
How legislating equality is undermining potential—A better way from within.

“It is not in the shallow physical imitation of men that women will assert first their equality and later their superiority, but in the awakening of the intellect of women—Nicholi Tesla

Nicholi Teslas understanding of the electrical world in which we live gave him vision of the possibilities of progress. From the innermost workings of the human brain to the most basic of elements, everything is electrical. The idea that half the population requires men to allow women equal opportunity is from the get-go an expose’ on how far we have to go. Women’s equality in our societies must be as natural as water rolling down a hill, but to get there, women will have to forge ahead through excellence. Only then will humanity achieve its maximum potential.

Demanding gender equality through legislation is quite possibly the one of the grandest of illusions. In countries with greater gender equality, women decline in science and math. In more oppressive societies women are thought to accelerate in science and math because it is the fastest route to financial independence STUDY

Then of course there is page two

“Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment and merging of races, and we are still far from this blissful realization—Nicholi Tesla

Universal enlightenment will only truly come when all of our senses are activated, of our matters resolved, all of our colors united, and all of our women absolved from their pigeonholed stations in life, not only by men, but by women awakening their intellect.

It may or may not be men’s to give, but it will require continued effort on the part of women that no legislation will evenly compensate.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

36 thoughts on “Feminisms”

  1. Ya got me to reading up on ‘you can’t legislate morality.’ So many religious do not see religion as legislation (from god, don’t cha know), even MLK. Of course what is legislated can be unlegislated. “Change the hearts of men”???? From what to what? I must be feeling a bit hopeless (or nihilist) this morning.

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    1. It is a total makeover in the way we think and see things. The mere fact I think to post this means we have a long way to go. Both sides, no excuses!

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  2. Spot on!!!! They say we can’t legislate morality, well we can’t legislate the erasure of all gender differences evolved into us! How incredibly sexist it is when women are told by the Left they must be like a man in all but name to be worth something, and cast traditional feminine roles and clothing as “oppressive” thus devaluing womanhood! Also, not to mention much of the transgender issues they push in the face of established science. A man can “feel like” and want to be a woman, but he will never be one according to the DNA in his trillion or so cells, nor is it normal for a person to feel they literally should have been born the opposite sex! The Left however, is normalizing this though and trying to make both sexes identical, in that both must be like men or else! Gender differences are now deemed anathema and heresy to acknowledge without cries of “sexism”! Women and men ARE equal, but in their humanity and dignity and worth to this planet. NOT in that their roles, abilities, and natures must be exactly the same!

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    1. I don’t think many of us actively see the gaps, even when we think we’ve arrived. The patriarchal world culture acts like they’re giving up part of their liberty, when in reality it is the key to widespread happiness for all sexes. I disagree with you on transgender issues. Talk to the people involved like Gavin Grimm. Equality is for all isn’t something you can pick and choose. Really.

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  3. “Demanding gender equality through legislation is quite possibly the one of the grandest of illusions”
    Ending slavery did not put an end to racism, either. But maybe it was a good first step.

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    1. Excellent first step. Good point. The doors had to be opened. But as the study here indicates, complacency overtakes desires after legislation. My idealism likes Teslas philosophy, but I realize we have a long way to go—Especially globally. Who can be the first to get it right? That would be a competition I’d sign up for. There are still huge groups that pigeonhole women’s potential from birth and assign roles. By the time a young girl is old enough to recognize the flaws and her potential, years have past.

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      1. Well, I think that limiting the behavior does help discourage the underlying attitudes.
        Plus it gives the subjects of repression a bit of room to breathe. It necessarily gets messier from there, before it gets any better.
        More to your point, I think it is dangerous to encourage performance at the expense of repairing psychology ( developing psychological self-sufficiency, which is difficult under any circumstances, though – climb on!).
        In doing so, you give the arbiters of success additional power over people, and the arbiters of success are typically complicit in repression in the first place.
        In other words, you are in a sense, setting people up to fail while still allowing them to think that they are defined by their failures. Glass ceilings, pay inequities, maternity leave, etc. do matter on that account as well.

