Patient Zero—A Christian Model

It’s easy to place blame for the origination of COVID19, but do we know the facts?

During the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s, researchers quickly tried to identify the source patient. Another researcher misread some scribbled notes reading ‘patient O’ (as in the letter O) as patient zero, a French-Canadian flight attendant Gaëtan Dugas.

Two years ago (nearly 25 years later) the patient zero hypothesis has been put to rest and Dugas ‘cleared’ as patient zero, but the term lives on, misleading those who do not understand how disease processes work—or pathophysiology (Dugas died believing he had killed 1000s) Researchers don’t like the term because it is misleading how disease processes develop.

Dr. Ian Lipkin, a professor of epidemiology and director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University in New York, said, “It is not uncommon for infectious agents to percolate in the environment for years or even decades without detection“, and finding the absolute beginning is a pipe-dream.

Enter Religion—

Finding the origins of Christianity has been another curious journey—a nefarious beginning and doctrines now contrary to the original words. Assumptions have to be made, stories altered, investigations unfold, yet no decisive winner in the debate of origins. Why? A deceptive premise, perhaps?

But, the claim was made and that is enough for trusting mind of the common man.

The accusation and defamation of Mr Dugas was also inspired by religious belief. I wonder if that was through special revelation, or general revelation? Having a direct link to god is certainly proof enough that ecclesiastical statements are made from pure bias.

What year was Jesus born again? Zero? Surely we would know the date of birth of the most important character that changed the calendrical reckoning…

Using these methods, most scholars assume a date of birth between 6 and 4 BC, and that Jesus’ preaching began around AD 27–29 and lasted one to three years. They calculate the death of Jesus as having taken place between AD 30 and 36″—Oh really? And this, the most important event in the history of the world.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

41 thoughts on “Patient Zero—A Christian Model”

  1. If anyone is Christian Zero, I would lean toward John the Baptist. But even he, I believe, got his idea from someone less famous than he. I mean, I haven’t read a bible for over 50 years at least, so I don’t have a clear memory, but I think he was the first “big name” to suggest a coming saviour.” If I’m wrong, sue me.

    Liked by 5 people

        1. dogwar-rawgod. You can get gold from an empty vault. It’s called religious tourism. Phony tombs are visited by millions each year to the pilgrimages. You could sell tickets to get people to look in your safe-deposit box.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Ah, Jim, you have such an imagination. I have no safety deposit box because I have nothing so valuable as to put in one. Even Geraldo Rivera could not con his way into making a penny off my non-existent sdb. But if he really wants, he can try…

            Liked by 1 person

    1. Ok, I must respond to your inquiry and only because you’ve admitted that you haven’t read a Bible in 50 years! I also really like your question, it’s an interesting way of looking at this very important, mostly obfuscated, and mostly revelatory research.
      If you’re really looking for “Christian Zero,” as you have characterized it, you need go no further than looking at Paul, the former Saul of Tarsus. He is essentially the “inventor” of Christianity if we were to assign such a sobriquet to anyone. An excellent book on this topic is “Mythmaker – Paul and the Invention of Chrisitianity” by Hyam Maccoby. Maccoby passed away a few years ago but he was an excellent Jewish scholar that took issue with the conversion of Jews to Christianity by Christian missonaries essentially misquoting Hebrew scripture and totally altering Jesus’ message from a Jewish-centric message to a Romano-Hellenistic mish-mosh of nonsense. I highly recommend it. I would also recommend watching the YouTube vignettes of Rabbi Tovia Singer, whom I follow closely for answering exactly this question. Singer also has dedicated his life to “recovering “ Jewish Christian converts back to their natural faith.
      As I recently wrote in response to another inquiry on-line, Jesus (whose real name was Yoshua – he wouldn’t have known who you were talking about if you referred to him as “Jesus Christ”) was a Jew, a devout Jew, pure and simple. Read his quotes; he basically says he did not come for gentiles, he’s here to save the Jew from Roman oppression. He says the Law (Torah) must be followed to the letter, and not a single “jot or tilda” (components of Hebrew writing) will change before “all these things come to pass,” meaning his prophecies. He was born under Jewish law, lived his entire life adhering and advocating the Law, taught in the synagogues, was (supposedly) a prodigy of the Law, and was buried according to Hebrew Law. He never taught anything different. He also says “I did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill them.”
      Paul, on the other hand, claims to be a Pharisee, claimed to have studied under Gamaliel in Jerusalem. Gamaliel was an absolute giant of Jewish Law called “Rabban,” the title of a master of the Law, by the Jerusalem Jewish community as a result of his wisdom and volume of writings on the Law. Any Jewish scholar will tell you that Paul knows almost nothing about the Pharisees or Pharisaic Jewish philosophy. He basically made the whole story up out of whole cloth in order to buttress his credentials. He was raised in Tarsus, a thousand miles or so away from Jerusalem in Anatolia, today’s Turkey. Furthermore, he claims to be a “disciple” of Christ, a man he never met and, more importantly, doesn’t seem to know anything about. I advise you read his letters; he never mentions any of most profound events of Jesus’ life, his virgin birth, miracles, family, parents, or sermons. Paul claims he was “born” an Apostle, made an Apostle by God even above & beyond Jesus’ actual self-selected, hand picked Apostles, and asserts that he knew more about Jesus’ message than they, even above Jesus’ OWN BROTHER James, to whom Jesus left the “church” after he died. Paul then went on to alter many or most of the Jewish Law and protelytized that Jesus’ death abrogated the Jewish Law and that there was now a “new covenant” between the world – Jews And gentiles alike – and God. Yoshua would most definitely not approve or abide these changes. Hence Paul (who Hellenized his Jewish name Saul in order to more successfully prostelytize to gentiles) becomes the first “Christian.”
      There’s a lot to read up on and it is an incredible story with all the requisite “twists of fate,” that you just can’t make up, but very compelling. Enjoy!

