Life in a Markov Blanket

How the world looks through the sensors is not the real world. It cannot be.

If you could experience the world in all its complexity (had a transparent, unfiltered view into the real world) there would be no limit to the upward bounds of entropy. It would be you and you it. Biological life evolved as a subcategory of the world, not the world. Evolution favors fitness and reproduction, not truth. If you could see it all you would blend into an entropic trip with no barriers to keep your form intact.

Imagen being placed in a full body suit covered in sensors wired to your brain. Adapting to this view of the world would seem difficult at first, but doable. This is how you were born. Evolution has hidden most of the real world from us. Our sensors implanted on our barriers tell us things about the world, but they are not the world. It’s what the world looks like through our console, but it isn’t physical. Physical is what we experience when the wave form collapses. Until then it is a state of superposition.

Unable to see beyond the limits of our Markov suit (our biology) we would feel our way around. We could know what things seem like without coming into direct contact with them. This would be like “reality” even though direct contact with the world as it is would be as impossible as it is necessary to have a form. We would be walking and driving by instrumentation. Our internal dashboard would give us clues about the real world, but the readings on our console are not the real world as it is.

We create the physical world by observing it. This is god. Until it is observed it is not physical, but in a quantum state of potential.

21st Century Experiments, 19th Century Minds

Science today is more metaphysical than new age. Here’s how to see in the 21st century.

Particles, an outdated term in physics that stemmed from the earliest models are not a granular presentation of a piece of matter, like a tiny grain of sand. The word is still used as an outdated description of a process, not a thing. A particle is a metaphor, though the internet is still full of obsolete diagrams and descriptions.

All that exists are 17 known quantum fields, although this too is a metaphor. There is no “thing” that it represents, but a mythology to assist us in grasping concepts. These fields make up the infinite vastness of space and everything in it is a fluctuation, an undulation, an excitation in the field.

It is similar to a lake with a whirlpool in it. It is still the lake, yet its behavior is tied to a confined amount of space. Brains are undulations in the stream of consciousness. Physics is a way to model the patterns and and regularities in the disturbances outside our whirlpools.

When scientists collide “particles” they are smashing isolated excitations of the field. When something collides and becomes two, or 4 “particles”, these are not little pieces of stuff scattering into a debris field, but creating more ripples on the lake— more ripples in the field. This should be elementary to a 21st century brain but it is not. We are still mostly Newtonian.

Wondering how two entangled particles separated by space simultaneously behave in synch is really no mystery either. We look at them with a 19th century mind. We assume space time is real and the particles are separate, but they are the same particle measured from different points of view. Like watching the same broadcast on two TV’s from two different angles. They are completely in synch, yet look like (to a 19th century mind) that one knows what the other is going to do. It’s magic!

Science today is by far the most metaphysical approach to reality. More woo woo than any new age religion. It is outside of mind, an abstract world of subatomic particles and energy fields. To detect a signal from this abstract world with our sense organs, then our brain reconstructs a subjective reality inside our heads.

According to the scientific paradigm today, the real world is outside of mind has no color, no taste, no touch, nothing. None of the qualities of subjective experience because subjective experience is generated by our brains. It’s not outside you. You cannot visualize this because once you visualize it is already a subjective experience and by definition this is not the real world.

The real world outside of mind then has no qualities of subjective experience—no color, no touch, no taste. It is all generated in your brain. Even the stars in the sky are inside your skull. It’s all generated by the brain and it’s interpretation of some uninterpretable realm that is completely unapproachable objectively.

The closest we can get to this today is mathematical equations. It is pure abstraction. There is nothing more metaphysical than this. You cannot imagine a spiritual realm that is more metaphysical and abstract than this. It is fundamentally inaccessible in any direct way. This by definition you can never access. You are locked inside your head as a product of matter and evolution.

Science and it’s physicalist paradigm is actually more metaphysical than any new ager. At least with religion or meditation you have a chance at approaching it, even if you have to die. With scientism today you are stuck in the physicality of a brain and sense organs that can never see the colorless, blank stare of a reality void of qualities—it’s all in your head…or is your head in it?

Science is supposed to model phenomenon and outcome and is supposed to be neutral. The way we see that is ontology and philosophy, not science. But science is trying to tell us what it all means, like a reporter on the 6 o’clock news.

Some Thoughts on What Is

What are we when materialism is dead?

Science is the study of natures behavior, not what nature is.

The Christian apologetic that the second Law of thermodynamics makes evolution impossible? Entropy does not overtake us because the universe is not physical—it is mental. At the core of existence we find no material. What are we then and why?

If god created the world out of nothing, why is there still nothing?

There is nothing about physicality that reduces to mentality. The hard problem of consciousness is a physicalist problem which introduces dualism—Bernardo Kastrup. Yet even a staunch atheist feels like they have a body, not that they are a body.

Reductionism promised to find the emergent particles that create consciousness. They have found no evidence whatsoever for this hypothesis.

The absurdity of materialism— we have reached the resolution of the interface itself. If you look closer you only see bigger pixels. Or they disappear altogether while looking in between them.

The energy contained in a cubic meter of space is enough to boil all the oceans,—Richard Feynman, yet here we are existing quite nicely in the middle of it. How can that be if we are made of real matter as entities who are separate from it?

Roofing next week

Everything is Maya

Discovering the source of the illusion.

If everything is an illusion that would include gravity and movement. Discovering the source code for a stationary projection of an illusion would be the most difficult of questions to answer.

Design a simple hologram

Somewhere along the centers of our universe there is a small device projecting a large, 4 dimensional image that we are inside of. Physicists have mathematically discovered the amplituhedron outside of space and time. What it projects should project back into our best theories—evolution and quantum field theory.

A smart phone hologram

It is a simple little hack with a smart phone.

