Delusional Grandeur

How sounding powerful takes the place of substance

Automakers following age old religious models are enhancing the sounds of the engines with the loud performance of speaker noise. VW, BMW, Ford, GM, and others have loudspeakers that roar, making the cars sound more powerful than they really are. The best of these is the Corvette muffler bypass system—that opens a gate when the throttle is mashed, making it sound more ferocious than a Ferrari V8.

Enter religion—

All bark and no bite is the way of the WORD as generations idle-by in first gear, always looking for more substance that never materializes. The true believer has been left to the wind with a low horsepower belief that cranks out high volumes of excuses and low performance—a gas-guzzler lemon stuck on the road of life, long before the first automobile rolled out of the factory. Are we there yet? Appearance is everything—masters of underperformance and smooth sales talk…what should be their finest hour has become an expected disappointment. The Corvair is Christianity—as Ralph Nader said, “Unsafe at any speed”.