Are We Artifacts Made? The Consequence of Ignorance.

How Abrahamic faith is a fundamentally flawed way to view the world

What difference does it make what your religious beliefs are? The Christian idea from “in the beginning” that has influenced half the world and its relationship to it, is we are an artifact; figurines made from clay by a maker.

We’re not naturally occurring people but artificial, synthetic composition, and this belief is having dire consequences—spending our lives trying to manipulate this temporary, foreign world to our comfort to help pass the time of this probation, when in reality we are grown from the earth itself and should be more attuned to it. We are an equal part of the whole—though we have lost much touch with it through the beatings and burnings. We are not bought and paid for guests with an owing—the galaxy, the earth, is home. We go nowhere.

Teaching children they were made by god and merely visitors here on probation (and naughty children that ought to be punished merely for being alive) although with enough training and punishment we can become tolerably human, is horrible parenting that lasts into our old age. We have actually grown naturally from the earth and it’s time to start acting like it…again.

Heaven really could be here on earth, but western culture influenced by religion believes we are estranged people here on probation, essentially now waiting for a very late bus to come with nothing to do. Are we merely visiting passers-by on trial to be observed, while father takes notes on our sexual purity but gives a pass on earthly abuse for money.

This initial premise from the garden of eden—a poor explanation as fact (an ignorant guess?) is not only unscientific, it is a psychological and social train wreck. Believing something as fundamentally wrong as this, is evidenced in its outcomes.

Daytime sun through the heavy smoke.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

32 thoughts on “Are We Artifacts Made? The Consequence of Ignorance.”

  1. Thanks for this post Jim. I must have been one very fortunate kid. I remember my grandparents and Dad telling me that we were supposed to be stewards of this planet. Had we acted like good stewards, maybe global warming would not be the nasty critter staring us in our faces today. I am not saying global climate can change, it has done so many times in the history of out planet, just that we humans have a knack (for lack of a better term just now)for finding something good and making into one huge, ugly mess.

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    1. The whole idea that this is some king of morality experiment and in the end god it going to turn off the lights anyway, has a global affect. 2/3 of the world believes this and acts like it. When there is no second coming? Too bad humanity shit in its own yard

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      1. The Abrahamic worldview also makes the salvation promised impossible. The creation was supposedly good and perfect(in line with the god’s plan) before it was screwed up. There is no reason to suppose that some new world or afterlife would be immune to the same problem. And keep in mind, the Christians even claim that there was rebellion and dissent in heaven before man came into the picture. If that was the case, in truth no “creation” was ever safe. It is always just one mistake away from falling apart. And the problem with the Christian view in particular is that there is no way for their “god” just to fix the mistake. He has to issue blanket condemnations and curses upon his creations, and then go through some convoluted plan to fix anything. And even then for some reason he has to wait to bring in the finishing touches. Why should there even be a need for some apocalypse? Why the need for some convoluted scheme? An all powerful deity would have no need of means to achieve his ends, he could have his desired outcome instantly.

        Imagine the possibility that someone screws up in the Christian New Jerusalem(an awful idea) and Jesus has to scrap it all. It already happened with heaven and then with earth. If there is some kind of guarantee that there will be no screw up, then Christians could claim that their promise of salvation is not completely pointless. But then that would bring up the question of why things weren’t made perfect and unassailable in the first place.

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        1. K, those two paragraphs are a succinct summary of many of the basic flaws with christianity. You sated the basic problem very well. Over the years the religion has been forced to add layer upon layer of mythology in order to try to cover up the inconsistencies and irrationalities at the core of the religion. Those new mythologies have their own problems, requiring even more mythology to be created to cover those up… Sigh.

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          1. And then really, do you trust this god to keep the show going, to keep his word “this time”? Surely he would get tired of all the endless worship he couldn’t possibly need. I’m pretty sure the old Yahweh from the OT would resurface. Why won’t you all listen and obey!!??? Bam! Lights out…again.

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            1. I much prefer the Old Testament Yahweh to the Christian idea of god. Christian thinking often makes people conflate these two, but they are not the same. Yahweh in the Old Testament does come off as cruel very often. But his cruelty is nothing compared to the Christian god. There is no idea of hell or original sin in the Old Testament unless you want to read those into it. Yahweh is never said to damn people for not hearing of him, he really has no interest in anyone but Jews in the Old Testament. There is no idea that one is a slave to sin either. Remember what Cain is told before he decides to kill Abel. There is no cruel test where the world is an arbitrary morality game with man pitted against the devil and his own fallen nature. There is no emphasis on faith over evidence or works, the Old Testament books as a whole tend to be against that. The worst that Yahweh does is not comparable to what Christians say about their idea of god. This is not to say that I am a big fan of the Old Testament, because I am not. It has some precursors of what would become Christian ideas, and it the founding document of Abrahamic religion.