Amplituhedron—a mathematically discovered lens projecting back into space-time

The illusion is feeling we are real, inside a simulation. What else do we have to compare to? How can one analyze what makes you you, when there is nothing outside to compare it to? Until now.

What is God and Why It’s Not

Quantum theory is the closest thing to reality. It exposes what is unseen by the senses—this is god.

Sacredness is not a relationship with belief. This is a categorical error. Beliefs are simply ideas we like to think on then entertain out of preference—then wrongly cling to out of credulous insecurity. Belief is needed because it is not real. Quantum Theory is the closest thing to defining the “real” that the general population has been exposed to. It demonstrates what is unseen by the senses—this is god.

Highly charged emotional states or chemically enhanced experience may at times give one a glimpse into the hidden portions of reality. This is no more spiritual than your normal existence—it is only different. Calling it a deity is supposing that anything outside our normal perceptions is god, when in reality the process of evolution has not seen fit to expose more than the needed perceptions to eat and reproduce.

That the ground of being is some kind of entity is a fundamental mistake. There may be something underneath it all but it is not a being, it IS being. It is the way things grow or become—no-thing knows how it is done or that it is doing it. Like how you grow your hair or raise your hand. You just do it never knowing how. This is god, if there is such a thing, which I just explained is not a thing.

The idea that god is a being is a projection from our individual aspects of form, which is not too far off the truth. Not as individuals but as vessels containing the whole. Every bit is meaningful to us because every bit is the one thing.

Driving with the top down at the speed of life can get a little messy. Getting a glimpse now and the can be rewarding but not meaningful—it doesn’t do anything and is at odds with evolutionary fitness. Plus there is actual thrill in not knowing—this is what makes the Great Mystery meaningful. What point would actually be meaningful if there was no mystery?

If there are entities that know more than we, this is god until we realize they only have different evolutionary hacks and perceptions, a different peep hole into the objective reality that we see vey little of. To see 10% more may very well overload the circuitry and disrupt evolutionary fitness as we know it.

What we don’t see may or may not be more advanced or better, but simply outside our sensory perceptions and immiscible. We would be as much a mystery to them as they are to us—unless they have evolved to see things they cannot interact with, like watching tv.

Deb Schell, Missouri

Flat Earth? Round Earth?

Maybe that is the wrong question.

“The three-dimensional world of ordinary experience––the universe filled with galaxies, stars, planets, houses, boulders, and people––is a hologram, an image of reality coded on a distant two-dimensional (2D) surface.”—Leonard Susskind, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Stanford University(1)

A holographic Universe means information that makes up what we perceive as a 3D reality is stored on a 2D surface, including time. This means, essentially, everything you see and experience is an illusion.

“Imagine that everything you see, feel and hear in three dimensions, and your perception of time, in fact emanates from a flat two-dimensional field,” says Professor Kostas Skenderis from the University of Southampton.

The idea is similar to that of ordinary holograms where a 3D image is encoded in a 2D surface, such as in the hologram on a credit card. However, this time, the entire Universe is encoded.” Another way of simplifying this is through 3D films. Although not an example of a hologram, 3D films create the illusion of 3D objects from a flat 2D screen. The difference in our 3D Universe is that we can touch objects and the ‘projection’ is ‘real’, from our perspective (2) and with our limited senses.

All the experiments we know that work to show the earth as a sphere are tools that exist inside the projection. The real world is non-dimensional and only appears to be 3d.

Crazy Horse went into the world where there are the spirits (Wakan Tanka) of all things. That is the real world behind this one” This one is a projection of that one. “This one is like a shadow of that one”—and we are entangled to it.

•Wakan Tanka is the Lakota name for the “Great Mystery“. Christian missionaries attempted to similarize the American Indian “Wakan Tanka”, translating it as “Great Spirit” to integrate the Christian god, which it was not. It is the “Great Mystery”—not a entity at all.

Though I don’t really believe earth is a hologram, but may be like a hologram. Many religious traditions have similar accounts.

“It’s the substance that casts all those shadows to our world. The circles here are copies of the spheres there. The squares here are copies of the cubes there. The triangles here are copies of the pyramids there.”—Randy Alcorn

“Consciousness is the screen on which all the pictures come and go (projection) The screen is real, the pictures are mere shadows on it”—Sri Ramana Maharishi

Speaking of the priestly duties and edifice —Hebrews 8:5 “They serve as copy and a shadow of the heavenly things. For when Moses was about to erect the tent, he was instructed, saying, “See that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.”

“You do not leave one place
for another. You are always
stationary. The scenes go
past you. Even from the
ordinary point of view you
sit in your cabin and the ship
sails but you do not move.
We see a picture of a man
running several miles and
rushing towards us but the
screen does not move. It is
the picture that moves on
and away.” —Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharishi

“Long before the world was created there was an island, floating in the sky”—Iroquois Creation Myth

Considering what energies comprise matter, analyzing them or the composition of a hologram makes no difference under the microscope.

What We’re Made Of

Everything that can be seen in the universe are forms of energy fields

As religion slowly embraces science, the potter has now formed us out of particles and evolution, but did he really make anything at all?

Our bodies and every-thing that can be seen in the universe are made of such particles”—Isabella

By observation a particle is “an excitation of a field”. There is no atom made of conceivable “stuff” which is the imagined building block. The statement might very well read, “Our bodies and everything that can be seen in the universe are forms of energy fields, eg; apparitions. This is the illusion. Man is nothing (no-thing) and just as likely, life is a dream of apparitions—it simply depends on how you choose to frame it.

Yet can anyone escape the illusion? Are not the objects in a dream state or a projection on a screen of equal composition under a microscope? The projection of a hologram is made of the same substance of what we deem physical. So what are we??

