Truth about God—Yes, Even That One

The answer to the mystery is a malfunction in human cognition

It doesn’t take a lifetime to figure this out. I got into this quest about two years ago and part-time have easily disproved any semblance of god, backed by the best reproducible research and study—then easily answered the hardest questions by mere observance. From all the available research and laboratories around the world—and from mere reason, there is no god or gods.

We have a problem with perception—purely bias, easily indoctrinated, deceived from the time we can breath, then required by command by people who lie to us to trust, have faith, just hang in there. For what? What has it produced but deeper conjecture and division? How long does religion deserve to prove its objectives?

Mans search to solve what are actually the quirks of neurology and perception has spent over 100 generations seeking truth since the Jesus myth, and who-knows how long before that. Impressions, dopaminergic rewards and other hormonal responses have been neatly illusive to comprehend. The fact is we are easily fooled, easily persuaded, easily gathered, and by belief in another plane of omnipotent existence we have divided humanity into groups.

The red writing in the Bible is right about one thing—faith has power. The power to overlook obvious contradiction, lies, truths, and through belief the “men of words” of the world have controlled nations—and we’ve paid them to do it.

The reality is that ever-changing neurologies and circumstance is hard to pin down. Everyone sees something different, even in the physical sense, let alone from the corner of their eye in a darkened environment—or a church hall. Humanity is unstable. Faith is too easily rewarded as shown by mans desires to believe in anything at all. Believing gets you the good-boy award for doing what can’t be helped by our physiology. If there is a god he’s laughing his ass off at his fuck-up. Life is to be lived people. There are no secrets. There are no mysteries of heaven or god. 10,000 years of the best minds have found nothing—not a damn thing! And who thinks that finally now we will find what we’ve been taught to search for, that no one else has ever found?

In the end everyone decides what kind of god they are willing to accept. Fundamentalism is pure whack job—the smug call that orthodoxy while the rest (even the normal believer) see real religion as a cancer. Water it down and at least it’s tolerable—barely.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

52 thoughts on “Truth about God—Yes, Even That One”

  1. Just the resurrection account alone should be the clincher instead it’s the glue that keeps the rest of the improbable less outlandish.
    While reading your post it occurred to me that people seem infatuated with the notion of why instead of how. This is fundamental to how you approach inquiry. Why requires agency and how requires deconstruction. More likely I’m overthinking. My point is knowing the right question is how to make progress in understanding how the universe and our existence works and everything else.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I had a post a while back about that. They can’t answer why either, but they’ve certainly kept at it. Sure why is easy superficially, but the nuts and bolts of it tear it apart. Like your why question at the end of your posts. That kind of why.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Or even looking for it. I was counseled heavily to not look in such places for satan lurks, waiting to deceive. Besides, why would I look when I already had the truth? TWR (that was rhetorical)


    1. I’m thinkin’ that it will just go away on its own. Good point. It took 900 years for the last holdouts on Greek myth to finally quit, but it was replaced with Jesus. What can replace Jesus? Well give em a bone,,

      Liked by 2 people

  2. There is a lot out there that is easy to attribute to something spiritual. Or, as you point out, it may be in us rather than “out there.” Like the nostalgia I feel when I think back to the little church we went to with my parents and grandparents. That feeling of comfort and belonging we felt. It took me a long time to realize that it was my family, and the kindness of the people around us, that generated those feelings. Back then, though, I thought it was a religious experience.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. I. Like !

    Some tremendously bright fellow noted this: “… a large body of research demonstrates that the more we lie, and the more we are exposed to the ever-so-delicious lies of others, the uneasiness felt by us in the face of deception weakens (See Neil Garret, et al., 2016, The brain adapts to dishonesty, Nature Neuroscience, 27 September)

    Liked by 5 people

    1. We are compelled to believe something, anything will do. Even when we know a person is lying they get a pass. We may talk about their bullshit behind their back, but it’s tolerated time and again. We give the benefit of the slightest doubt and inclined to believe even if it’s just a smidgeon, but religion is all doubt all the time and it perpetuates. The king has no clothes, but saying so costs to much. Better to assimilate

      Liked by 3 people

  4. I am sticking with there are no gods. Lady on call-in show says, “I don’t understand how anyone can be an atheist.” Show host says, “Okay. Yes, but you did not ask a question. So, I will ask you why you do not understand.” It got interesting after that.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It is hard to understand how one can’t believe, right up until the time they don’t. She’ll eat those words if she truly exposes herself to honesty.

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      1. I could have been a good discussion, but it was another one of those things. Her son had brain cancer. He was not treated at all. She prayed and he recovered. And the MRI proved it. Many MRIs, but no treatment…none….right. But lots of MRIs. Did you say honesty? I admire her courage for calling in. But there must be a lot of people who did not get cancer from god, but dang sure got cured by god. With prayer. Groan.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. I’m not an atheist. What is amazing to me is how many are tricked into servitude based on a lie. Religion in general harms. Being confined to the structure of their choice is nothing less than true damnation of their being.

