Thoughts I Think

On life…

Live simply and beautifully. Find a groove being yourself before regret settles into mediocrity—

Be content exploring the natural world in respectful ways—

Be curious, but not a fool. The majority of the world believes in an invisible guardian and have applied the quirky perceptions of human neurology and endocrinology to meaning something it doesn’t—

Investigate the world with this knowledge—you have been deceived since birth by susceptible people who are easily impressed upon and ruled by those hormones and quirky neurology. They attach easily to bad ideas you’ll fight for and defend—

The attempts to accumulate many things gives you no right to pollute my breathing space or my water—

Nurture a little bit of beauty in the community. Plant something. Be a friend—

Disconnect from others once in a while to nurture at least one idea of your own observations—

Eat less, wear less, and work less. Feel the bare earth under your feet—

Respite somewhere off the beaten path along a babbling stream, or deep in the woods near a meadow—

Nothing is certain. The difference between your birthday and deathday is a dash—

—don’t waste it living someone else’s ideals.

Write your own epitaph. Tomorrow, write it again—Watch this four minute video if you need inspiration today. It is reality.

Be a better person each day—