We are talking about discrete natural units, or packets of energy hence the word quanta. It is why it was called quantum mechanics/physics in the first place” —Isabella

So god has tricked us—used deception to animate his sims, and you an illusion made of the same stuff he is made of. What would that make you, real or an apparition?

Creatio ex Nihilo—Creation out of Nothing

If god created something out of nothing why is there still nothing?

Life is but a dream. Why else does form exist out of nothing? Not the nothing before creation, but the continuation of that same nothing—now perpetuating the great illusion

The paradox of material is apparent. Humanity and the elemental forms appear from a singularity. Of that element we cannot decipher the dream from reality, sleep from death—even the physical forms, not only made of nothing but still consist of no discoverable thing. Parsing the dream with physics we find more roadblocks than avenues.

Gottfried Leibniz asked, “why is there something rather than nothing? Actually that may be the wrong question; is there really any thing to actually be analyzed? Can anyone describe what material form is made of?

But first, what we call substance must be defined. What is it made of if not strictly consciousness? Since the universe consists of only one elementary substance, no other particle consisting of a different nature could interact with it—in fact, immiscible.

Can we understand the universe from a point of view that does not include our experience?

As a logical system, the universe works by simple logical operations at the most fundamental level. Such a substantial logical system is allowed only one type of substance, or one nature. This is because only elements of a same nature – of the same substance may participate in a logical operation. Since the whole universe is allowed to contain only one type of substance, the cause has to be some aspect of that single substance.

The Hebrew model of creation is once again at odds with reality. It seems like this world is all part of something tangible, that a material exists, but it doesn’t. God didn’t create any-thing out of nothing, but the dream is so convincing to it’s forms you could never parse it.

So why is there something rather than nothing? Or really, why does there appear to be something when there is still nothing? Where are the building blocks of this creation?

One cannot find the element, god, or any ontological root because it alone exists. This is you. The seeker is the sought—the sought is the seeker.

If god created something out of nothing why is there still nothing?

Physics and Mysticism

Where western science meets eastern mysticism—bootstrapping vs intuition

“All this was familiar to me from my research in high-energy physics, but until that moment I had only experienced it through graphs, diagrams and mathematical theories. As I sat on that beach my former experiences came to life; I saw cascades of energy coming down from outer space, in which particles were created and destroyed in rhythmic pulses; I saw the atoms of the elements and those of my body participating in this cosmic dance of energy; I felt its rhythm and I heard its sound, and at that moment I knew that this was the Dance of Shiva, the Lord of Dancers worshipped by the Hindus— Frifjof Capra, The Tao of Physics

In essence the dance of Shiva, a high speed representation of the atomic level—high energy movements, pulsations, and rhythms.

“I was particularly attracted to the puzzling aspects of Zen which reminded me of the puzzles in quantum theory. At first, however, relating the two was a purely intellectual exercise. To overcome the gap between rational, analytical thinking and the meditative experience of mystical truth, was, and still is, very difficult for me.—Frifjof Capra

Mysticism is utilizing what has been experienced, while physics is theorizing, describing, and viewing the fields behind the instruments of what is probable. They have the same descriptions of matter and energy—one through boot strapped logic and rigorous tests, the other through intuition and the meditative arts.

Yet throughout the ages these displays of the cosmic dance are interpreted differently, based on the available language, technology, and culture. How would Black Elk describe this today? “Crazy Horse went into the world where there is nothing but the spirits of all things. That is the real world that is behind this one, and everything we see here is something like a shadow from that one—Black Elk

Or the Incas and their depiction of Alpa Camasca, meaning “animated earth”, or the Kofan and their ability to “intuitively” read the vibrations of plants and communicate their usefulness in language and practice—through a special process of seeing the cosmic rhythms.

At the same time, everything is more than it appears, for the visible world is only one level of perception. Behind every tangible form, every plant and animal, is a shadow dimension, a place invisible to ordinary people but visible to the shaman”—Wade Davis, on the people of the Piraparaná, Amazon

So there we have it (there are many more) multiple cultures and even physicists describing a world very different from our normal level of magnification, each pointing to the universe as a unified cosmic dance—a dance without a regulating force.

In other words I feel, no longer a stranger in the world, but that the external world were my own bodybut a very overwhelming feeling that everything that happens, everything that I have ever done, anything anyone else has ever done, is part of a harmonious designthat there is no error at all—Alan Watts

It is probably true quite generally that in the history of human thinking the most fruitful developments frequently take place at those points where two different lines of thought meet—Werner Heisenberg

What about when 10 lines of thought, jungles, and time irrelevant meeting at the doorstep of modern physics? Is that evidence?

Science and Religion—Maybe Mix in a Little?

Is it a coincidence that the golden age of physics had this common thread?

Has any religious doctrine ever supplanted a scientific discovery? I used to answer that question with an emphatic no, but I may have been wrong about that. It is highly likely that Newtonian physics was supplanted by the Upanishads—the ideas from Hindu philosophy called quantum mechanics.

What’s different about the Upanishad -vs- say, Christianity, is the Upanishad can be made into math by the most skilled of all scientific minds. It can be tested, and it can be fit into what we know about the nature of duality, consciousness, mind, and matter.

Is it mere coincidence that physics can be so mystical in similarity, that uncertainty is certain, and that through observation we find that waves become particles (matter) and that the “real world” is illusory (not what it appears to be) upon our observation of them?

“The Upanishads describe how reality arises out of consciousness. But consciousness cannot be found inside our bodies as a substance or an organ.” That trying to see the Self (Brahman) with the same electrons and photons as It, the projector only records interference because me are mixing waves of the same substance. What is sought is the seeker—the seeker is the sought.