              More importantly for me, the Old Testament does not do much to conceal Yahweh’s nature. He is presented as a warlike and temperamental tribal deity of the Hebrews. He is jealous and wrathful and declares this loudly. Yahweh is depicted as a terrifying fiery figure riding a cherub(a type of human headed winged lion creature) with a bloody sword and arrows. The Christian god, however, has his nature concealed behind platitudes about morality and love and a “fatherly” image. He is that wolf in sheep’s clothing that those proverbs warn about. I don’t know why people consider the New Testament an improvement. It has far worse than the Old Testament. Resist not evil, the meek will inherit the earth, the first will be last, blessed are the weak spirited, ask in the name of Jesus and you shall receive, these are examples. Whatever a person may want in life, it for damn sure won’t come by sitting around and hoping for “the substance of things not seen” to drop it into your lap because you are meek, willfully ignorant, and don’t make a fuss. There is no New Jerusalem full of free stuff coming to anyone either.

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            2. If there was a war in heaven, the bad buys won and as victors write the propaganda. Christianity is manifest by waiting. Faith is manifest through pride then criticism. The New Testament condemns pride and promotes faith, which is stubborn pride. The bait and switch word game condemning a trait by tinkering with definitions. Faith is the ultimate display of pride.

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  2. The garden of Eden can be a metaphor to a world of plenty, maybe & if humanity began its evolution in the Congo, then this description would be apt.
    But I like the major argument you make. We are of the earth and should live like it

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  3. One thing I always thought curious about the bible’s creation story was that, at least as I interpret it, god created the human race on the sixth day long before Adam and Eve. They didn’t come along until some time later, long after the seven days of creation were over and done with and god had kicked back for a while, had a couple of beers, looked around and realized he needed to do some landscaping and he sure wasn’t going to do it because he’d only been contracted to do the construction, not the landscaping. Adam wasn’t anything special, god made him because he needed a gardener.

    “5 Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, 6 but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. 7 Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. 8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed.” … “15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. “

    All that guff about people being god’s favorite pets and being special and all that is pretty much complete nonsense. There was nothing special about Adam and Eve. God made ’em to pull weeds, mow the lawns and run his leaf blower. And they didn’t do a very good job of even that and got themselves fired and thrown out.

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    1. Yes, I like the part where they get fired for eating the bosses fruit. He runs them assholes off his land. Sounds likes the hired hands of a sharecropper. As you can see, the lord of the vineyard is strictly management.

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  4. “naughty children that ought to be punished merely for being alive”…

    What a horrible system supposedly set up by a loving god. Born sinners? That’s something only a monster could even contemplate. Either God is real and is a monster or the men who wrote it were and used such despicable tactics to produce a desired outcome. I have a feeling which was the guilty party. Either way, it’s disgusting what so many (myself included at one point) teach our children. Kids just being kids isn’t sinful. Nor is it sinful for teens to act like teens or adults who do what makes them happy in life. Human nature is not sinful. Suppressing natural urges and feelings to try to measure up to unreasonable and unrealistic standards set forth in a book claiming to come from a god for which there is zero evidence of? If you want to talk about what’s disgusting, immoral, depraved or “sinful” it’s that notion.

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    1. There is a movement—and will be the topic of my next post about de-colonizing your mind. Christianity have forced even the most benign and a-moral traits of humanity to be suppressed by this fake doctrine. It has penetrated our culture far too long, and we must look to the elders of the ancient, prechristian that knew such things that became suppressed and beaten out of humanity. Who are you really?

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    1. Thank you Eilene. The implications of such a doctrine—that little first misstep in the thought process three thousand years ago could very well be our undoing. It so big for its britches now, that even the non-Christian societies are forced to participate. It is a sickness inflicted on the earth.

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  5. In all honesty, by comparison to the antiquated Abrahamic Faith-systems, the secular scientific viewpoint of life on Earth and we highly evolved Homo sapiens — of how astrophysics and advanced mathematics shows us the Cosmos began approx. 13.8 billion years ago and its observable diameter of 93-billion LIGHT YEARS (from atop a less than microscopic Earth 😆 inside the minuscule Milky Way galaxy within the quite tiny Virgo Supercluster) is SUCH a much better phenomenal miracle of thriving life than the hugely negative deprivation that Abrahamic religions try to sell us, and with hilarious conjecture at that! 🤣

    Umm, YEAH. I’m sticking to a world-view, a very rational empirical understanding of this fantastic life in such a Cosmos, an adaptable life that keeps improving decade to decade, 2-3 generations after generations, rather than an ideology that sees everything and everyone as bad, broken, evil, and a demonic Satan’s playground. Hahahahahaha!!! I mean, DUH!!! 😉

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    1. There is a source of consciousness so fundamental to our being we can’t see that it is us. I also think it would be a mistake to stick with the new, counter-mythology that says the earth and people are a dumb and random accident. These cycles of life have been going on far too long to be Yahweh’s world, and we are just the whole of it. You, me, the conscious earth and surrounding humanity.