      Liked by 4 people

      1. ¡Excelente! That was a perfect comment that concisely expresses the best knowledge on the topic. “If” there even was a Jesus figure depicted in scripture at all.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks for all the recommendations, RPR, but no thanks. I’m not that interested in false stories about false gods. I already know where my future lies, and it has nothing to do with religion. Once upon a time, maybe, but we all know “once upon a time” introduces fairy tales, and I’m too old for fairy tales. If I’m going to read fiction, it will not be historical fiction, it will be science fiction, which may still become truth. Historical fiction is impossible to change into truth…

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Jews used the same method of taking things out of context and outright forgery that the Christians did later on. They forged prophecies supposed to be spoken by oracles of Italy and Greece predicting Jewish apocalypses. They wrote things to syncretize other mythologies with theirs, and to tie them together(and to set them within the Torah timeline). Remember how Herakles met Abraham? They also inserted their figures into history, making themselves the inventors of astrology(via Abraham) and many other arts. They tried to claim that Plato, Pythagoras, and other Greek philosophers had gotten all their ideas from Moses. They even wrote tracts where Homer(the poet) endorsed Sabbath and kashrut. The Christian Clement of Alexandria made the ridiculous claim that the Greeks learned tactics and military strategy from Moses. He based that on the fact that Miltiades made a surprise attack on the Persians at Marathon, and there are also some surprise attacks and feints mentioned in the Torah’s vague descriptions of battles. Therefore Moses invented strategy.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I think the water is a little deep for me at this end. I am sure that I will be pulling out a bible tonight and start gettin’ smart on all of this. Nah. Gunna read some Bukowski for a look at alternative reality. Or any reality.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The idea of deep water is close Bill, and it’s intensional. The other trick is “ “They muddy the water to make it seem deep”—Frederick Nietzsche

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Paul was a potentially the greatest marketer in the history of the world. Imagine how different the things would have been if his donkey hadn’t stumbled and he hadn’t hit his head (or whatever).

    Liked by 4 people

    1. If nothing else he understood how to manipulate the subtleties of human psychology and gullibility. Grace by faith is a masterful stroke of volunteer enslavement and unaccountability, but it feels good. It’s all about the anticipation and the dopamine man!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Agreed. Mind you if he didn’t fill that need or desire humans have… someone else would have eventually. Maybe it’s unfair to assign blame there. He likely thought he was helping humanity.