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    1. I would say that the options available have swayed your decision and your statement. We’re always given two choices, and in this case it it between atheism and belief. There is always a third way and you have demonstrated by the way you live that you are an atheist based on the your practices in other realms outside religion. The universe is more complex and energy flows to and fro and through us all. Your perceptions are more attuned to those energies. It is not a god.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Herd mentality= bull$hit. Then again, every lost lamb is precious and needs to come back to the fold. They see nothing wrong with being part of the flock. What a slippery slope.

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  6. My best friend here in Alabama is a Lutheran. His wife died five years ago. He told me that only a few days after her death, he had a dream in which his wife appeared and told him to search an area in their yard–she gave specific directions. He said the next morning, he went to the spot that she, his dead wife, had mentioned in the dream, and he found a religious artifact. I can’t remember exactly what, a cross that had been lost or something of that sort.

    At any rate, that experience pushed him with no small amount of force into the arms of the Lutheran church. His belief is wrapped up solid in his emotional life. His wife (from the other side) directed him to the cross. This man served on a nuclear submarine during the cold war. Went back to school after his military obligation was done. Got a degree in engineering. He’s intelligent. And yet, a thousand books, a million perfect arguments cannot undo his emotional feeling that yep, there’s a god in heaven and his wife’s waiting for him to show up! The same way the cartoonist showed Barbara Bush and her daughter, the one who died young, greet Dubya in cloudy heaven. I don’t know about your area, but folks down here loved that cartoon.

    Christianity has played that tune for two thousand years. And it still works. The Christian Industry knows its clientele. Oh, and here in Alabama, a good many of the folks who go to church every Sunday also go back home and watch Hannity and Co. The mythic claws have industrial and political strength.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Interesting. And purely jesus is the only thing that could have allowed his wife’s apparition to present some spectral evidence. A million people dream about loved ones. One finds a twig in the shape of a cross and its headlines. There were 99,999,999 other dreams that produced nothing. It’s called luck—mixed with a little timing. She should have told him where some Spanish gold was buried…Great comment Paul. Thanks

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I personally don’t see any organised church as a healthy way to look at scripture but is he happy in what he is doing? I don’t doubt that he has attributed too much to this cross and that perhaps DeJaVu or the trauma of loss has blurred the lines of reality and he ahs self created this because it’s how he wants it.

      But if he is happy within that and believing the hazy story about his wife because his mind needed it an takes enjoyment in remember her that way then I struggle to see what’s wrong with what he is doing.

      I’ll give you an example. I spent many years researching movie studios, societies in America along with groups and quite cults that have come and gone over time some making contributions to the industry, others forming a codex within acting, pacts and in some cases quite insidious actions. I have an eye for it and took the time but it has ruined movies for me becasue I hate Hollywood and find its history to be overpoweringly negative. I can’t look at movies the same way and that bothers me because I used to do alot of reviews.

      I was actually better off not knowing. I would still be able to enjoy a movie and feel a slight dread and anger whenever anything movie related came into my field. I can’t unknow things nor pretemd to be in the dark because I was better off in ignorance.

      The truth isn’t always what a person needs. The mind often selfcreates things and gives into what it needs so be very careful with a bereaved person who appears to be happy. Delusions can be comfortable.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Most all the anonymous polls and scientific studies show this…

    Studies done from 2007 through 2011 in 40 countries around the world, including the United States show that the rational choice to adhere to a religion is heavily self-centered, not theological, not necessarily empirical, or not even miraculous, but instead based on the question, what will the decision cost ME?

    Bottom-line? Whether the religious admit it or not, it has everything to do with “fitting in with the crowd.” Too scared to march to your own beat staying true to self and what nature and all evidence puts in front of you and every single other human being on the planet. What myth or fairy-tale you subscribe to or label yourself has no relevance. Period. End of discussion. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well well look who rose from the DFW ashes to make another perfect comment. Firstly, good to see you. Truth! Fitting in is número uno. Interestingly fitting in is the number one regret of hospice patients. Living life on someone else’s terms untrue to yourself is the biggest regret ever. And it’s never too late to regret, people only regret when it’s too late.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. LOL… yes, sorry my good Friend. I had a family emergency this week and the week prior. Once again my addict sister. She’s now in prison for her 3rd major drug arrest. 😦 I’m having to help (again for the umpteenth time) my 79-yr old mother handle her matters & apartment that police & narcotic agents raided this week. *big sigh*

        Regarding living someone else’s life and opinions…

        Patterning your life around other’s opinions is nothing more than slavery.” — Lawana Blackwell

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  8. I have one on my side of the family. Completely understand your feelings. We are just very happy you take time to pop in and grace us with your presence. 🌞


  9. Just reading through your threads. Are you sure that you’re an atheist? That’s a definitive positon and as much a leap of faith because by your own position that God has submitted not a single scrap of evidence to prove his existence to you so in stating a flat denial of a God figure (detach the Judeo Christian from it) you’re doing so with the limited experience you have fo a vast universe that we are but a twinkle in the minds eye of? Do you know the expanses of space? Neither of us do, nor do we have knowledge of the years before we existed other than second hand accounts.