“Since we haven’t been able to locate or explain this interaction, we’re left with a deceptively simple choice: either consciousness or reality doesn’t exist”—Erwin Schrödinger

But I despise the two choice debate. And as we see psychologically, consciously, physiologically, and every where in between, that consciousness is reality. There is no such thing as experiencing a non-experience. It’s all one thing. Everything is waves—some long and some short. Some last a lifetime while others millennia, but nothing is permanent —so no thing is real but one thing.

Realizing this has boosted physics out of the arena and into space.

On the other hand, the Upanishads uphold an idealist view – that consciousness exists by itself, and that the physical world depends on it. There is no objective reality that exists independently of the observer. Schrödinger supported this view and lamented the aversion for it: “it must be said that to Western thought this doctrine has little appeal, it is unpalatable, it is dubbed fantastic, unscientific. Well, so it is because our science – Greek science – is based on objectivation, whereby it has cut itself off from an adequate understanding of the subject of cognisance, of the mind

Curious to know what other physicists of the era were influenced by the upanishads?

Werner Heisenberg, Carl Sagan, Robert Oppenheimer, Erwin Schrödinger, Niels Bohr, Nikola Tesla…

The golden age of physics and invention had a common thread that is wont to ignore (customary). The Upanishads and Indian philosophies date back about 5000, years. Their rebirth was witnessed at the turn of the 20th century.

I do believe that this is precisely the point where our present way of thinking does need to be amended, perhaps by a bit of blood-transfusion from Eastern thought”—Erwin Schrödinger

Beginning the Finishing

Evolution of Reproduction

Tracing our origins to technology—finding our way home

To great extent, humans seek to reproduce, not only biologically, but in other ways as well—plays, skits, actors in the theater and movies perfecting roles solely for some form of emotional connection, pretending by them, for us. It is a core facet of our humanness with a long history.

Reproduction through painting, from ancient cave art to mimesis, or illusionism, to photographic realism. We advanced to photography, the daguerrotype then the poloroid, the picture perfect reproduction still had no personality—it needed more, and necessity is the mother of invention.

Next we developed the moving picture, then the talkies with sound, and eventually brought it into the living room and by a few years later, to color. Next we add 3d, but still only scripted interaction—that would take a super computer, AI, and a hologram, using lasers to bring a 3d image to a stage in your home, where you could touch it, talk with it in a very lifelike way.

Maybe quantum computing will be that step? Lifelike imagery that thinks back, calculates the best response and flawlessly replies, inviting you into the drama. And not only will it move, but you could touch it, for its molecular imagery accelerated to produce mass, which begs the question—is that where we are right now?

And the earth was without form, and void”. Then god added lighting, a stage and said, “let us make man in our image, after our likeness”. Now go, and do thou likewise…

“Out of the silence comes all sound, out of the void arises all imagery in simultaneity”

“physicists recognized that looking at the entire universe as a two-dimensional object that only looks three-dimensional might help solve some deeper problems in theoretical physics. And the math works just as well whether you’re talking about a black hole, a planet, or an entire universe” and much like in a hologram, this data is projected to appear in three dimensions. Like the characters on a TV screen, and according to the theory, we live on a flat surface that happens to look like it has depth.

Enter quantum entanglement

“In a new paper, the physicists calculated how these theories would predict the degree of entanglement — the bizarre quantum phenomenon in which the states of two tiny particles can become correlated so that a change to one particle can affect the other, even if they’re far away. They found that by viewing one particular model of a flat universe as a hologram, they could indeed get the results of both theories to match up”, And what is interesting, an image that appears 3d can actually be a flat surface (for Colorstorm) and what is happening here as a projection may be entangled with what is actually happening elsewhere behind the projector. Article

“Crazy Horse went into the world where there is nothing but the spirits of all things. That is the real world that is behind this one, and everything we see here is something like a shadow from that one”—Black Elk

Thoughts on Thinking

Truth is reality laden with accurate misinterpretation and faulty perceptions.

Why is this so hard to understand? Our perceptions are flawed, don’t impress that upon reality. Sheesh!”—Steve Ruiz

The illusion is simply that reality is not what it seems to be at first glance—even after inspection. That same flawed perception leads us to believe we can correct it by saying the world is divisible into feet and inches, seconds and degrees—dividing things by regular measurement and the dividing power of thought—The same nature of thought that implies we don’t understand, but somehow can trust the measuring devices we’ve thought up—while every thing requires continued re-examination after interfering by looking—weird

Think is a unit of thought, the same way an inch is a measurement of accepted distance, or a clock can track intervals. We categorize things into boxes so we can manage “the think” about them, pretending then that the world is a collection of bits and catagories, yet is as connected and inter-related as much as a human body. Every single bit is as unexplainable as any other—and to explain one fully we must explain everything fully.

Every perception is real (normal) from a particular point of view, though some truth is a little nastier at heart than others. Imagine how distasteful the world would really be, if believers still knew with a surety that the gospel of saving souls from hell should know no limits to persuasion.

For giggles we have to ask—if reality is so illusory (not what it appears to be) how could humans evolve with our perceptive reality apart from “real” reality? If our perceptions of reality are flawed, how could natural selection point evolution the way things seem to be, versus the true nature of nature? How could brains evolve to a non natural interpretation of things? It’s almost like it is some type of game…

Science vs Dualism

How everything is the same thing

If ghosts can walk through walls without disturbing a brick and the ghost is the mind of the living being, how can it lift an arm? Has anyone yet explained how that mind can affect matter when it is impervious to it?

If you push anyone far enough philosophically, they all end up in the same place. If you push politics in similar fashion, the same thing happens. The problem lies in not thinking it through far enough. We all want the same thing, yet hang our hats on intermediate causes and belief.

As science approaches mysticism, we measure finer and finer increments to avoid embarrassing ourselves with woo, infinitely subdividing the process, while religion continues to extend its own goalposts to avoid “fallen” matter and the “spirit” are one process. Nominalism and realism meet full circle, and only beliefs can keep them apart.

