being hateful and are totally unable to reason and use logic. We are not in the dark ages anymore.

    This problem of lack of care for the environment and anti science stance is a huge problem for progress and the ability to ensure a healthy planet and a reasonable peaceful one for all its inhabitants and all the flora and fauna as well.

    If this doesn’t change through religion going away or drastically changing, we are screwed.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. We are screwed, and religion IS the root of it all. But you wait and see, in heaven it even gets worse, but the blind un-intellect takes pride in misery, even inventing a heaven after this hell, that is filled with things he already hates, and void of the things they love. ABSOLUTELY loving ‘letters from the earth’. This book is such a straight shooter and right! I can’t believe I didn’t write it!

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        1. I’ll get to noah soon enough. I’m only on letter three, but this is a must read for every teenager at Bible camp. Not just sarcasm, he points out the absurdity of its undoubted, ridiculous nature. Absolutely the best read I’ve had in a long time. Thanks for the tip my friend.

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            1. You know what amazes me the most? How much these guys knew about reality centuries ago, but the knowledge has been carefully funneled and directed and withheld. HG Wells called it the greatest conspiracy.

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    2. Challenge, Mary:

      “We are not in the dark ages anymore.” Oops … blatantly, we are. Still.

      And if I may stick my neck out here: we always will be.

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      1. I agree…I’m afraid man is driven to fight change and to desire the supernatural over reality.

        I remember Carl Sagan in his Cosmos series saying the reason there has been no contact or evidence from alien civilizations could be because once they reach a certain point in technology, they destroy themselves. Not because of technology, but that they then have the means. I think he may be right.

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        1. I think the reason why could well be that they aren’t that stupid as to literally give firearms to six-year-olds.
          If they are out there—it’s possible that they may be quietly waiting for us to to grow up?


    1. That’s funny. And I know funny. The absurdity is incredible. I write with due restraint but sometimes I just want to scream the gross idiocy of the whole religion

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    2. lol

      Hannibal: A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

      God: David once took a census. I killed thousands of people with a plague.

      Who’s the more civilized of the two?

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      1. Whoa crapballs Ron! Great observation. But see, Christians are blinded and still openly praise god, but they wouldn’t sit at a table with Hannibal or Jeffery for that matter. They didn’t do enough to earn praise I guess.


      2. Equals. It’s just a question of scale. (But that’s what you were saying … now please pass the ketchup …)


  3. Wonderful pont there, haha!
    Why doesn’t he show his love himself!?😂 Now who could answer that?? You know what answer I got for that question? God loves us through others. And they get their share of his love through us. He’s in us, he’s everywhere. He sees everything and that’s gross.

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    1. But in heaven we get eternal harp music and continual group hugs while we sing for eternity. Heaven has it all. All the things we already hate, and none of the things we love. Perpetual singing and music = noise, and from all the invented accounts of Christian heaven, no sex. No intellect, no independence, 8 octillion years of group hugs bathing in tears of pure joyous rapture while contemplating how we came to deserve such happiness. Is this hell? No. But either way it’s coming.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. What version of heaven is that?
        We were never told how heaven is like. It’s good to hear what heaven looks like, even if imaginary.😂😂
        I’d love to sing with people. Take me there, won’t you??😂😂

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        1. Christians have a way of inventing things that may sound good on the surface, but after careful analysis they are but misery or contradiction. Read a bible as an outsider Bharath, and you will see it. Outside of biased explanations, you will wonder why anyone believes it at all.

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      2. That’s why Uncle Mo will win over Yeshua … Mo offers 72 houris and eternal wine free forever to all his proven faithful. Free boozing and bonking for all eternity: beat that, Jesus!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. That, Jim, is why Islam will take over. No?

        All the Christers can offer is in your summary above—

        —but Islam offers all the sex, lust, booze, depravity you can eat for all eternity. Boom boom!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. A critical observation. One can fill libraries with philosophical word games, defining things into existence, but the central idea of the belief (love) is simply belied the second it is applied to reality.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Yes. My new theme in life, look around you. Absolutely nothing is as they say it is. All word games and deceit. But why? And to our destruction too. Cheers

      Liked by 4 people

    2. Big fleas have little fleas
      Upon their backs to bite ’em
      Little fleas have littler fleas
      So on ad infinitem

      So everything is based on pain, no?

      Thank God I’m at the top of the food-chain … excuse me a second (scratch scratch scratch) (aaaaaaaahh!).