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        1. I wish we had a clear, more current example of the ideal for people to see that could inspire us to live more wholly. There are clues that some ancient civilizations lived these ideals, and was a huge leap in their monumental achievements. Then patriarchy overcame sensibility in the name of ego. My guess is a priestly class and money had something to do with the collapse. But, I’m reading between lines and looking at the inherent nature of the “men of words” that seem to take over everywhere.


  4. Mr Darwin had decidedly negative views of women compared to men: ‘ men attain a higher eminence it whatever they take up than women, whether requiring deep thought , reason, or imagination , or merely the use of hands ‘—- steady on Charles you must not take natural selection too far – or must he ?
    Tesla was an amazing man and to him we virtually owe civilisation since electricity is indispensable , but we must remember Faraday was the father of electricity , he discovered the principle of induction and the curious fact that magnetism and electricity are inextricably linked. The earth itself is a huge magnet because of its iron content but just why iron is magnetic and other metals aren’t is a bit of a mystery.
    Equality and sameness are not interchangeable to wax religious ( I do it just to annoy ) all men are equal in the sight of God but they are all very different and ( you will excuse ) thank God they are.
    One of the big differences between men and women is in sport men’s superior strength and speed is indisputable. Still we might as well encourage mixed football but be careful who you grapple with.
    Quite recently the chess grandmaster Nigel Short let drop that men were better players — silly boy Nigel we know the results show it but you mustard not say it. He could have balanced it out by saying women are better knitters than men but then we would have had another deluge of protest.
    Equality now there’s a stumbling block , it certainly does not exist in nature , some women are devastatingly beautiful and others hardly worth a second look.
    Let me end this ramble with a question ; are some books more suitable for women than men ? at the risk of being banned from this site I suggest Mills and Boon are romantic dishes for ladies. Men prefer to watch gruesome westerns with plenty of gun slinging.

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    1. Certainly would be worth a try as we’re close to needing some type of colossal change. I tend to not like the “either/or” scenarios but a true partnership embracing all the differences would be my first option. As you can see the comment from LoR above, it’s still hard for some people to grasp that we all have something to contribute, even if they currently lay outside our comfort zone. So, what if transgender was a choice? So what? Why is that so hard to accept? Each of us have preferences in many aspects of our lives. Why is that such a contested topic? Oh yeah, religion.

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    2. There are several political positions that were filled by women in this last election. Perhaps we’ll get a taste of what they can do. If the men won’t block them!

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      1. One thing I would like to point out that i think is a key to the needed approach. Each man and woman should be allowed to embrace their feminine and masculine sides. We all have them and spend much of our lives hiding a big portion of who we are. This is the beginning and end of the puzzle. We are born this way, but very few die this way.

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  5. I always say, we each have a 2 foot guy in a toga dwelling somewhere within us. So let’s find him and have a TOGA PARTY!!! Enough bickering! Time to party.
    I’d gladly welcome a matriarchal society. The patriarchal one we’ve established here needs some balance! We need a Bea Arthur to balance out every Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell. Now THAT, I’d love to see.

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  6. Fathers of daughters (such as you), who don’t treat them differently than sons, are helping make strides in the right direction. My father was like that, too. But it can be jarring when we realize the world outside our family WILL treat us differently than our brothers. Then self-doubt creeps in.

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    1. Very true. That level of confidence is my wife’s department. It is important to set boundaries how you are willing to be treated and she is exceptionally good at that. It is interesting to see the reactions when someone tries to intimidate her and it doesn’t go well.

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  7. I had a rather odd upbringing, it seems. I didn’t know gender inequality was even an issue until I was in my teens. On the farm my mother was my father’s business partner. All business decisions were made jointly. She would be out mucking out the calf pens, driving tractor, hauling grain, feeding cattle, etc. just as often as my father was. By the time I was an adolescent I was just as comfortable with ironing shirts, doing laundry, cleaning floors and cooking as I was with making fences, fixing tractors, milking cows, etc. There were no gender roles, there was just work to be done and whoever had the time to do it, did it.

