If Everyone Really Believed—

What life might be like if religion got everything they fight for…

  • Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
  • Perhaps the most well known and recited scripture in all of Christendom. But what would it mean to our “Christian nation” and what would it be like when they have the total population baptized and True Blue?™️
  • The Pros
    • Conservative republican government with no opposition
      No crime
      Free homosexual and transgender de-programming (effectively making the world a “gay free” zone) in a generation.
      10% flat tax
      Guaranteed faith healings
      More hand holding
      Paleontologists would be held accountable—paying fines for the possession of fossils over 6000 years old
      Reduction in latex
      No-faith pharmacies
  • The Cons
    • Monochrome culture
      No mission trips to feed the ego-participants dopamine receptors
      No ophthalmologists
      Nobody left to hate
      Exhausting physical and emotional boredom
      Hypocrisy counseling centers dot the land
      Contradiction crisis lines
      Museums of reason
      Thought monitoring (only to help)
      Cumbersome arm-bands to signify your loyalty