The Idea of I AM—The Jehovah Effect©

How Christianity fuels the ego it is meant to kill

Ego enhancement, the attribute that captures certain men and women in the Jehovah Effect©, by thinking themselves exclusive (or important) because of a particular experience they’ve interpreted poorly. Ie; “I’ve had this spiritual interaction, my predisposed cultural interpretation drives urgency to self importance—now, I must do my part of The Way, The Truth™️, and The Life. No man goes to the source unless they hear what I say—and do what I admonish them to do”

The misinterpretation of “the experience” is what is wrong with the world

The universe has merely given you a glimpse of you—the all encompassing I AM while in your darkest hour, or still in training. Some have even claimed the experience of I AM as if they are the only one entitled to it (I and the father are one?) but the truth is much cooler than that. We are all the center of it, equally alive with the whole existence we cannot effectively grasp until we live in the present, which is eternally now.

Each of us already possess the very enlightenment we seek, but are privileged to pretend we don’t through insecurity, guilt, and the idea of self, or ego—that is the trick!

Muhammad had the experience as he lay in his cave, but if he has the final say, he also must extend that courtesy to me, for there is no difference but his disposition to align things to a culture of his times—control.

Jesus, having been conditioned by his culture interpreted himself to be the only way, the truth, and a god himself (which can happen if you’re not careful) It was true, but not solely his to claim, but mine and yours (ours) as well. He went calmly to his death with a surety this experience is only a waypoint amidst a much larger picture of a never ending play—we are it!

Be careful—the experience is real. It is there to ponder, to give perspective, to understand I AM and our place in the cosmos, but you first have to realize ego is an illusion. You and everyone and every thing are equally blended participants in a temporary field trip that can only be had with eyes that see and ears that hear—has been transformed into fear and punishment by those who feel their enlightenment surpasses yours and mine, which came actually from a crude cultural interpretation of a violent time. Those who get the joke just sit back and laugh (what else is there to do?) Ego is thinking you are you, but it isn’t you at all.

We are the mix of life and neither can one be without the other. The universe is the whole of life, while religion is trying to fix something that truly does not exist, make you feel guilty for it and then it becomes a contest—”who can be the most sorry for their sins and who can be humbler than the competition”—the ultimate ego, a misdirected sense of self, clinging to the idols of gods, deprecation, and forced humility.

Wolf tracks by the Columbia River at Hunters, Wa. 9/15/19 Measured 5 inches across.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

44 thoughts on “The Idea of I AM—The Jehovah Effect©”

  1. Isn’t it weird everyone has enlightenment in odd places?
    Did anyone describe what God looks like? Since they’re just Messengers and children, have they actually seen him? What if it was a her? Why’s it always a guy?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It is a little strange that it takes a quiet spot of meditation or a crisis. One must open up to the possibility, have a seizure, or guru meditation mind strength. I’ve seen god. She is black

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      1. People are open to possibilities but closed when it comes to beliefs. You can tell them God is one but never ever doubt his/her existence. I really wanna know how this concept was conceived. The basis.
        I am stardust. I have the matter that made the universe in me and that makes me infinite. I am god.

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        1. Sure. You cannot, not be. At least not any longer. I’m assuming for the exercise that the experience is real. The various interpretations of it is the tricky part. We know we’ll be fooled. Who among you asked the name of the spiritual guide, or just assumed it was Jesus. There are meditators who can tell you the name of their spiritual guides, teachers, and healers. If it’s real, there are many different entities as the reports suggest. Not one I AM, but all one.

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          1. You defy my divinity? Haha!
            I view it as a concept.
            People who think god created himself aren’t open to the argument that the same can be applied to universe too. We don’t know how it all came into existence. Just because we don’t know how doesn’t mean we can ascribe some cosmic intervention. If he has to be created, he’s not god. If he just exists, where did his existence sprout from? Isn’t “he just exists” flawed?

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            1. I don’t think one can ever recognize the source energy because it is so fundamentally us. Does a fish contemplate the water, or recognize its in an ocean? Only when it flies out of its environment can it feel it missing and struggle for oxygen. Then, what a rush getting back in it. That may be 6am simple, but get the idea?

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            2. Good point. People say that the universe needs a cause, but somehow God does not. The logic that applies to the universe doesn’t seem to apply to God. That’s the only way to get out of the top down problem for their being a creator. Who created the creator? We don’t know why there is something rather than nothing, but it’s quite possible that a divine consciousness has nothing to do with it.

              Liked by 2 people

            3. Exactly. It’s all about possibility.
              We can’t say anything for sure.
              But if what they say about God is true, then all those innocent lives would’ve been saved. If he existed, knew about the wars and lives and hesitated to come save, I wouldn’t respect him.