If you investigate mind far enough you turn up with matter; if you investigate matter far enough you turn up with mind. If you investigate yourself far enough you discover the external world; if you investigate the external world far enough, you find you. Why would that be?

Finally physicists wanted to know; how are things like when we’re not looking at them? In order to know how electrons behave we have to put them in a process that influences their behavior. So what are they doing when were not looking? It appears knowledge of something is the same thing as action upon it.

The act of knowing changes what you are knowing. Dualism (mind and body) is an illusion of christian mythology and has maintained its rigor only though faith. Because when we explore everything deeply enough, we find its all one process. Now we are at the final point, that life is a bunch of atoms (arranged just right) to form consciousness (not woo) but either way, monism is the final answer, when you push anything to its finality, its all one process.

Knowing is not a passive experience, but all knowing is a measured by its reactions. The illusion is to think you are a separate ego, when in reality you are simply a reaction of various stimuli that creates self identity. And too much of the same stimuli in any given arena, makes one a fanatic—because then, one actually starts to believe it.

Physics and Mystics

How observing yourself is an impossible task—unpacking the bias

After centuries of two opposing (wrong) philosophies, it seems change is just too hard on pride—they will accept anything but this.

Robert Oppenheimer is reported to have said, “If we cannot disprove Bohm, then we must agree to ignore him.”—and ignore him they did. But why? Because Bohm’s theory of quantum potential threw a wrench in the hierarchy of accepted science, unifying physics with what mystics have known for millennia—its all one process. There are no separate events in nature, which means the universe is one organism. This is god—and nothing known or seen or felt is not—which actually means, there is nothing that is not connected, its all one—it’s a process—and you too, are it.

This is not the deity god of traditional misinterpretation—it is the fact that there are no partitions between any event, place, or material—that there are no things, only demarcations on an imaginary line through calculus. Where does one event begin or another end? Only in our attempts to interpret non-existent laws into symbols. Where math and the word becomes the reality instead of the symbol of it. Where Hebrew thought infiltrates science to its core to believe there must be actual laws of nature. But there are none—merely observable regularities through something regular—where clocks and rulers attempt to demarcate a connected process through a specific point of view—then put it into words.

If the Christian is right, then Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, and atheists, are wrong. When so many groups disagree, the majority must be mistaken. And if the majority is misguided on just this one topic, then almost everyone must be mistaken on some issues of great importance.

This is a hard lesson to learn, because it is paradoxical to accept one’s own folly. You cannot at the same time believe something and recognize that you are a chump to believe it. A sucker born every minute, but somehow that sucker is never oneself.

“Building on the interpretation of the quantum theory introduced by Bohm in 1952, David Bohm and Basil Hiley in 1975 presented how the concept of a quantum potential leads to the notion of an “unbroken wholeness of the entire universe” Science will continue to struggle along with this notion that it can observe itself, but you’d have just as much luck observing whats behind your eyes when you’re looking out. It’s the only logical conclusion. Observing a process changes it simply because you—are observing you, and that changes the experiment and it can’t be pinned down. The only way to properly observe the true nature of anything in its static form, is to do it without looking at it—and it can’t be done. But we can at least demarcate the highlights we choose to like, based on the proper stimulus that agrees with our anchoring bias.

About Time

Since time is an illusion…

The concept of time must be taught with rigor in order for children to conform to it. What greater illusion exists than to habitualize existence based on the past, to lay out the future while ignoring the present. Children have no concept of time—and they are right. For time is simply a mental relation between two moments—a learned reckoning. Living in the moment is therefor timeless.

“I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist only in the present, which is what there is and all there is”—Alan Watts

The past is a memory. The future—an expectation. Is the immediate present simply a fractal marking on a line of events, or a continuous movement through it, where the past is moving with the present?

Our perception of time’s flow depends entirely on our inability to see the world in all its detail”—Carlo Rovelli

We have a deep intuition that the future is open until it becomes present and that the past is fixed. As time flows, this structure of fixed past, immediate present and open future gets carried forward in time. This structure is built into our language, thought and behavior. How we live our lives hangs on it.

The concepts of time and change may emerge from a universe that, at root, is utterly static”Craig Callender

“The concept of time is simply an illusion made of human memories, everything that has ever been and ever will be is happening RIGHT NOW”Max Tegmark

“We are living in a culture entirely hypnotized by the illusion of time, in which the so-called present moment is felt as nothing but an infintesimal hairline between a causative past and an absorbingly important future. We have no present. Our consciousness is almost completely preoccupied with memory and expectation (thinking and thinking about thinking) We do not realize that there never was, is, nor will be any other experience than present experience. We are therefore out of touch with reality. We confuse the world as talked about, described, and measured with the world which actually is. We are sick with a fascination for the useful tools of names and numbers, of symbols, signs, conceptions and ideas“—Alan Watts. These symbols limit our perceptions of life, for what can be known (accepted as knowledge) is simply that what can be put into words—symbols of events.

Aa a small example, our english language structure changes the meaning of the past every day, even moment to moment, ie; I love…you. Really, I love flowers. See how that works, even in common speech? Forgiveness also changes the meaning of the past, while a grudge locks you in it, held to bitter moments that no longer exist.

“reality is just a complex network of events onto which we project sequences of past, present and future”—Carlos Rovelli

“Zen is a liberation from time. For if we open our eyes and see clearly, it becomes obvious that there is no other time than this instant, and that the past and the future are abstractions without any concrete reality”—Alan Watts

We teach history, we plan for the future, but rarely teach anything on how to live today—and if you don’t ever live in the present, you wont be able to enjoy the future, because it never comes. Our cultures are constantly preparing for the next level of life.