    With that in mind, I also have an extremely limited knowledge of time and space, are you driven by faith when you say that all of the endless amounts of info that you don’t have will match the small spec you do in that no God of any sort be it a man with a beard or a blue guy with his legs crossed is going to appear?

    If you concede that it’s a pretty big assumption and the very “leap of faith” that you dislike in denominations of Chrisianity is required to be classified an Atheist then what?

    I personally don’t believe that atheists actually exist because they would be at war with themselves to use that definition correctly and in actual fact they are like Richard Dawkins, a strong agnostic.

    Are you looking to deconstruct so therefore an antiteist?

    Just my take, I never used the term atheist because I felt that people would view that I instead had a dogma of omission instead so just as bad.


    1. Absolutely sure I’m an atheist. Absolutely certain that you can pray and nothing happens. Absolutely certain (I’ve not been proven in error yet) that what is taught in the Abrahamic faiths is at odds with what we actually see with our own eyes.
      Take away all the hairsplitting commentary and what you have is a psychological mind-fuck that plays on the foibles of human neurons and hormones. Pride masquerading as faith giving points for believing. The natural man is actually the believing man. Everyone seems to want a belief. It’s quite a duping and finely tuned to elicit emotion (even outright lies do this) and call it the spirit. Spiritual experiences that can be duplicated in a lab and duplicated with manipulation of the human psyche by getting us to agree to faith without any knowledge. That faith, or belief, when challenged stimulates an adrenergic response (fight or flight) which does not happen with facts. Then people spend their lives trying to prove they are really believers. There are none. They pretend to believe something they think everyone else might be believing. You know what I’m talking about here. If there were believers, and if the Bible were true, ophthalmology would be a dwindling profession full of faith healers working themselves out of business. For fifty years I gave all I had to it then realized by my own observation, alone in the jungle for three years—not with somebody breathing down my neck telling me what it all means that none of it adds up without miles of apologetic banter. The outcomes do not match the promises.
      I’ve yet to read an atheist book or watch atheist YouTube or other videos. My blog is my journey as a common man, a common atheist if you will, coming to my own conclusions.
      It’s interesting by the way, that several times I have been accused of being a Dawkins, Ehrman, or Hitchens disciple. I’ve never read them. But it does go to show one observer, a simple man such as me can see the charade for what it is if he just takes the time to look around.
      I have about 400 posts here in my own words. There are a handful of quotes I’ve mined from incidental contact, but 99% of what you see is me, from just looking around outside the contamination of belief.
      I really don’t think it matters what you believe. It is THAT you believe that is the problem with the world. Thought convictions—belief, the seedbed of division, oppression, tribalism, and hate. I believe nothing and I believe in nothing. I have learned to trust my own instincts, and for the past five years my eyes have been opened and I have knowledge. The key to understanding the mysteries is unbelief. It’s true, but I would’ve never known that as a believer.

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      1. Thanks for taking the time on that. My question was just on your definition since almost all “atheists” don’t class themselves as such because they are then clean of faith based thinking and take the humble position of saying “I don’t know and neither do you”. To say with absolute certainty that a thing doesn’t exist because of a single description of one group is faith because you have then yourself speculated on what’s not known or proven which is the exact thought process you would be trying to fight.

        Example: After emerging from the Amazonian jungle you’re the very first person I encounter. You describe to me your home as a palace and offer me to dinner. I attend but find that you live in jungle shack just like I have come from. Because of that I now state with absolute certainty that not only does your palace not exist, NO PALACES EXIST.

        The above statement parallels exactly the position of dogmatic atheism. A better reasoned position is agnostic because it relies on no faith and calls the unknown the unknown and therefore echoes, “I don’t know (and neither do you)”

        You’re are fighting blind faith, right? Just to clarify that.

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        1. I actually like your little analogy there but I think you’re giving it too much thought on this atheism definition. I cannot pretend to believe. Maybe my faith was too strong because i believed it so and tried the words. But here’s the kicker. People live the precepts by faith. If they apply the precepts into their life, now they have fact. Fact#1. Only those that have not field tested the words can go on and on about faith and apologetic banter. Once you apply the precepts of the faith you no longer have to believe because now you have fact it doesn’t meet the promised objectives. I have done this. I lived it. I devoted to the way.
          It is by faith that we live the gospel, it is by fact that we leave it. The endless apologetics prove they only know the words. There is no supernatural help. I have a 500 word story I’ll send to you about another experience I had.


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