39 thoughts on “Lousy Pictures, Great Progress”

    1. Drywall, tape, texture, prime, and paint will take about two weeks. Wood floors and tile after that then the finishing. Probably another month. Thanks Ben

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  1. When I first glanced (quickly) through the pics I thought #4 was of the bathroom and I started chuckling. But then I realized… no, hmmmm. It’s all about perspective isn’t it? 😉

    Looks fantastic Mr. Can-Do-Anything Man. 🤩

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          1. Not sure where you are from Tom, but as an avid backpacker here in Washington, the two best outdoor view toilets are Cradle Lake near mount Stuart Melakwa Lake near snoqualmie pass. You?

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            1. I lived pinned down west of the Cascades in the Puget Sound area. Pinned down meaning no truck and no friends willing to go to the mountains. Recent I’ve lived in Sierra Vista AZ with access to”sky islands” of Dragoons, Mule, and Huachuca Mts. Now I’m back to my old stomping grounds of Flagstaff AZ. I hate to say I’m not familiar with the areas you mentioned, but have gone to Okanagan country, Mt. St. Helens area, and Mt. Shasta. Great lands abound!

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            2. We are in the Selkirk mountains now north of Spokane. I grew up in Issaquah though and spent most of my hiking and packing in the N. Central Cascades. The PCT through Washington and all points in between are pretty spectacular.

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  2. What a lovely house. Reminds me of the types we (Mennonite Disaster Volunteer Services) build for those unfortunates who have lost everything in natural disasters. Love your simple, natural roof line and the deck! I recognized that “Little Giant” type combo ladder near the end deck stairs – that’s the most useful ladder type ever invented. I also noticed that you have electrical wires running on the outside of the studding… What’s with that? Are you spacing, or whatever, before installing the drywall? Can I ask where this is being built?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The wires outside the studs are for dishwasher(hardwired, cabinet face plug that will be in conduit, and range fan is also hardwired, no plug. There ya go!

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    1. This is a lot of fun. My daughter and son in law are helping as well as a friend of theirs. It’s all their first house, but it’s doable if one (me) knows what’s up. It’s coming together really nice.

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  3. Hey Jim , great job you have done. From design to finished product you have really accomplished something. Did you use clapboard on the outside or Vinyl Siding. In New England where I grew up it was standard to use clapboard, but in Florida where I now live everything is either siding or stucco. We dry walled one room in our house in 2007. What a mess with doing the mud and sanding. After that we went with paneling every time we change a room. It took us a a long time to get all the seams flush and all that dang dust cleaned up. Then painted. Paneling solved a lot of problems and saved a lot of time. Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh , that is a new one for me. I am not a construction guy. Ron is and I just do as he says and hold things where he tells me. Hugs

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