Learning to think like an adult (to take life seriously) takes effort and repetition. Playing this hoax on our children is the key to maintaining the illusion and keeping players in the game—and kids know life is a game, and of such is the kingdom of heaven, uh, I mean…the game of life. But interesting nonetheless, that mystics, philosophers, and physicists all agree that time is an illusion—simply not what it seems. Language and writing are partly to blame (symbols) yet religion is quite the guilty party—always training for later.

Does anybody get this?

Limitions of Linear Thought—

The best way to prolong humanity is to stop choosing sides

Humans are limited by strictly linear thinking, being able to handle only a few variables of thought at a time. There are thousands of variables to every concern, yet the consciousness of the human brain is primarily a scanning system of a very, narrow focus of attention—and can only catalogue one line at a time by recapping the past (that’s why your basic education takes so long—miles of text must be read on a single line)

Our personality then, is to own the thoughts we think, or have been told to think are the most important thoughts of life, yet defining ourselves with such myopia is to discount every other human that have attended their focus to some other angle, which is equally worth exploration.

When we study physics we are dealing with processes that contain millions of variables we handle using statistics, which works fairly well when using extremely large numbers. But the practical problems of human life, deal in variables (lineal) in only the hundreds of thousands, and here statistical analysis is very poor. Charting it out with figures in this same limited, linear thinking is impossible.

We also try to solve our political and social problems with in the same way with total frustration—and with that same equipment we are now proposing to interfere with our genes? I digress.

The human brain however, is able to handle an enormous number of variables that are not available to our conscious attention. Your brain is now handling your blood chemistry, the secretions from your glands, and millions of cells without thinking about it—without translating what is happening into consciously reviewed words, symbols, or numbers. Translating what is going on in nature into words, numbers, and symbols, we confuse the world as it is, with what it is thought about, talked about, and figured about—while the difference between these two is vast—so we interfere.

Every human instinctively knows how to handle it all, but we then lose it in the language of discussion, primarily due to beliefs held by linear thinking.

It may be too late for solutions, but understanding is the first step. We cannot solve anything by interference. Nature will solve it all though natural selection, while human morality will try to fight it, preserve it, confront it and own it. But it is of no use. The only way to prolong humanity is to stop interfering—and we do this by understanding the founding principles of the game.

Spirit or Matter

For those who do not believe there is a spirit world—there is no difference but terminology

Why does examining the physical world still explain nothing about what it is? What is the most likely reason we haven’t identified one single solitary fact of what matter actually consists? Maybe it isn’t “real”? The simplest answer is usually the correct answer? Or Occam may say—”entities should not be multiplied needlessly” But physics is at a loss, as examining the atom we find 99.99999% empty space—We are empty space.

The physical world is the most elusive, evasive topic of all topics, yet at first glance it seems so obvious (here I am) But you can’t identify what stuff is, any more than you can find anything actually existing anywhere at all. You cannot put your finger on it, nor determine the basic physical makeup—of anything, simultaneously fulfilling all the requirements of spirit. Neither science nor religion has any idea what the hell is going on (forget resurrection of matterless matter for the moment)

Matter is all at once here, there, and nowhere. While it’s properties can be manipulated slightly for our imagined benefit, as far as being the real stuff we have hoped to identify as the physical reality, is likened most easily to an image at the end a projector—though you might just as easily identify the physical properties of an image on a movie screen—where there would be nothing seen at all without the background.

The farther we peek into the physical world the less is discovered—there is nothing there. It is empty shells everywhere we look, and the most obvious yet unsettling reality stares us in the face—there is nothing physical to discover. Is life and the physical world (as we assume) merely concentrated patterns of energy—like a dust devil in passing wind, we see its stationary effects but the wind keeps blowing? Whirlpools along a passing stream? Cyclones of organized chaos? Or is matter any more than a concentration of spirit, for lack of a better term? It, the obvious answer is, essentially energy forming a pattern. The other “one thing” we harness but do not understand in the slightest—electricity.

What should be the most obvious and easy to identify—the physical world, turns out to be the most elusive of all examination. We aren’t really even here in the sense of reality we have imagined. And imagine is what we do best, and will continue to do—our existence depends on it. Whatever the case, life is simply amazing to be a part of. It’s amazing!

Two New Elements Discovered

At the core of religion we find it relates to science after all. After peeling back the layers we find…nothing. No substance, no proof, no matter, no bliss, but “under intense geographic pressure to believe”. Delusionite©, discovered years ago in the ancient Near East, now has been added to the periodic table. “We have conclusive evidence of its existence by the invisible features that affect all other matters through exhaustive explaining

Having elements of stagnation, it appears mobile and spreads in viral epidemiology. Unfortunately it bonds easily with Pretendium©, which has no mass or atomic weight and easily crosses the blood-brain barrier, causing hopeless waiting.

Belief is merely a guru challenge—a psychological barrier placed before humanity. Until we can transcend it’s limitations, we are not collectively responsible enough to handle the truth, so we occupy our time in endless debate over who has the best imagination.

There are no Spiritual Realms

Through discovery we gradually see it’s all a physical phenomenon

As we discover deeper and deeper into the quantum field, our understanding expands and we gradually grasp the nature of nature and its building properties.

Is the electricity that powers your toaster “metaphysical”? We have harnessed its potential and understand how to manipulate its properties, but really don’t know much about what it actually is. Is the free movement of these electrons that constitutes an electric current supernatural? Of course not. Is the electric currents that flow through the universe, that are perceived more intently by some than others, a supernatural phenomenon? Certainly not. We can read many of these impulses and feelings in the EEG.

The only spiritual realms or “non physical” worlds are just not discovered and quantified yet. We are still a superstitious lot, but when we master these principles—not by viewing them with our eyes but by manipulating them with our genius, we will see the universe is all a matter of matter. Understanding sometimes takes time—I’ll wait.

