Two Ways or the Highway

Be grateful you still have opposition

“Broadly speaking, there are only two ways in which any government can proceed. One is based on what we call a free society, which is enshrined right in the heart of the constitution.

The other is a way which allows only one view, both of economics and politics, in which everything is either owned or controlled by the state, including the media, including the ideas, including the freedom of discussion”—Margaret Thatcher

I for one, would take my chances on the former, especially considering the caliber of people who aspire to public office.

We currently have two opposing forces where each thinks the other is stupid, bought off liars. The alternative it totalitarian. There is no in between. Feeling grateful today that for now, opposition is allowed to counter your incorrect assumptions that you are right in your political beliefs.

If you get what you think you want, it will never be what you thought it was.

Christian Nationalism

What really is Christian nationalism and it is good, bad, or indifferent??

My son is in his third year at university and for his history class he was assigned to write about Christian nationalism. Not being much of a political person I thought I’d ask; what are the pros and cons of Christian nationalism in America today.? What is it exactly?

From what I have heard it is often used as an accusatory term, but what is it and how is it useful or destructive, or is it not really a thing?

What is Common Sense?

Where is all the common sense? We are looking at it

Def; “good sense and sound judgment in practical matters.”—a common-sense approach

One definition extrapolates that to develop common sense, we should Stay aware of our surroundings at all times and pay attention to how people react around you to specific actions”

Sounds like a recipe for neuroticism…

I would say common sense is the action and common interpretation of current behaviors. Our common senses today are not very practical. They are based on academic learning, vs practical experience.

If they were practical we wouldn’t wonder why nobody has any. “So you don’t believe in god?That’s just common sense!” —Not any more.

So what is common sense and why do so few possess it? Is common sense an ideal, and not a real thing? Just remember, when you are mad and people around you are irritating, that these are your people.

I think common sense is the ability to adapt to any situation based on a collection of experiences. I trust a farmer over a politician. One has experience, while the other has read about it. The farmer can foresee the outcome of a decision. The politician can only see as far as the opinions he’s read, which are based on other opinions. This is where we reside today.

Common sense makes decisions based on utility —while the politicals make decisions based on feelings, which are devolved hunches to improve popularity but rarely produce the desired outcome—like religion.

My latest project—The retirement shop

What is White Culture?

Is white culture offensive or absent?

Do white people lack culture? White culture is hardly noticeable because it is currently banned, but it is still the background, the canvas, the infrastructure. It provides the platforms we perform on. It is a selective history and discovery without becoming what is discovered. It is appreciation. It isn’t perfect, as compared to other options, whatever those are.

It is said that white people can’t dance, but what they do is make dance floors. True there is not much típico tradition now associated with white culture. That is like saying it isn’t noticed because it is everywhere, but it also builds the soapbox’s people complain from, about them.

White culture is also an economic system of slavery on its own color. This system is desirable to color culture too, because it produces a lot of shiny things, and technology that most people want when they are introduced to them. But it comes at a cost. It is a stressful way to live in this system of tax burden, broke, or bust, we must pay the man.

A select few, hyper driven individuals beat the system then become the cog in it, ie; if a man develops a successful software and becomes a billionaire, suddenly he is also an expert on education, vaccinations, farming, and land grabbing. In reality his money is all he’s worth. He caught a lucky break with good timing and aggression and now he is above celebrity, while simultaneously being a dummy. Cash is king in white culture. And it spreads inversely. This type of person gets special privilege because others want his money, which he deals out piecemeal to keep his fame in tact.

It isn’t a culture but the culture, currently. But it is also cultured. It is art, music, movies, literature, and entertainment. Because it is the dominant culture, it can also mean “customs” and “social behavior.

Ethnic vs White Culture. It may not look like it, but white culture is the result of many ethnicities melded into one. There are still sub groups, regionally diverse foods and customs, just as Black African ethnicities are not one, but many. For instance—

Where do you find the tallest people in the world? Where do you find the shortest? Of course “Africa” has more genetic diversity than anywhere else in the world, so it is with culture. Migration is where subspecies came into play. People not accustomed to diverse, black ethnicity, grouped all blacks in one category, which they are not. The same is true of white—Irish and Poles, or Dutch and Russian, are as diverse as the variety of Native Americans, or First Nations people.

VS Tradition—while white is a planning future using final religion, while ethnic is more based on traditions, the past, and ancestors which are many. It is good food and hair, drum circles and a variety of clothings, tattoos, musics, and mythologies, that all stand out in amazing color on a white background. It is supposed to be the best of everyone and everything. It is the Mola and the leathern drum, the Pollera and Montuno, or the Shuka cloth.

