Order and Chaos

The wisdom of the Tao and the problem of social justice

Masculinity is order, femininity is chaos. One is not better than the other—both principles are equally necessary. The more order, the more tyranny. The more chaos the more possibility and freedom. Feminism and tranactivism is throwing the world out of balance because feminism is masculine—demanding order and imposing that order more masculine than a healthy society can endure.

Now we have a large subset of of weak men marching with masculine women, when the antidote to order is not more order, but balance is the antidote to both.

By imposing a strict menu of acceptable beliefs, a small percentage of activist in their ignorance are upsetting a natural balance as outlined in many ancient texts.

The fact is, that complete order leads to certainty and then tyranny. Chaos leads to uncertainty and freedom. While activists in their ignorance (or malice) are trying to shoehorn a principle that will lead to the destruction of both. Already you must be careful what you say—and where is the freedom in that? Activists are fighting for something they already have. More laws will restrict freedom and therefore restrict happiness. I get the feeling their hatred is misplaced and men are not the problem— ignorance is.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

46 thoughts on “Order and Chaos”

  1. I wonder what to think you think I’m saying? 😀I guess when I write I expect a baseline of reasonable understanding of nature and how good can often lead bad and Visa versa.
    Do you think things are out of whack and if so, why?


    1. If your question is related to the topic of your post, I’m hesitant to respond simply because I’m not entirely sure if I understand what you wrote! Seriously, Jim. That’s my point.

      I’m sure others are more in-tune with this type of pondering so I’ll leave it to them to offer their thoughts. I’ll just go along for the ride … and maybe I’ll “catch on” later.

      However, I DO agree with your ending that Ignorance is the problem … in nearly every area of life.

      Liked by 4 people

    2. I’d have to ask “what things?” This seems black and white. Is there nuance in what you are saying, not so much in the words you’ve written but you yourself? Is their room for nuance from your point of view? Or is that what you are trying to communicate? Perhaps where you see order and think it is order, we (Nan and I. Forgive me for dragging you into this Nan.) see chaos. Is that because we’re feminists? Do we sound hateful? Are we just not ordered enough to get it. I’d go for a drive too but too much snow outside today. 😀

      Liked by 4 people

      1. My underlying motive is to discuss things that inevitably lead us to understand how much we need each other—every last one of us. Division is silly and more often than not, what we fight for leads to less freedom not more. The alt-right and far left both lead to the very thing they despise.

        Liked by 3 people

          1. I would prefer allowing for free thought and drawing rational conclusions where they truly matter—on our own.
            What is the likely outcome of any action should be weighed against what we see in the cycles of human nature. We may think we want something different, but our actions prove time and again we are happily dysfunctional.

            Liked by 1 person

  2. I march with women, so I guess I am weak? I love chaos, so I guess that makes me a feminist? This post is actually serendipitous, because I was thinking today if I should write a post about the testosterone shots my doctor suggested I take last year. Apparently my testosterone levels are lower than they should be as a heterosexual male (There’s a standard level!). I took two shots then refused to take any more. My facial hair increased (and has not gone back to my pre-shot level!) and I started to become more aggressive (That thankfully went away!). Aggression and pacifism don’t mix!
    But even with your explanation I cannot find that anywhere in your post. You talk around it, but you never actually said it. I had to wonder why you even wrote it.
    But I have a problem with your statement about the far left. I am farther left by a long shot than anyone I know. I am so far left I don’t even believe in government! If that leads to what I despise, far right government, I don’t see it. I govern myself. And I do a helluva lot better at it than anyone else I have ever met. Just sayin’.


    1. Let’s analyze some key principles. This statement equally applies to womens issues. “White people cannot free black people because freedom is not the white mans to give”.
      Can you think of a law that has improved the black community since the civil rights movement? Financially and familial they were doing better before we decided to help.
      Are you prepared to defend women to the point that now a man, who claims to be a woman is going to make policy for woman’s rights? Look up Lia Thomas, the transgender man that is taking the womens swim records. He was beaten last year by another trans man, beating the closest woman by 38 seconds and claiming the gold at a woman’s meet—this is somehow benefiting women? These are the woman you are trusting to equalize women?
      There are two facts of nature—men have to create value to be valued—women are born with their value. Whatever do-gooders try to artificially add to that will have unforeseen outcomes to the detriment of most women.
      To illustrate this—a man will work half his life to buy a mansion and the woman can live there because of an instagram post.
      You realize for the first time ever more than 50% of women over 30 are childless? What do you suppose that will mean when that exponential number hits its 2nd and 3rd generations?


