On Free Will—In the Beginning

It may feel good to think you have free will, but do you?

If we are born sinners by nature and regardless of our effort—subject to sin, we would have no freewill to be “sinless,” especially since we are intellectually damaged long before we understand concepts of evil in a religious sense.

Adam and Eve were created with the capacity for disobedience, but the real crime would be god creating men and women who are gullible, easily tricked by whimsical rules, clever speech, flattery (and shiny things) Whose fault is that?

it is God that worketh in us to will and to do“—Phil. 2:13

Since god is using sin to accomplish his will, is it possible that sin is not evil at all, but merely a label of semantics—a certain set of arbitrary rules for the game? Only by the establishment of these random rules in which the human mind is ineptly programmed to adapt, sin would be the plan all along, manufactured by god.

As a non believer in any religions god, do I have the freewill to truly believe? Simply giving my mind to appease society or my own insecurities would ultimately be pretending to believe.

Then, if I do decide to believe—who cares? Hundreds of thousands of churches closed for the pandemic…I never noticed. Me thinks they have overrated their necessity.

Testing Faith

How modern religion has built its own proverbial maze of in-house testing

Since religion has no natural predator, tests of faith now are strictly done in-house. No torches or late night chases into the grottos, religion is now the predator. With greater protection than an endangered species, Christian Faith can now part the seas of opinion simply by making claims. It is a strange case where the vast majority can claim persecution at the drop of an idea—or any opposition of its attempt to legislate as hate speech.

The church has always thrived on being the martyr. The apostles were all supposedly killed for their beliefs—but not really. They were most likely killed because they were pushy, annoying pomps—end-time zealots preaching the fall of society.

Now the pre-testing comes with a handy coloring book and performed early and often by a team of trained, in-house experts. Poisoning the well Warning each child about just the right kind of doubt and how to combat it, squelching dissent years before most can be trusted think on their own, and by graciously withholding information.

As christianity now endures the most violent oppression in history—that internal, self deprecation that insures the acolyte and initiate are bonded forever as the worthless, dependent sinner.

Investigations into the beginnings of religion have accumulated steadily throughout the past century. It is only by great efforts of censorship, by sectarian education of an elaborately protected sort, and the like, that ignorance about them is maintained.”—H. G. Wells

The honest test of faith would be an early, liberal arts education, exposing the young to a wide variety of disciplines to nurture their minds as they grow. The truth is there is no faith when the religious tale is all they are allowed.

Columbia River Ferry at Inchelium, Wa

Pandemic Picnic #7 Blue Day!

Decisions Decisions—

Idiocy exponentially elevates the law of unintended consequences

Is it any wonder that on 3/16 that gods so-loved elected leader has somehow ruined the economy and simultaneously retained the backing of his voters? God is that good.

The decisions being made by our elected leaders are far more devastating than the corona virus.

Now, the way I see it, we will prolong the pandemic into the months ahead instead of letting it run its course.

Its only just begun…