All idolized and memorialized by the underlying culture which even white is subject to, benefits from, and is oppressed by its homogeneous variety.

Irony of Ironies

It isn’t what you believe it is that you believe.

I find it amusing that people like Ye or Andrew Tate claim they have exposed the matrix and have awakened from reality, yet they are devout Christian and a recent convert to Islam, respectively.

These organizations are the epitope of matrices and the founders of thought control, spreading their entropic ideas while standing firmly on the foundations of them.

This is no different from “waking up” and then switching from democrat to republican, or visa versa. Which side your in matters not to them—it is that you pick a side that matters. The discord that ensues is the program.

Curious if what Ye says is true, that blacks are the real Jews? Moses and Paul, who were Israelites, were mistaken for Egyptians. Egyptians were black Africans. For some, the fact that Ancient Egyptians were Black could be new information and sound outlandish.

But our history is pleat with whitewashing history. Even Jesus was white, right?


How to know if you’re racist

Does racism in ignorance make you a racist? How can you tell if you are, or aren’t?

I was complaining about getting jury duty last month and a friend of mine said, “just tell them you’re racist and you’ll get released”. I replied “hey, that comment makes you racist”. He said “ no, I’m not racist. How would that make me a racist”?

Because you’re assuming that the defendant will be a person of color”.

After hearing the Joe Rogan tapes, especially the comments about planet of the apes at the theater, he tips the scale into racist. Not an innocent, solo act of ignorance, but an N-word montage of good ol’ boy white privilege followed by his own admission the theater comment was racist.

This is the first time ever hearing Rogan outside of an MMA commentary, but I think I heard enough to see he isn’t ignorant. He’s blatant.

But he really doesn’t think he’s racist. So how do you know? Can one accurately judge their own personality?

Founded on Christian Principles

How abrahamic religions suffer political contradiction—

If the USA was founded on Christian principles, why did they form a republic and not a monarchy?

Of our Founding Fathers who were deists; John Adams, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Ethan Allen and Thomas Paine. Paine, perhaps, was the most radical of all: “Of all the systems of religion that ever were invented, there is no more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory in itself than this thing called Christianity—Thomas Paine “The Age of Reason.”

Furthermore, Jefferson in his autobiography explained why an amendment to the preamble of the Constitution that would have included “Jesus Christ” – so that the preamble would have read “A departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion” – was rejected. Jefferson said, “they (the creators of the Constitution) meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mohammedan, the Hindu and Infidel of every denomination.”

Thomas Jefferson, politician and deist, is quoted in a letter to John Adams, dated April 11, 1823: “One day the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in the United States will tear down the artificial scaffolding of Christianity. And the day will come when the mythical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as His father, in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.”

This is How We Do It

Regardless of your emotional strain of belief

Washington(CNN) President-elect Joe Biden said Tuesday that communication from the Trump administration to help with his transition has been “sincere” since the General Services Administration ascertained his election win on Monday.

“Immediately, we’ve gotten outreach from the national security shop to just across the board,” Biden told NBC News’ Lester Holt in his first interview as President-elect.”And they’re already working out my ability to get presidential daily briefs”

May we please reject the hyperbolic political rhetoric and see this, time and time again, what makes the idea of America a fantastic process. not the beliefs that encumber it.

Limitions of Linear Thought—

The best way to prolong humanity is to stop choosing sides

Humans are limited by strictly linear thinking, being able to handle only a few variables of thought at a time. There are thousands of variables to every concern, yet the consciousness of the human brain is primarily a scanning system of a very, narrow focus of attention—and can only catalogue one line at a time by recapping the past (that’s why your basic education takes so long—miles of text must be read on a single line)

Our personality then, is to own the thoughts we think, or have been told to think are the most important thoughts of life, yet defining ourselves with such myopia is to discount every other human that have attended their focus to some other angle, which is equally worth exploration.

When we study physics we are dealing with processes that contain millions of variables we handle using statistics, which works fairly well when using extremely large numbers. But the practical problems of human life, deal in variables (lineal) in only the hundreds of thousands, and here statistical analysis is very poor. Charting it out with figures in this same limited, linear thinking is impossible.

We also try to solve our political and social problems with in the same way with total frustration—and with that same equipment we are now proposing to interfere with our genes? I digress.

The human brain however, is able to handle an enormous number of variables that are not available to our conscious attention. Your brain is now handling your blood chemistry, the secretions from your glands, and millions of cells without thinking about it—without translating what is happening into consciously reviewed words, symbols, or numbers. Translating what is going on in nature into words, numbers, and symbols, we confuse the world as it is, with what it is thought about, talked about, and figured about—while the difference between these two is vast—so we interfere.