      1. Good questions, Jim, but what is motivating them? Why are records so important? Do they affect anything but themselves. Screw records, we don’t need them.
        This world has too many people. It is overflowing with humans! Humans are the biggest cancer on this planet. Without us life would not be being threatened the way it is. Screw humans.
        We are so caught up in ourselves, in what we THINK IS IMPORTANT, we are missing the truth in life: Not just everyone but everything has to get along, or we will run headlong into disaster.
        All of these things you are talking about are bullshit! They are side issues to deflect from the real issue, Life on Planet Earth!
        We are destroying our one and only home! We are causing millions of species of other living beings to be extincted. And we fight amonst ourselves over who gets to set records! Give your head a shake, Jim! You have a voice, but you are wasting it! Fight for something real! Life is real! FIGHT FOR LIFE! Please!


        1. Since humans aren’t going anywhere this is an interesting subject. You can try to deflect your incoherent stance on this trans man issue, but I’m guessing that when trans men start dictating to your partner the speech and rights she must use as a “cis” woman, she will not agree with you. This comment is a walking contradiction. First of all the depreciation of human life vs other life is a fundamental mistake. That there are too many people is a fundamental error propagated by people that “care” about the planet more than all life in it. They have an agenda with a false promise, that life will be better with less humans. There is no evidence for that whatsoever.
          You may soon get your wish as population decline is beginning. For the first time in history more than half of women over 30 are childless. In a few generations that will grow exponentially as less total people are having less children. It is a disaster in the making.
          The prognosticators for decades have predicted starvation and flooding, global warming (not true) and human caused disaster. We are pretty ingenious and those doomsdayers never take into account the ingenuity of human technology. Farmers are kicking ass! True there are more people, but they are better fed and more prosperous than in recorded history. It is the best time in history to be alive, but a certain segment of the population, always the loudest, find something to bitch and whine about.


          1. What in hell happened to you, Jim? You used to be a good guy, or so I thought! Lately, you are sounding like a Trumpian evangelist naysayer.
            Trans people ARE NOT A PROBLEM. CHILDLESS WOMEN are not a problem! People who think they are a problem ARE THE PROBLEM.
            If you can’t see that, I give up…


            1. So none of these things are even discussable? This is a problem when one resorts to name calling, a trait of far left and far right opinions based on zero evidence. Convince me I’m wrong, I have no problem with that.
              How does your wife like transactivist men competing in womens sports or using my young daughters bathroom at the ymca, walking around naked in front of her because people like yourself are too tolerant to say it’s stupid. Who are you protecting? It certainly is t women.
              I don’t know much, but I do know that they are now taking things too far and it’s stupid. And the intolerant left and right is evidenced by your comment.


            2. Life is bigger than any activists. Think what you want of me, Jim, I don’t care. My concern is for this planrt, and for ALL THE LIVING BEINGS ON IT.
              Gail doesn’t care who uses a bathroom, we all need to use them. She couldn’t care less about trans women competi g against ciswomen. She wants to save the planet too.
              We agree that life’s little foibles are meaningless in comparison.


            3. At my age, and with my present medical problems, I cannot actively do much except to try to inspire others to understand the seriousness of what is facing our world, and everything on it — including humans, and hope that someone will listen. I have less than 30 people following my blog, including you, so I leave comments on other people’s blogs.
              I spent my whole life doing what I could to role model what humans could be, to show how important it was to care about all living beings, not just individuals. Individuals are important, I am not saying they aren’t, but unless individuals act as groups very little gets done.
              But mine is a voice in the wilderness. Few people seem to care about what I care about. But that has not shut me up. I have not given up. I keep trying. And I will keep trying until I die. What happens after that , I will never know…


            4. We’re all in this together. We just have different ways of doing what needs to be done to make things better … for us and for future generations.

              Liked by 1 person

            5. Can we afford to have different visions? We’ve had different visions ever since human societies began. Look where they have gotten us!
              If we are going to have future generations, we need to start finding a collective vision, one that works for everyone, where there are no elites, and no forgotten peoples. As long as we are working at odds with others, we will never achieve anytjing we can call a success. But that is just one man’s opinion…

              Liked by 1 person

            6. I don’t think I used the word “visions” — and it was not what I intended by my comment.

              However, taking your approach, sure! I would agree that it would be to the advantage of the human race if we were all working within a “collective vision.”