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      2. Something to ponder upon… the black divinity that many have encountered is Lucifer, the “original” (simple guess) freedom fighter. The story behind the Goddess being in actual fact Lucifer is long and twisted but for those who wonder why the official “god” is always male… think patriarchy, then add that to the (biblical) fact that it was Lucifer who led the fight against the great misogynist patriarchal dictator of heaven. There’s a whole “new” history there for anyone who is truly curious about that war in heaven… Forces loyal to the “divinity” in heaven changed Lucifer’s gender so that it would appear it was a male, never a female, who would dare oppose “god”. The subsequent demonization is of course standard political practice.

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        1. Whatever the case if any of that happened, the good guys lost and the winners write the history. Funny thing about it though, is they are so corrupt they couldn’t even discern how terrible their book really is. The only reason one would consider it good is through presuppositions. The good in the Bible could be published in a pamphlet. Adam wanted an obedient wife. Isn’t that why he ditched the first one..Lilith?


          1. Lilith, so I gather, was a “disciple” of Lucifer, anti-patriarchal and powerful. She would have given birth to a whole different human race on planet earth, hence why she had to be “eliminated” and demonized out of existence by the biblical writers. Because she was “natural” to earth and the ruling “god” could not cow or seduce her she was declared unsuitable to partner with Adam. In all likelihood the Adam of Eden was not the original human male anyway but a new cloned slave creature called Adam, not the one who cohabited with Lilith. If we look at subsequent events throughout the history that was allowed to transpire through the programming of Earthians it isn’t too difficult to figure out how it all happened. “As BELOW, so ABOVE, as my Teachers were fond to remind me. Man’s existence such as it is, is the storybook of the universe. I know I go on about programming but until “man” realizes how critical it is to comprehend what that entails, no progress can ever be made here – the treadmill of belief ever beckons and enslaves everyone.

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  2. The irony of Christian (un)humility must include special blinders. “I am humble before my Lord and, therefore, way mo’ betta then you.” The concept is clearly encouraged by old CS in ‘Mere Christianity.’ Objectionable and rejectable self-aggrandizement.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. It is a competition. My understanding is more than yours. I love deeper than you. I forgive better, and I’m more humble. I reek of false piety and forced, superficial humility.

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  3. We are all the center of it

    I read somewhere that no matter where you are in the universe you are the centre of the universe. Literally the centre, not allegorically. I’m sure there’s something quite profound in that revelation (if it is in fact true), but I haven’t yet put my finger on it.

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    1. I guess the point is we can’t grasp it because it is so profoundly us. All of it. You can’t separate the whole experience from any part.


    2. Just means there are as many universes as living beings. We are each the god of our own universe. None are in phase with any other, which is why witnesses to an event never describe the exact same sceario unless they are lieing. Sounds true to me.

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  4. wow! excellent write. from my understanding, when Jesus says “I am the way, the truth, the life” he’s not referring to himself as person. rather he was pointing to the “higher Self” or cosmic consciousness, or, like you said, the transcended small ego/personality. only by that method do we become ‘the way, the truth and one with god’.
    of course, Christianity would like to have it their way. but transcending the personal ego is paramount is ALL spiritual practices, indifferent of belief. when enlightenment happens, ‘i’ melts like a salt doll when it enters the ocean.

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    1. It’s hard to tell what Jesus may or may not have said if anything at all. It could be simply the grandeur of the writers putting words in his mouth. He’s not the last person to claim such, but it is written that he said, “no man goes to the father but by me”.
      I do think the concept of god has been morphed into a tyrannical boss, a father figure and what not. The Hebrews didn’t really do the concept of a god any favors. Glad you liked it. My mind has been busy…Reading between the lines of say Jesus spent his 17 missing years in India or somewhere in the Far East, and left before his training had purged out the old Hebrew in him.

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      1. yes, Notovich had apparently found some written documentation in a Tibetan monastery of a man called ‘Issa’ who stayed there. he wrote “the unknown life of J.C”. there are also some movies made on the lost years of Christ.

        it really doesn’t matter. consciousness is one and inseparable.

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          1. oh, no. that comes from hinduism, more specifically, non-dualism or advaita vedanta. you see, there are 3 main paths to truth: Christianity supports the idea of ‘higher-self’/Ego, or Christ consciousness (basically transcending the small ‘me’ personality and realizing a higher self, which still has some form of identity, like Jesus.
            hinduism denies the idea of any form of personal identity or Ego, maintaining there is only one single, cosmic Self, into which one melts completely and becomes one with it (the salt doll and the ocean).
            and lastly, buddhism, which denies both Ego or Self, saying all is emptiness and ‘no-one’ exists.
            all these paths lead to same thing, ultimately, so they are all true and valid.
            however, only the semantics differ and this creates much confusion between them. i’m sure Jesus, the Buddha and Krishna would have fantastic time together


      2. Naw, he just couldn’t say in Hebrew what he had learned in Sanskrit, the words didn’t translate. Reincarnation became rebirth. Krshna became Christ. I used to have a whole list of them, but my memory has faded.
        This is all if there was a Jesus who went to the Indian subcontinent, and returned. Likely Christ was just a travelling salesman from Idaho.