On Spirituality

How religion is an anchor to the souls of men—dragging a dead weight.

I am an atheist. There is little to convince me the natural order of things needs guidance to align itself with compatible attractions. I do not naturally concur or conclude any god or gods, but only by desperate, impatient persuaders and force-fed answers are we convinced—surrender to its message or be damned.

However, I do not discount the fact that some people are attuned differently to the universe and take advantage of its properties. We are all part of this electric, energy-field of space, full of Planck waves and particles, entangled one with another and everything in between. We are made of energy. It would make sense that we should be able to interact in these fields to our benefit—to use them in the understanding of humanity. We are a part of it, comprised of the same waves that surround us. There is no empty space.

Enter Religion

They have all attended the same schools of thought for the past 3000 years. They debate every friggin word of the Bible (literally) and are a constant dead-weight dragging on the conscious fabric of space. We’re dragging an anchor around with us. Can we imagine for a moment—everyone engaged in real solutions developing human potential celebrating their individual abilities, versus pigeon-holing humanity into a self deprecating belief and abandoning the natural connections and abilities?

There are merely a handful of very smart people plowing on to advance the human cause. How do we escape the numbing stupor of religious beliefs? Humans have the capacity to be outstanding!

“For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself“—Galatians 6:3

I could not disagree more. Seeing what we have to work with I’d say we have much more capacity than the “unworthy servant”.

We start with an insufficient premise of defeat, the worthless sinner, the holes of indoctrination offer an ongoing climb that only gets deeper. We can do more! Much, much more when we realize we’ve got this way beyond “glory to god” for allowing one damn problem free day. The bar is low—way too low.

Whereas all rivers flow to the sea, carving, meandering ways, changing course, moving mountains and civilizations—so it is in the whole universe”

Measuring Prayer—A Model in Physics

Outcomes of prayer—where are they now?

In physics observable is defined as something that can be measured. The basic realities in life also can be measured. Outcomes can be predicted based on experience, consensus, repeatability, and yes, our eyes (usually). Only what a person can observe, measure, and demonstrate can be deemed as truth.

We all know the commutative law—take two numbers x and y. Multiply them and you can see that xy = yx. Always, no exception. But not so fast in quantum mechanics. If A and B are two matrices, then AB is not always equal to BA. Thus you cannot simultaneously determine the position and momentum of a particle. Both are incompatible (strange, but that’s how it is) and harnessing this discrepancy is leading to quantum computers, where you can watch it work even though it’s hard to understand how or why (even for physicists).

This is where religion steps in. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is foundational to matrix mechanics and where religion gets its primordial root in the prehistoric, basic operations of the quantum world. A sort of…subtle inheritance from our humble, elemental beginnings. Immeasurable, unverifiable, always changing positions of electrons doctrine, faith, and prayer. But now, not by defining particle behavior, but by splitting hairs.

Outcomes of prayer and faith cannot be predicted based on faith, experience, consensus, or dependability. Therefor, the attempts at faith and prayer is not truth. But, based on the known laws of quantum mechanics we can make a guess to where all those unanswered prayers wound up…waiting, somewhere between time, space, and subjectivity. Quantumly entangled with the prayers sender, but the missing, immeasurable electron (god) needed to complete the circuit has been uninterested, missing, hidden…forever.

Fundamental to understanding unanswered prayer, HERE is a fine new blog I stumbled across that illustrates the point, only better—Say hello to WOG

Dissipated Energy- The Collapse of Religion

How the Inverse Square Law predicts the death of religion

The Inverse Square Law of physics adequately and scientifically describes the deterioration process and the impending collapse of monotheistic religion as a principle of sound hypothesis.

The fact that Christianity is no longer practiced anyway—they now have shifted to just reading books and watching videos, the speed of collapse is following the inverse square law, where as the Christian wanders farther from the source of power, the dissipation or weakening of faith and effectiveness is squared.

So, as the field increases, the weakness and scope of the field follows a predictable trajectory.

And as the source energy is diluted, chaos ensues at an accelerated rate as electromagnetic fields dissipate. Miracles have ceased (ITEWO).

As you can currently see, no Christians worship the same god and all have there own “pick and choose” methodology, confirming that the source is no longer relevant or in association with the believer (if it ever was).

Soon, in-identity to the source is inevitable and the second law of thermodynamics is a type and shadow of any dying religion, plant, animal, mineral, or any dogma or idea. The collapse began when it all started, and we are now seeing the signs accelerating toward total entropy. Unless there is a new outside force to influence a reboot, the end is in our sights. Sooner than later I hope.

Gravitational Lensing and the Wake of Religion

Once again Albert Einstein has been proven right, and using gravitational lensing in distant galaxies, modern astronomers have seen the bending of space-time (which bending causes the force of gravity) confirming the theory of General Relativity. Using powerful telescopes, essentially viewing through the wake of the moving system, distortion is created in distant stars beyond the wake, appearing momentarily to have moved to another location due to the bending of light through gravitational waves. Really quite fascinating that after 100 years technology finally caught up to be able to accurately test the theory. By and by more apologetic objections will fall by the wayside—their gravity analogy is no longer valid, but as with belief systems of narrowly confined learning, it may take another hundred years for the word to reach Christian circles.

Looking beyond the wake of religion also has a distortion rarely seen by believers, but obvious to the causal observer. Words viewed through the wake appear as moving goal posts in a fog of apologetic banter, swirling and circling distortions claiming god is good, when in fact god is absent. Claiming god is love, but the love you seek is yours already to give. If you are waiting for gods love to make the world right, you’ll be dead and buried before you’ll see it. Perhaps our next generation of youngsters will stop waiting and start doing.