              Now if you can just come up with a way to make that happen …


            7. Whenever there has been a collective vision it has been enforced and directed at some minority, often the visionary type that is proven right later on. Chaos is as necessary as order for any amount of balance and stability.


            8. I have been writing ideas all over the place. I have no power to put anything into practice. Ideas are my stock-in-trade at this point in my life. I can do nothing without help.


            9. We’re not really in this together and that is the problem. We have the information but it is not being distributed coherently.


            10. This is what I was getting at. It isn’t because of your old age that you do nothing to curb climate change. That is all anyone does is talk about it, while they carry on with their business as is. Everyone is listening and preaching and doing nothing.
              I really don’t see this as an emergency. When the lights go out no one will ever know what happened, or that anything ever happened at all. But for now it’s the only game in town.


            11. Do I have to go into the fact I take my recyclables 300 kilometres to the nearest recyvling centres, driving the least polluting vehicle I can afford to get it there. Do I need to say I refuse to get on an airplane becsuse airplanes are one of the biggest polluters in the world? I do what is in my power. I plant trees. I feed the birds in winter. But no one needs to know that. It is little enough indeed. This are things I would hope any concerned citizens would do, but most choose not to. I didn’t know I had to show you how I do my bit to ease climate change however I can…

              Liked by 1 person

          2. WHY is population decline a disaster? Do you believe the Earth needs humans? Or are you looking at it from the angle that humans need humans?


            1. First of all, anti-human sentiments are disingenuous at best and they never count themselves as part of the problem. It’s too many “other people”. I imagine before my life is over we will be paying immigrants a stipend to move here with their children.
              Just imagine all the boarded up houses and buildings, a stagnant and dwindling economy with no children? Who will innovate the next phase of human excellence?
              Why do you suppose China reversed its one child policy to two, then three? It isn’t sustainable, and those that are born are overwhelmed with responsibility for their aging population.
              The ideal of a stagnant utopia will be miserable at best and life doesn’t thrive that way.
              Life is better than it has ever been with the most people that have ever been alive at one time.
              At the moment, the world produces about 4 billion metric tons of food per year—but about 1.3 billion tons goes to waste, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). One international study led by researchers from the University of Edinburgh put that number even higher, suggesting that as much as 44% of agricultural production is never consumed. Plus, almost 600 million hectares of land is used to grow crops for ethanol that is a subsidized resource.
              The overall reduction in the quality of life will become the new norm. Population decline is unsustainable.


            2. So … from your remarks, I would say you believe humans need humans. But does the Earth need humans?


            3. Oh I doubt earth needs anything at all. It has survived at least 5 or 6 mass extinction events that we know of. When that happens again we’ll re-emerge over about a million years with a brand new playing field scattered with a few relics the new ones will postulate.

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            4. After having a minute to think about it, biological systems that decline or remain stagnant thwart the evolutionary process. If they are not expanding they are declining. I wonder if this is why Elon seems so hurried to accomplish his goals?
              . If we are to have a breakthrough it will be by increasing the surface area of shared knowledge as is the case in all improvements in evolution.


  3. This part Jim: “Activists are fighting for something they already have. More laws will restrict freedom and therefore restrict happiness. I get the feeling their hatred is misplaced and men are not the problem— ignorance is.”

    What are activists fighting for Jim? What is it they already have?

    Who’s hatred? Women? Why would women hate men assuming they do?

    Is it ignorance or related to trauma?


    1. Generally speaking the hated of extremes both left and right.
      Activists are fighting for superiority, not equality. Preference, not equal opportunity.
      The system is already in place for anyone to achieve anything, so the activist changes definitions.
      Do you think it’s fair that Lia Thomas holds Penn state womens swimming records? If you are trusting activists you will soon be faced with trans men making policy for regular women—and I think we’ve fought too hard for womens rights to let a man, who now thinks he’s a woman, dictate policy for women. Are you ready for that?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Of all you wrote/expressed so far, I am so totally, totally in harmony with the last paragraph in your response to Zoe!!! And NO! IMO, no “transgendered” woman has the quintessence authority to dictate policy for the “natural” woman!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. So perhaps this demonstrates how I’m not reading enough into what you are writing about. The left/right and trans issue. This gives me a better idea of where you are coming from.

        Here: “If you are trusting activists you will soon be faced with trans men making policy for regular women—and I think we’ve fought too hard for womens rights to let a man, who now thinks he’s a woman, dictate policy for women.”

