Having the Need to Believe—Breaking the Faith Trap

How religions are only true for those with emotional needs, and those who dispense it.

Religion—only valid for those with emotional/physical needs and of course, those who desire status and dispense it. But for people normally adjusted and naturally content—the confident, it holds no truth at all. Need itself makes religion real, then, obligation perpetuates it long after confidence is restored by the group and belief refrains its senses. Those who need it cannot understand how a meaningful life can exist without it. Them that seek out religion due to overwhelming cultural pressure but don’t need it, continue to search from church to church, finally finding their way in the fringes of belief in their own, underwhelming way. It can be uncomfortable for a species expected to believe in something—to not believe in anything at all. Humans generally will believe nearly anything, so belief of any kind is more culturally acceptable than non-belief.

Christianity is now adamant is has the answers to life’s questions—questions they readily admit they have no answer for. Now relegated to god-opting scientific claims and ultimatums with no proof—but convinced we must join with them to have wisdom from a god they cannot know nor comprehend.

Christianity’s use of the endocrine system to manipulate feelings along with the subtle nuances of human neurology, perception, and need—into an almighty god whose opiums for the masses conjures naivety. The organizations that offer you hope dispenses the drug. Addiction is now propagated by a meaningless entity, no longer relevant to the whole.

How much time do we honor belief—the mere agreeance to an unfounded idea? How long shall faith be revered and cultivated as a quality, celebrating ignorance by claiming mere belief as sacred?

You are the meaning. Holding on to purpose through religion only leaves you conceited with a surety that shortchanges discovery. Your true escape from the doldrum of life naturally comes by way of accomplishment. Accomplishment that is thwarted in reliving the ills of perpetual worthlessness week after week, year after year. We have the ability to create a more meaningful existence than anyone can do for us. But those confronted with poor conditions of existence look for anything transcendent to make lives worthwhile.

Now the religion that gave people hope in their once hopeless situation has become a generational crutch, self serving its own existence in spite of the fact that it’s people have moved on.

The unproven idea of a savior is truly relegated to a set of neurons and thought. No physical change has been made, but thought is the key—and the proof that the power is generated—then manifest in and by you.

An honest religion would counsel you to leave it behind when it’s objective is met, empowering you to live your own meaningful existence on your terms. Religion is only true until you’ve found your worth and no longer need it, but they would never admit that.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

27 thoughts on “Having the Need to Believe—Breaking the Faith Trap”

    1. I don’t quite think they create dependency, but foster it. Many people are looking for something, needing value or meaning to get them through the hard times. Religion is then a continual reminder of your weakness, even when you don’t need them anymore. Here’s the trick to the truth though, when you leave faith behind life is easier, without reversal to your old problems, but a breath of free air. We all got this!

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      1. I think it’s dependency. They tell people that they are weak, evil and need to depend on the Lord’s mercy. To get that you must be obedient, pay tithe etc. Only when you willingly give your obedience you are saved. They have control and the parishioners are dependent on their wisdom and guidance for eternal salvation.

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        1. Dependency is a big part of it. Instilling fear of death and hell is another, then proving the remedy for something that no one can cure and no one can stop. Why fear? It still is their best seller.

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            1. Ideas to die for. Dangerous meme. Christianity does hijack your mind. Interesting how much I changed immediately after losing faith. None of my thoughts were my own. I became human and thoughts that were suppressed by belief finally surfaced.

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  1. This is one of the main reasons why I’m so interested in science. It’s not only acceptable to admit one’s ignorance, it’s considered an honorable admission. When one acknowledges that they don’t understand something, while being compelled by curiosity to learn it, the pathway to knowledge is opened. Religion does the opposite.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Just believe! Like it’s an honor or virtue, when actually it’s defeat. Accepting the old rag as some ultimate authority is stifling. We’ve proven time and again we can do better.

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      1. We can, but the psychology you’ve discussed here is an obstacle. For a variety of reasons, people tend to be intellectually lazy. It’s just easier to rely on intuition or submit to some arbitrary authority. Honestly, I don’t know if we can change – probably not under the current sociological circumstances anyway.

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    1. I am curious where this desire to believe in anything comes from. Everybody’s got to have a belief, don’t they? No, they don’t. Belief should be a temporary state to transition to knowledge, not an end in itself. I think they’ve had long enough to come up with something, but it still eludes then. Why? Because it’s a fable.

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  2. Belief is an integral part of the Earthian psyche. Convince anyone to no longer believe in God, or their particular god(s) and you will find them believing in something else – science, technology, politics, peace, love, nation, some other ism, whatever. For me it doesn’t matter what anyone believes (in), it’s what they do with their beliefs that concerns me.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Agreed. But isn’t it easy to see that mere innocent belief is the seedbed of tribalism and division? It is obvious as can be that belief leads to trouble in every major arena. Belief just killed 40 in NZ. Belief keeps ya at odds. Why is that so hard to connect the dots for the believer? Hell, I don’t know.


  3. Love your graphic. So poinent… eh… poingnant… Jesus I was hoping the autocorrect was going to come to the party here… but nothing… poignant? Poi…. ok… let’s go with true but in a sad way

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fresh from PA poi poi? Or just farm fish. Hey, another post. Fish farm Christianity. All fed the same garbage with the end result guaranteed.


  4. People believe they need to believe in order for life to be relevent. My personal requirement is experience. If I can experience something, so can anyone else, if they so desire. By this I do not mean experiencing belief, because that is not a real experience, just a belief that belief is real. Therefore my experience is that there is no god or other super-being in charge of anything as I have never had an experience to counter that experience. How can one experience that which is not there? That is impossible!

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      1. Oh man, you just reminded me of a church sign I’ve been driving by lately, it is too lame to take a pic of, but it reads ” 1 cross + 3 nails = Forgiven”

        I don’t know who thinks these things up… But I groan every time I drive by it. Such convoluted logic I can’t figure out how they say these things without being tied into a pretzel first.

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  5. It is interesting how many “believe” but aren’t at all sure “in what.” Much of common Christian belief doesn’t seem supported by scripture (and the Catholic Church notwithstanding, there really isn’t anything other than scripture–the Catholics claiming they also have a “tradition” which, of course, is a euphemism for “the way we have always done things”). For example, many people believe in the resurrection of Lazarus, even though three of the four gospels mention no such thing. And the gospel which does mention it was written many decades after Jesus’s supposed death. That same gospel contradicts the other three a great many times but is held close by many “believers.”

    If Christians were taught when it was likely that these things were written, they might have a bit more doubt to leaven their belief.

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    1. My sentiments exactly, which is why I always say the worst thing I ever did for my faith was to begin to study the Bible! Not just “read” it, but literally “study” it; compare various passages, differences in stories from gospel to gospel, etc. The more you read the less believable it is; the more contradictions, anomalies, redactions, interpolations, etc., become clear and obvious. Yes, I encourage all believers to read the material they supposedly “believe in.” I guarantee, it will leave a mark……

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  6. The man can turn a phrase, “opiums for the masses conjures naivety.” Hey! How about a religion you graduate from? Nah, that’d never work. My Dispassionate Doubt site’s A-to-Z reveal for April posts tomorrow. It is about all the stuff we believe (not all religion) and how we debate it. One of these days I will learn to read your post when the come up. Fewer comments, but I love the comments. Dilemma. 🙂

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