Quantum Retrocausality – Changing Truth

Quantum Retricausality demonstrates a strong link to Christian history

It is an important feature in Christianity that none of the writers or founders were present when the alleged events took place. Enough time had past that no living person had seen the events to dispute them with knowledge of fact, effectively changing the past by manipulating the future through choice dependent ignorance—a type and shadow of religious devotion and a real principle of physics that is where a decision is in front of you and you don’t know if you are going to choose “a” or choice “b” because you don’t know enough about the facts to make a choice. As you pause in limbo (ignorance is required at this phase) deciphering what little information you have to go by, history lays in the balance. Choice “a” is to make no changes, choice “b” is to make the change and accept the story. Note here that actual knowledge of the history (or of the partícle behavior) negates the effect of retrocausalityRetrocausality or Backwards causation is a concept of cause and effect where the effect precedes its cause in time. (1)

The magic with physics is being able to get your point across before people start sleeping, but brevity and physics are not friends, so bare with me.

Altering the parameters of the double slit experiment after its initiation can change the manifestation of the particle to a wave or viceversa—retroactively! The particles hold no virtue or predicability but behave in specific ways based on how or if they are observed. It is quite fascinating actually. Researchers have shown by interrupting or manipulating the experiment after the photons have been fired, changed the entangled electrons results after the readings were recorded by the device—yes, retroactively, meaning they are going back in time changing the record and the results. These particles and waves are not related to the handwaving, virtue signaling, interruptions, retroactive changes in the records embraced by apologetics, but it shows the origin of the behavior at the quantum level, and by so doing have effectively changed history for 2.5 billion people. Ignorance is the key to successful religion, and since ignorance is the prevailing m.o. to faith, it’s history can be changed and explained away without regret, literally to them, not in a figurative sense. Retroactive causality proves science can prove religion after all.

God or Math

I suppose not much is more irritating than a Calvinist evangelical with advanced math, science, and theology degrees—and teaches university New Testament. Enter Vern Poythress..The argument is that mathematical laws, in order to be properly relied upon, must have attributes which indicate an origin in God. They are true everywhere (omnipresent), true always (eternal), cannot be defied or defeated (omnipotent), and are rational and have language characteristics (which makes them personal). Omnipresent, omnipotent, eternal, personal… Sounds like God. Math is an expression of the mind of God”.

I say 7+5=12 irrespective of a god, anywhere, anytime. The idea that we are explaining a completely incomprehensible being that has grown in grandeur to the point the faithful have given up, acquiesced to the level they cannot even comprehend comprehending. It’s a sad state of affairs when a myth overrides the desire to gain knowledge. “We lie when we claim that unexplainable things are in fact explainable. God is transcendent and beyond even the shadowy wisps of imagination in our finite minds. The Trinity, for instance, is not as simple as a metaphor of water (ice, water, steam) or an egg (shell, white, yoke). Sometimes I think we would be better off if we just said, “These ideas are so beyond me that if God did reveal them to me, I am pretty sure my brain would explode.” (1)

The line of reasoning in Christianity is defeat, and here we see the blind assignment of god to the trivial and the true, the obvious and the obscure—just because a unimaginable construct of human minds, that in itself is contradicted the moment we wonder about the nature of god. We disprove this unattainable jargon with imagination, theory, and testing. We have unlimited capacity to learn and understand. They just have no god to actually present. Christian faith promotes self defeatism of knowledge.

Augustine expressed interest in perfect numbers, which have a curious connection with Mersenne primes. A perfect number has the property that it equals the sum of its proper divisors. For example, the number 6 is perfect because its proper divisors are 1, 2, and 3, and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.” Therefore, god had to create the earth in six days, not by planning, but because he had to. He had no choice but to be perfect. That is the line of connection faith deludes.

I say 6 is sequentially ordered after five and before seven because it is. Even before the universe came into existence it had “perfect” properties as perfect prime numbers do. There is no magic or god about it.

I can imagine a being so grand he controls billions of light years of space. He travels by mere thought in yonder galaxies checking in from time to time to see see if your burka covers enough or if you cut your hair. He helps when you need to find a contact lens, but turns his back on the hungry. He is deeply concerned if you play with yourself, but condones genocide using “divine command theory” to let his worshippers off the hook. Religion is a huge excuse for the masses to smugly sit back and administer cruelty because god said so. The only math I see that stems from religion is where divisions are multiplied. The mere fact that we can see we have a problem is hope that maybe we can fix it. At least that is on our side.

The Double Slit- A Practical Application

Most of you are familiar with the double slit experiment in physics where photons change their behavior and properties merely because they are being observed. It’s just barely more detailed than that, but if you’re not up to speed in armchair physics click HERE for a five minute cartoon summary. What physicists fail to realize is we’ve been watching this behavior in the theological sciences for many years with much bigger particles than quantum mechanics. In fact, entire organisms have displayed the “particle duality” phenomena. The quantum model of the universe has been masterfully hidden… Right in plain sight!

“What do you mean” you say? If you “observe” Theists they behave predictable and conform to well established patters. But alas, when alone the behavior becomes less predictable. The pattern becomes unpredictable. But a new super secret recording device has been remotely observing this phenomenon. Google has surpassed Shakira with a new number one hit “Their clicks don’t lie”. Without any prejudice they have found the highest population of religious coincide with the highest use of hetero and gay porn based on clicks per 1000 in population. Utah and Mississippi neck and neck for first place. But when they are under normal observation there in no indication that they are randomly straying off the detection screen. So (c1)<c2= p=hx2) = (piety =hypocrisy squared) And I thought they were anti porn. Hmm.

So physicists are right after all. What can be discovered in the quantum world is a predictor of what we already find in the macro world. We just had to look in plain sight. This is why they say—

Why do you always take two Mormons fishing with you? If you only take one he’ll drink all your beer.