        See Jim. Where I am at, is, I am faced with “men” period making policy for women. Men have been dictating policy for women from the beginning of time. If we look around right now, women’s rights are losing ground. That has nothing to do with trans men. Straight white men are running the show, generally speaking. Their side kicks, straight white women are trapped in their religious zones submitting to the power and control of belief systems that practice dehumanizing other humans in the name of their God(s).

        Here: “The system is already in place for anyone to achieve anything, so the activist changes definitions.”

        What system? What definitions?

        Perhaps I am far removed from the trans discussion because I’m drowning in my concern for women’s right, regardless of how they identify.

        What I’m not ready for is women losing the right to their own bodily autonomy and authenticity.

        As a former athlete and coach up to an including the college level in this day and age, I might be bothered by Lia’s wins. It certainly knocked #2 off the first place podium. It’s a conversation to be had for sure. Do we open up sports teams for trans only is one of the conversations. The thing is, and it’s why I asked for clarification, I don’t even get that far along as I’m still dealing with a culture that thinks their is a successful system in place for women and I wonder what planet they are living on. :/

        Liked by 1 person

        1. So the hot button is reproductive rights? What reproductive rights do men have? If a woman gets pregnant should the man be able to decline fatherhood? Wouldn’t that be fair? What other rights are losing ground for women?
          The system is in place. There are more than enough laws to protect women and minorities, and plenty of quotas but here is the problem. Freedom is not the white mans to give. Everyone can do whatever they want to do. The limitations are purely their own mind, lack of personal responsibility, and victim mentality.
          The definition I was referring to is “what is a woman”? Even that is socially in question and it’s absurd they have gained as much traction as they have. A man is not even able to publicly define that. I am now a cis-man, whatever the hell that means, but really it’s just silly. That was never in question but now is used as a derogation along with whitesplaining and mansplaining. I’m not going to play along with that.
          Rights are something we all grant to others. Responsibility is solely our own. But really they go together. The left is lacking personal responsibility for the individual at the group level. To succeed we need an admixture of both —both order and chaos. Order is discipline that keeps us from eating our young, or aborting them.
          In any biological system we see the wholeness of the system is dependent each cell performing its role. Disease is any system hoarding attention to itselfness —where we find the cancers.
          If we are not expanding we are contracting. If we are going to evolve we need more surface area of neurons working in sync with each other—and realizing without that we are doomed to live miserably.


          1. Ahhh Jim. I think you’ve been living in the woods too long. 🙃

            Not meant to be a criticism, but your blog topics/discussions have been awfully deep and (frequently) rather confusing in the recent past.

            (OK. So it could be me … but when I have to read your comments at LEAST twice to grasp your thoughts, well … )


            1. There would be little argument between liberal and conservative if each held to a baseline critique based on our best theories —evolution by natural selection and quantum field theory. Even a rudimentary understanding we be enough. But I take criticism for being too deep as an honor. Thank you


          2. If you think my hot button is reproductive rights and that’s my target, you’re way off Jim. I do thank you for digging in and clarifying further.


            1. Misogyny.

              I think Roe at the surface level is a symptom of a deeper hatred. Trans issues may fit in here as well. They are today’s narratives, yes. Do we look deeper though? Where does the root of hatred for women originate? Genetic, cultural, ideological, philosophical, religious, natural?

              I’m not a scholar. It’s where I start in my own process and from my own experience on the big blue planet.

              Liked by 2 people

            2. Misogyny is defined as hatred for women and there is no evidence to support it (nor do I know any men) that hate women. I know there are a few, but hatred? Not many.
              If sexism is more what you meant, women are equally if not more sexist towards women than men.
              According to ‘The United Nations Development Program’ study of 75 countries representing 80 percent of the world’s population found that nine in 10 people – including women – hold sexist beliefs against.
              It seems fashionable to make such claims about misogyny and men, but aside from domestically charged events, most men work crappy jobs and routinely put their health, safety, and lives on the line to protect and provide for women.
              According to a 15 year Gallup study on pro choice vs pro life, men have been a near equal split and women run about 60/40. This issue is not about misogyny but about the life of the unborn. In fact in my own family I am much more pro choice than my wife, who would reserve abortion for the most extremis circumstance. Does she hate women? Of course not. Roe has little to do with hatred and more to to with moral conscience.
              I find it interesting and not at all what people expected, but in the Nordic countries (where they have quite a head start on egalitarian policies) the gap between men and women has become wider. It turns out women in their traditional roles is where women trend, when there is no pressure to do so. Men and women are more different, not less, when the playing field is perfectly level.
              My own opinion is irrelevant to this comment. This is simply the scientific data.

              Liked by 1 person

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