        Liked by 1 person

            1. Too late. Cigar, Johnny Walker, and Jo go-darke! Win win! And you give me joy. I really appreciate my life after reading about yours. Hehe. 😁. No really I do like your sense of variety. Good stuff

              Liked by 1 person

            2. Well, I’m with you there, but, not to sound to glib, I choose counterfeit Cubans. This is an irreligious blog ya know. I have to stay consistent

              Liked by 1 person

            3. Lol. I passed out at 8 last night. The new job has my brain fatigued learning a new system. But, I got my eight, which is 2 hours more than normal. It’s a nice quiet house right now.

              Liked by 1 person

            4. Nice and quiet. Time to inflict some atheism on the world 🙂

              I actually thought you have wake up at this time to start digging your snow tunnel. (you know to get to your car)


            5. No snow in the forecast, but the arctic cold front has arrived. Single° for a week in the forecast. The house in Panama is being missed 🇵🇦


    2. Paul was a committee of Roman State intelligence staff working on a plan for pacifying the fanatical Jews they’d been at war with. Knowing the proclivity the super religious Hebrews had for amending their texts relating to unfulfilled prophecy’s and Shazam, Jesus.
      It’s true, I heard it from a light skinned angle-ish vision who held a iPhone to my face for me to FaceTime with a vary solid impression of something about what I just said.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I was wondering how to know these things to be true…I, I am stunned it was just now so clear to me the minute I knew you were my people. iPhone…I guess I knew it all along

        Liked by 1 person

  4. That’s all it takes for a thorough duping of the trusting mind of the common man.

    Absolutely, but I think we can pinpoint this down to a somewhat un-common person, or as the case may be, persons. The first evidence of Christianity is inside the northern diaspora, far removed from Palestine, in modern day Syria and Turkey. These were refugees, desperate (no doubt) for good news from the motherland. Fertile fields for someone telling a tall tale.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. The whole thing is a made up world. Religion and politics; two sides of the same coin..designed for control of the masses who will never take the time to do any research or unbiased study.
    It’s a swirling story that changes periodically. It’s like it was said “the world is a stage” and we are all the players and it’s simply a play. If you look at the big picture, man’s time will come to an end and all this frothing and fighting over politics and religion will have served no purpose other than a vehicle for destruction.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You see dat. I see dat.
      Whyfor they not see dat too?

      ‘Cos the whole setup is to garner and maintain (at any costs) the ‘P’ triplicity (Power, Pelf, and Prestige); and to ensure these ends systems are institutionalised among men etc etc

      BUT: until we can get people seeing the Contradictions for themselves we are phu— oops, doomed to evermore the same.
      And so the beat goes on, the beat goes onnnnnn …

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Technically the number zero didn’t exist in mathematics at the time at least in that region, although there appears to be evidence that India had a concept of zero at the time as a numeral. The Babylonians represented zero as a space in their writing, but it was more of a placeholder rather than an actual numeral. Persians seem to be the first to really use zero heavily in mathematics combining both Hindu and Greek numeral systems and mathematics. But this is why there is no year zero. Europeans didn’t really use zero in mathematics until around the 13th century, but it wasn’t commonly used among people and scientists alike until the 16th century. The BC/AD system was established in the 9th century I believe before zero would have been a concept that they would apply to Jesus. It’s also important to note that the dates are all back calculated, and while leap years were introduced by Caesar in 45 BC, the fact that the revolution of Earth around the sun falls a bit short of 365.25 days, means that another adjustment had to be made, and that was done in 1582 AD. Of course there were other calendars around as well, and so who knows between conversions, recalculations, etc if anybody actually knew the exact year anything happened?! But I agree that none of that should put Jesus’ birth off by several years, but it does perhaps explain why they might have thought he was born in December and not April as seems to be the case.

    But birth records weren’t kept…especially of poor people so the idea that Jesus’ birth could be determined with any accuracy (if he indeed existed is preposterous. Time simply didn’t mean the same thing to people for much of human history as it was today. Most people didn’t care what day it was, only the season and used astronomical events to mark the passage of time so they knew when to plant and harvest crops. Obviously people still knew when the Sabbath was in that region and so it’s not that they didn’t have days of the week, but it just wasn’t all that important to write it down. The Jewish tradition of a BarMitzvah does go back quite a ways and but the passing of the 13th year was more based on astronomical signs than a celebration on a specific day. Early Christianity considered celebrating a birthday a pagan ritual related to astrology until the 4th century.

    So yes it’s still all made up, but also anybody who knows their history would also know that there is no way we could get the birth date correct anyway!

    Liked by 1 person

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