    Getting out in the real world was a bit of a shock to me when I saw how women and girls were often treated. My male peers in high school (late 60s, early 70s) treated girls like they were little more than potential sex toys. Sexual harassment was a daily occurrence and the girls hated it but accepted it because that was the way things were “supposed to be”. By the time I was in my mid twenties I’d stopped three sexual assaults and two outright rapes, and in all five cases there were people standing around, both men and women, doing nothing or, even worse, actually egging it on.

    If this is starting to sound like I’m more than a little passionate about equal rights for women, well, I am. I’ve seen far too many women and girls hurt by the casual macho jackass attitude of men who have to prop up their egos by denigrating others. I’m equally passionate about the rights of LGBT people. When I see and hear these so called “men of god” standing up in their pulpits attempting to claim women are somehow the property of men, or that people who don’t fall into their narrow definition of what “gender” is are sinners or worse, it infuriates me.

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  8. “We” should know by now that it is impossible to legislate equality. It never worked to curb racism, it will have no effect for feminism. Enforced legislation against beliefs, traditions and mores leads to reaction and violence. The problem, as I understand it, is programming. Obvious since there is neither natural nor beneficial common sense in misogyny. The next (huge) step is to admit the existence of this programming effect and the very next step is to discover and expose its source. By nature and obvious common sense men should revere, respect, support and love all women. Any and all violence against women is the greatest crime and horror men can indulge in. All men are born of women, are they not? Then where does the “need” to oppress, subjugate, control and rape — come from? That’s the question that needs to be answered and dealt with before there is any change. Now we’re talking about the patriarchy. How was it established, and to what end?

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    1. May be a holdover in our primate days. The apes concerned themselves with three things. Control of food, territory, and sex. Abrahamic religion is still overly concerned with 2 of those on a global stage. God (the writers) were obsessed with controlling harems. Learning to write before this trait was abandoned may have carried it over beyond its needed time. Holding on to the old and outdated is now tradition. Because it’s written.


  9. “Demanding gender equality through legislation is quite possibly the one of the grandest of illusions”

    Legislation is a good tool to get equal rights for both sexes. And that’s all the help legislation can do

    As LoR pointed out women and men can’t be 100% equal in roles, abilities, and natures. I think many feminists ignore this.
    Some tasks are better suited to one sex than another. Most male “superiorists” misinterprets this point
    That’s by the way

    To achieve equality in other areas of human endeavor like the STEM fields no legislation can help with that. Only women using their intellect can achieve that and it starts with more participation on the part of women
    This year a group I volunteer in co-hosted a couple of events in STEM fields both online and offline. In all of them there were more male than female participation (in some we made it free for females, this still didn’t make any meaningful difference)
    I am quite certain that the only reason why historically, men have contributed more in exploration, the sciences, philosophy and other intellectual, political endeavors is simply because they have been far more male than female participation
    Equality would only be achieved when we have fairly equal intellectual contributions by both sexes.
    No legislation can do this

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    1. As LoR pointed out women and men can’t be 100% equal in roles, abilities, and natures. I think many feminists ignore this.
      Some tasks are better suited to one sex than another. Most male “superiorists” misinterprets this point

      I’ll take issue here and say the problem is that I just don’t think we can say specifically that every woman is better A, and men are better at B. It just doesn’t work like that. It’s a spectrum with a distribution. For any quality there may be a mean difference, and it may be that there will be less women let’s say on the extreme end of their ability to do theoretical physics, just as their might be less men on the extreme end of good elementary teachers. I don’t know. The point is there will always be some women who are just as brilliant as men at theoretical physics even if that ratio is 2:1 in favor of men. At no time can we turn down a woman for a job interview in a physics department solely based on gender. So while I agree that we can’t expect purely equal numbers in every profession, keeping in the forefront of our minds these broad mean differences can perhaps be unhelpful when making decisions about hiring and thinking about who might be best qualified for any particular position.