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  5. Dear friends. This blog-post has strikingly many similarities between a comment Jim left on my blog, and it will therefore be assumed that this is not by chance. So, here I am to set some records straight. I have an ego and to claim the opposite would be a lie. I am not always right, in most cases probably not. In fact, I am not that intelligent or knowledgeable. These are my ugly traits: I envy and boast. I am fully capable of being arrogant and rude. At times I desperately insist on my own ways. I behave and think in irritable and resentful ways. I rejoice at wrongdoings in order to comfort myself. I judge and measure others in unjust ways. Setting expectations higher for others than me. I comfort myself in horrible biased ways. I deliver white lies and plain lies. Much to my desperate despair this is the truth about me. My challenge is for others to also admit to this. For these are human traits not exclusive to me. Now, I am not here to convince anybody that I am right and you are wrong. Every single precious person I encounter has something to teach me. I am not here to prove I AM in what I am, for this you have now learned would not be much. I am not exclusive nor important for this is the way of Love.

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    1. Are you certain your ego is not an illusion? A condition? A deception? Your description of yourself sounds more like an organism that has an opinion of “I”, but it is not the you you think you are. Unable to change her consciousness no matter how hard you try? Unable to correct or fix anything about yourself without futilely exerting muscular strain on your consciousness? It doesn’t work because you are a temporary organic thought, connected to the entire universe. Having thoughts arise in your head out of nowhere? Control them! Ha! You can’t do it!
      That’s where the church steps in and offers a solution. Save you from yourself? There is a much bigger picture than the gospel would allow. Perhaps there is more to your training.

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      1. Anyway; Love is the path that I choose. It will remain the story of my life. This is what brings purpose and meaning to my life. So, I will remain faithful and loyal to the Word I experienced. That Love is what is going to continue to shape me, and I cannot see what harm a little more love in the world would do.

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  6. I know what you are saying, and much of it is old trails for me. I have a different interpretation of “ego” so I’ll use “personality” instead. The control freak believes s/he has discovered a “new” thing and since it’s good for them, they share it with others. Typically when the response is lukewarm the next step is to increase the pressure by whatever means and force people to accept the idea as ‘the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth’ and that’s when the shit hits the fan. A new religion or a new administrative force arises and being young, it is very hungry. When it grows its full set of teeth, it tears into the world and devours bodies, then minds until it has grown an enforced following from which it can always feed in lean time, i.e., when it has no wars to fight. No matter how history portrays these beginnings, it always, without fail, begins with a sociopathic personality. I don’t know if everyone has thoughts of leading people into her/his “right way” – I certainly did at one point but my wave crested before it turned into a tsunami. There is but one way to “prove” if an idea is good, and that is to simply live it. By living it I and those who observe, can judge the value of the idea. If it’s non-viable it will dodo itself into oblivion and no one will have been hurt by its appearance. If it is viable, it can do wonders through self empowerment. By this definition, every successfully enforce and legally binding leadership, religious or otherwise, has been an abject failure resulting in great harm to people and the world.

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  7. I feel that the source energy cannot be recognized by thought/thinking, but if one is intelligent enough to see the limitations of thought — and the limitations of recognition by and “as” thought — then that source, that immensity may visit one or pass through.
    The present contains the past and the future… and is the eternal now.
    There is a good possibility (let’s say) that one has been, in the past, visited by the universal source, or energy (it is beyond what limited words can describe), and i feel that everyone would call it sacred or label it as “God,” if they were so visited. (I, though, do not like the label of “God” for it; it’s too anthropomorphic.) Atheism, in its commonly held definition, is rather meaningless to me. (I don’t care if anyone believes me or not regarding that “visitation”; it doesn’t matter.)
    We are not like onions. It’s not like it is there (trapped) deep in you, and if you pull away all the crude layers, it’s there. Too many think that the divine is centered in them, and they walk around destroying the earth and doing all kinds of malignant things.
    Though i certainly don’t go around quoting Jesus and all that kind of thing, i am a little bit appreciative of the Coptic Gospel of Thomas. That gospel too, however, was somewhat adulterated by the insertions of others. The Greek fragments of Thomas come closer to the pristine version, but there are only limited amounts of these that have been found. The G. of T. was rejected by the Roman Bishops, who were clinging to their hierarchy and power over the people. The Five Gospels is an interesting read. In Thomas, Jesus tells one to stand alone, away from what the Pharisees (the strict religious doctrine-following people) said, and even suggests standing alone (away from clinging to one’s parents). Some scholars say that the G. of John was written as a rebuttal to the G. of T. Go figure!

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    1. I like v2 of one of the translations. Jesus said, “Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be dismayed, and he will rule over the All.” Dismayed is the perfect word here. All that searching to find there is no secret. We’ve had it all along.

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