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      1. …the new, counter-mythology that says the earth and people are a dumb and random accident.

        I know the proponents of that counter-mythology you are speaking about Jim and you are correct. I would ask them chuckling, a dumb random Earth and people compared to what other planet!? What other people? I’d ask them PLEASE talk to me in tangible, common sense terms that you, myself, and the entire human race can verify, test, examine, test again in other ways, always verifying EVERYTHING! And since I know all too well their tactics of non-stop diversions, moving the goal-posts when it suits their needs, and pulling historically from only one single source/method of defense/apologetics (i.e. their Hellenistic 4th-century CE Canonical New Testament)…

        FINALLY at that point, I got ’em!!! Then we can dismantle all their attempts at making a Greco-Roman fairy-tale (Apotheosis) into truth(s), that was hijacked/stolen from exterminated Jewish Sectarians possessing several/many various Messianic traditions by and in 74 CE at Masada, and claim their (old Roman) new invention of Salvation is “THE Universal Truth.” Hahahahahaha! 🤣

        However, Jim you know that much of the time Evangy-Fundy Christians refuse to play in other games except their own “game” by their own rules. 🙄😏 From there it often turns into personal insults and a waste of time.

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    1. Even if we were just visitors here, dumped off or stranded like District 9, wouldn’t it make sense to live like this is all we have? What if the Christian Model is wrong and the “faith” is misplaced? There is no evidence they are right. Maybe we should err on the side of this being all there is?

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      1. One would think, right? But apparently not. We are, collectively, going to continue to make believe everything is grand and “hope” that nothing really bad happens. Unfortunately bad things are already beginning to occur and more are on the way. This while we have scientists scouring the galaxies looking for planets that might, just might, have a chance of sustaining life “maybe” and we are still going to treat this planet like it’s expendable. It’s rather pathetic, really.

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        1. One of those out of sight out of mind is the fires in the arctic circle. One fire in Siberia now more than 7million acres has a smoke cloud the size of the EU. No biggie.


  6. We need to be more earthly attuned. This will come from a measure of blending faith and science. Part of our biggest social ill comes not from faith, but from our an innate drive to have more and to progress to heights beyond our earthly bounds. This is where science and religion meet in an esoteric entanglement to help humanity strive towards greater heights. Unfortunately, in our ascension, we ultimately forget the beauty of nature that grounds us, and will come crashing back to its origins. The Flight of Icarus. Thank you for this great post.

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    1. Thank you. I would like however to see faith put back in its proper perspective. It has become the measure of the man to merely believe, but in reality should be a waypoint to prove a hypothesis, not a destination in itself. You’re right, and I think strong beliefs stagnate; what, 2000+ years of beating the same drum when more people could be engaged in processes that protect our resources while still getting the stuff they crave.
      There is certainly better ways to harness energy for instance, than building dams and burning fuel, and more people engaged in such discoveries would not only challenge us intellectually, but enlighten us with more sophisticated ways of seeing the world.

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      1. Hello Jim. I believe you are correct in the need of us to put things into perspective but not at the expense of putting one system of thought over the other. That simply will negate the areas of growth these two systems of paradigmatic thought can allow the followers of each system.

        In order to do this, we have to engage in an ecologically driven hermeneutic that is inclusive rather than divisive in nature. Science has been just as guilty of unchecked monstrosities to the world as religion has. Neither system is without its merits, as well as its clear shadow.

        As a whole, science too has failed to integrate and adapt to the shadow functions it tries to negate. These ultimately lay in the hands of people and their inability to solve dialectical discourse. This represents a fundamental and problematic nuance of consciousness, is addressed in the realm of psychology and the social sciences, as well as being addressed in models of Eastern and Western religious traditions.

        At a quantum level, you can look at this as being a both/and psychology versus an either/or. Regardless of the effect, the energy and saved time that would be created can and will allow for greater insights to be gained versus a continuation of the same arguments nearly 7 centuries old now.

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        1. I would be in favor of spiritual centering that includes a philosophy of religion that also accepts the metaphysical talents of certain spirituals, whose talents and connections were purged to colonize countless shaman, Babaylan, and others that were connected and empowered the individual. Frankly we decimated something special for a system that has not improved nor produced the desired results. We need to decolonize our minds.

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          1. There is something very beautiful about shamanic traditions, and their astute connection with the greater environment shows ways where ecologically interconnected dogmas such as science and religion can merge into movements that bolster the human capacity to Self Realize and nature’s need to nurture and be nurtured. Great discourse! I look forward to the next article.


  7. “There is no New Jerusalem full of free stuff coming to anyone either.”

    Wait, what? Really? Damn it, I was told there was a free buffet. And gummi unicorns you could ride. I’m really bummed out now. Hmph…

    (I wish I was making that up but there is a “prophet” in Florida who claims heaven has an endless Las Vegas style buffet, kids ride on gummi unicorns and — I can’t go on. It’s just too silly for words.)

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