      So yes a 50/50 split everywhere is an unrealistic expectation, but we also can’t have the mindset that women aren’t good at A, and men aren’t good at B and use that as a basis for the decision making process. I think the best solution is to focus on what values are important for any particular occupation (and I’m not talking only about paid occupations, it could be parenting) and not worry about whether any of those values are on average tied to any particular gender, because they simply aren’t 100% of the time.

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      1. I agree with virtually all you said

        I’ll take issue here and say the problem is that I just don’t think we can say specifically that every woman is better A, and men are better at B. It just doesn’t work like that. It’s a spectrum with a distribution.

        I wasn’t implying that all men are better than all women at specific tasks and vice versa
        Sorry for not being clear but what I meant was

        At no time can we turn down a woman for a job interview in a physics department solely based on gender.

        Certainly regardless of the post being applied for, the criteria used to determine who is in or out should be based on merit, regardless of sex, race, sexual preferences etc
        Group statistics are not always accurate on an individual basis

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        1. And I misspoke when I said take issue, but rather meant to add some additional clarity or nuance to what you had said. I don’t think you really implied “all women this” or “all men that”…but I do think discussions about mean difference often get misused by people who don’t understand how statistics works which I think makes honest discussion about such topics challenging.

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        2. Sorry for not being clear but what I meant was

          As a group some tasks are more suited for one sex than another. But regardless of this, each individual should be given equal opportunity to prove his or her ability despite the group’s average

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      2. Perhaps he meant physically? There simply are things women’s bodies are not equipped to do. No argument that some do go to extremes to prove this adage wrong …

        Mentally, however, when left to their own devices, I don’t think either sex has an edge.

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        1. Sure…but there is also physical things that men can’t do, that women can when it comes to dexterity, gracefulness and flexibility…I guess it depends what physical quality you are looking for. But yes, certainly on the extreme end of the spectrum of strength…few women can compete there, I agree.


          1. Have you ever considered male ballet dancers? I saw a video on FB that showed some of them “exercising” and you would not BELIEVE their dexterity, grace and flexibility! But of course, the females have it over the males when it comes to child-bearing. 🙂

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            1. I’ve seen it before. And the physical strength makes many male dancers capable of things females can’t copy… But I still think female dancers look more graceful… Perhaps that feeling is aesthetic. But I do think there is a study showing that women on average have better dexterity. Maybe that’s been falsified… It’s been awhile since I read that.


  10. I know many have commented on your point about legislation, but I do think legislation has an important role to play. I think if you look at any particular legislation there is no doubt in my mind that the passing of the civil rights act didn’t make anybody a non-racist. But what it did do, was perhaps make some people who actually didn’t feel free to express their non-racist attitudes openly because there was less social cost to it. That’s important. More importantly though, I think the value is in the long game because in the end, even despite having racist parents a new generation will simply grow up in a country where segregation isn’t a think. If you are a child and all your life women will vote, that seems normal that women should vote and can participate in a democracy. Even with the enormous influence of your parents on a particular social matter, there is still no getting around the fact that you are now growing up in a country that, as a majority, decided that women should be allowed to vote. That means something. I think it can’t help but breed, on average, more tolerance to ideas that your misogynist father or racist parents might have. The next generation after that will even be less opposed to such ideas. So I do think the laws and legislation that we create to recognize the human rights of all people regardless race, gender, sexuality, or creed matter a great deal in the longer arc of history.

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    1. I like the idea that a few pieces of legislation can bring awareness to promote change and I agree. That standard of fairness should exist across the board, only then to trickle across the pulpits with scriptural justification and innuendo, seeding the minds of girls and women with roles appointed by god.
      Interestingly in this case, it is those that claim access to a higher law, are the ones that need the laws of mere men to promote equality. Great comment Swarn. Thanks for you input.

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  11. Hi Jim. I think equality of opportunity is fair enough. Meaning that everyone should be able to have the opportunity to seek a position in life regardless of gender, race etc. The problem comes with demands for equality of outcome based on gender, race etc. When people demand that an equal proportion of men and women, whites and non-whites etc are put into positions by virtue of race, gender (as opposed to ability) then you have a rigged game as bad as it might have been when cave men ruled the planet (ahem, perhaps they still do!).


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