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  5. Finding god is practiced mental gymnastics fueled by a social instinct to belong and receive approval/reinforcement from the group an individual identifies with. Or brainwashing if you prefer.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I did the mental gymnastics for many years. Nothing added up. It never did but groupthink and endless explanation is what the true faith is. Thanks for stopping by. What part of the world are you in?


  6. A GREAT analogy Jim! BRAVO! 👏 In counseling, particularly marriage and/or family therapy, clinicians teach this concept of love all throughout the relational, kinesis, and verbal dynamics. Why? Because every single person’s communication and language of love they express or recieve is different. Thus, it greatly behooves us to learn as MANY love languages as possible!!! 😍😀

    Wonderful post Sir!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you. It’s another of those Christian click phrases that doesn’t have a smudge of reality when you peel it back. But I’m supposed to put my wife and kids behind god in my life. All my allegiance to him before them. For what? Words that don’t add up. Again. Literally every phase of Christianity doesn’t match what they say.

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      1. HAH! Man, I could tell you some freaky, bizarre, and utterly hypocritical of my years in churches, especially the one my ex-wife liked for our 2 kids and myself — a non-denom charismatic church. 😬

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I bet. I am from a different background where answers come in droves as they make it up as they go. Ya know, drip fed doctrine goes right along with drip fed morality. Immorally dispensed in due time to suit the needs of the changing god

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  7. Of course God loves us, and does things for us~! (Didn’t he build you this lovely universe, you ungrateful heathen? Didn’t He send Himself down to declare His word for you, taking the form of His very own self/son to do so—and get nailed up for His troubles?) (Hah! Bet He didn’t see that one coming …).

    Anyway, I now have to do some Amazoning … don’t wait up …)

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      1. It’s in the Bible, dammit~!

        If that’s not enough, there’s no end of experts take the podium every Sunday, all you have to do is get thee along there with open heart and wallet.

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  8. I have always agreed with the teaching that love is an action verb, and that’s something that us as humans should all strive for. But when one says that ‘God is love’ that’s where I have a problem. If we go off the Bible, God seems more like an abusive partner than anything else.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. His is a history of total domination and unforgiving. Even casting out his Adam and Eve and cursing their children. If I tossed my kids out like that, I’d be an asshole.

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      1. Yeah if you take any action that God has done in the Bible, and imagine a human doing that instead, God doesn’t seem like such a swell dude after all. It’s funny, we love to get our pitch forks out when a human does something nasty, yet to many God gets a free pass.

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    1. Well it took me being a Christian to become an atheist. Absolutely undertook it and hoped for it. But alas…not a whit adds up to reality but clever excuses is the real love of god. See, you only “think” you understand the maize and the lack of proof, and the absence of god and have rationalized a convicting way to believe it because you have chosen to. Nothing more. Thanks for stopping.


        1. That is crap and you know it. Fifty years and not a shred of evidence or answered prayer. None of it. I devoted my life to it. You have absolutely no idea what you say, but oft repeat what you’ve been told. That phrase is the biggest load ever.


        2. I do feel for your struggle though. Christians often stop by atheist blogs during faith crisis. Doubt is ok. It is the first step to your awakening. Literally all of you get into apologetics to reconcile your doubt, then spend a lifetime trying to prove your right when you actually have nothing but a dogma that was forced upon you, sometimes painfully historically, and now you have become the very thing that oppressed you. It’s a hard pill to swallow, being manipulated and deceived that way. Be happy to answer your questions to help you along.


            1. Christians like one line general accusations I guess. We don’t have to argue. You have the burden of proof as you are claiming something no one has ever seen. You have nothing.

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            2. I agree. Faith and waiting has proven to be a huge waste of time and a detriment to our physical world. The system you espouse is defunct and it’s time to solve our own problems instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you.


            3. Well aren’t you an encouraging site. Closing off to potential learning outside of your bubble is the death of any organization. At least know what you are talking about when you make generalizations about people. If one observes what is in front of his face, only a Christian could say it isn’t there. Closed, clinging, hoping, and now fishing for criticism and counting it as stripes for jesus. Psychology 101 You’ve been played by the faith card. Sorry


            4. At least he has a puck to drop. Christianity slight of hand and an empty bag of nothing but desolation and excuses for it. Good one.


            5. You know what? I totally agree. It’s a massive waste of time to believe in and worship a supernatural entity that doesn’t even exist.

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  9. Your wife clearly demonstrates love. What if she didn’t do all that, caused afflictions “for your own good,” and threatened to torment you for eternity? Then I’d have my doubts!

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