Every human instinctively knows how to handle it all, but we then lose it in the language of discussion, primarily due to beliefs held by linear thinking.

It may be too late for solutions, but understanding is the first step. We cannot solve anything by interference. Nature will solve it all though natural selection, while human morality will try to fight it, preserve it, confront it and own it. But it is of no use. The only way to prolong humanity is to stop interfering—and we do this by understanding the founding principles of the game.

Decisions Decisions—

Idiocy exponentially elevates the law of unintended consequences

Is it any wonder that on 3/16 that gods so-loved elected leader has somehow ruined the economy and simultaneously retained the backing of his voters? God is that good.

The decisions being made by our elected leaders are far more devastating than the corona virus.

Now, the way I see it, we will prolong the pandemic into the months ahead instead of letting it run its course.

Its only just begun…

Using Evil, On Evil, for Good

What good are your friends if you can’t use them—or even better, your enemies?

Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents … Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil.”—Eric Hoffer, 

Evangelicals and Trump have found their evil and now dutifully root out the heathen and unbeliever to maintain power—one thinking they’re using the other to their ends, all to suit causes which are based on deception. Christianity and Politics—to the end!

Overhauling Belief Through Doubt

If you cling to the same belief in the same thing after all this—there’s a definition for that.

It is time for the world to embrace doubt. Running the hamster wheel for 3500 years of failed promises and the recent increases in divisive belief—beliefs that cause more hatred and self superiority, where peace is mere wordplay without ever meeting that objective.

It is time to doubt. Doubt that all you ever thought you knew was true. Doubt that the founders of religion and wealth blazed trails in actual wisdom, or just the most eloquently wrong winners of a debate in the history of the world. They’ve had their shot. Man and his belief has been the hurdle before the growth of our species. Mere convictions of primitive thought—hopes that have proven they have not elevated humanity. Doubt the path we are on will now unite us to make the world awesome. We can do better.

The failures are evidenced without a doubt. But we still church it up for the kids sake long after we know the intended result is a farce—never a fruition.

But, just hang in there, have faith and keep doing the same thing over and over. Someone once said that was crazy.

HERE is an Excellent TED on the gospel doubt. It is time to change directions.

Everyone’s Favorite Topic—

How one mans ideas can affect an entire nations morale

As bienniums go, it’s been a beguiling couple of years since forty five was inaugurated. During the November election at that time I was building my house and staying with some Seventh day Adventist friends that were glued to Fox News. Initially they were very nervous—was god going to pull through after all the nail biting and prayer? Then came the eruption into a scene similar to the picture below—their prayers had been answered. I took a quick pic of the tv screen and went to bed, wondering what the hell just happened—They did it. Really unbelievable that is the best our country could do. But, had he not been elected, that too, would be gods will, so why the worry? Why pray? Is god going to alter physics and tweak his envisaged, all-knowing master plan?

Many of you know I am basically A-political. I don’t care to get worked up anymore over things I can do nothing about—life’s better without the frustration and what was I going to do, anyway?

Nothing has really changed. Another government shutdown (so what) with both sides virulently despising each other. And truthfully, if either party had carte blanche power what then?Be the opposition...we do need that!

America will survive this as it has every other presidency. The peaceful exchange of power will take place and amaze the world—happens every time. Hopefully in 2020 we can find someone to make all Americans proud.

Watching this I thought of how Dorian Gray’s wicked deeds were etched into the facial features of his portrait, so the cultural stereotypes linked to a name come to be written on the faces of their bearers. What’s in store for the future bearers of the name Donald?

Curious how these pictures made you feel or what went through your heads that day.

What would we Argue About?

Last week Nan was talking about childhood. No politics, no religion, and how great it was to be a kid from so many of us. What did we have to argue about when life was so sweet? On Steve Ruis I brought up an old favorite topic of The Savannah Baboons and their toppled hierarchy, now living a non competitive life of leisure. There is nothing to fight about once the top 1% were toppled from their control. Without the elite of the government/business/religious complex, what would we have to fight about? One of the great lies of the world is we’ve been manipulated and forced to choose sides. Democrat or republican, Christian or Muslim, socialism or capitalism. All are two sides of the same coin designed to divide us and preoccupy us with endless banter about who’s right, when in fact they are all wrong. The elite class has everyone convinced that without them, who would provide jobs that fuel the economy, who would lead us through the worlds troubles, and who would save us from hell and eternal torment? The only reason we need them is that they are there. They create the problem and division, then offer the solution. The oldest trick in the book. Without them is a non-competitive life of leisure. With them is the destruction of the worlds beauty and depletion of every last natural resource. For their money and our misery