21st Century Experiments, 19th Century Minds

Science today is more metaphysical than new age. Here’s how to see in the 21st century.

Particles, an outdated term in physics that stemmed from the earliest models are not a granular presentation of a piece of matter, like a tiny grain of sand. The word is still used as an outdated description of a process, not a thing. A particle is a metaphor, though the internet is still full of obsolete diagrams and descriptions.

All that exists are 17 known quantum fields, although this too is a metaphor. There is no “thing” that it represents, but a mythology to assist us in grasping concepts. These fields make up the infinite vastness of space and everything in it is a fluctuation, an undulation, an excitation in the field.

It is similar to a lake with a whirlpool in it. It is still the lake, yet its behavior is tied to a confined amount of space. Brains are undulations in the stream of consciousness. Physics is a way to model the patterns and and regularities in the disturbances outside our whirlpools.

When scientists collide “particles” they are smashing isolated excitations of the field. When something collides and becomes two, or 4 “particles”, these are not little pieces of stuff scattering into a debris field, but creating more ripples on the lake— more ripples in the field. This should be elementary to a 21st century brain but it is not. We are still mostly Newtonian.

Wondering how two entangled particles separated by space simultaneously behave in synch is really no mystery either. We look at them with a 19th century mind. We assume space time is real and the particles are separate, but they are the same particle measured from different points of view. Like watching the same broadcast on two TV’s from two different angles. They are completely in synch, yet look like (to a 19th century mind) that one knows what the other is going to do. It’s magic!

Science today is by far the most metaphysical approach to reality. More woo woo than any new age religion. It is outside of mind, an abstract world of subatomic particles and energy fields. To detect a signal from this abstract world with our sense organs, then our brain reconstructs a subjective reality inside our heads.

According to the scientific paradigm today, the real world is outside of mind has no color, no taste, no touch, nothing. None of the qualities of subjective experience because subjective experience is generated by our brains. It’s not outside you. You cannot visualize this because once you visualize it is already a subjective experience and by definition this is not the real world.

The real world outside of mind then has no qualities of subjective experience—no color, no touch, no taste. It is all generated in your brain. Even the stars in the sky are inside your skull. It’s all generated by the brain and it’s interpretation of some uninterpretable realm that is completely unapproachable objectively.

The closest we can get to this today is mathematical equations. It is pure abstraction. There is nothing more metaphysical than this. You cannot imagine a spiritual realm that is more metaphysical and abstract than this. It is fundamentally inaccessible in any direct way. This by definition you can never access. You are locked inside your head as a product of matter and evolution.

Science and it’s physicalist paradigm is actually more metaphysical than any new ager. At least with religion or meditation you have a chance at approaching it, even if you have to die. With scientism today you are stuck in the physicality of a brain and sense organs that can never see the colorless, blank stare of a reality void of qualities—it’s all in your head…or is your head in it?

Science is supposed to model phenomenon and outcome and is supposed to be neutral. The way we see that is ontology and philosophy, not science. But science is trying to tell us what it all means, like a reporter on the 6 o’clock news.

On Freewill

If anyone truly had freewill it would be catastrophic.

Of course we have free will. We have no choice but to have it—Christopher Hitchens

If freewill exists then god doesn’t. If god exists verything ever done has been pre approved. Not one can escape the tools they have to work with.

One may think they can circumvent the rules but that is also part of the rules. opening a new door in the game is still in the game. To know it is such the thing.

When we measure something we are forcing an undetermined, undefined world to assume an experimental value. We are not measuring the world, we are creating it. Nothing exists until it is measured.”—Niels Bohr

We now live in a thoroughly measured and mapped environment and that is our reality. That things are long or short, thick or thin or have borders, isn’t truth without the yardstick. We keep pressing this attitude yet nothing can be accurately explained. Freewill is no exception and is probably the wrong question.

The fall of man and his separation from Eden is the naming and outlining of animals, places, and things like they are somehow separate—where sapiens slipped into a fixed and measured reality. It is not actuality why or what the world is.

Your freewill is to think it is such. Marking the territory with official titles and fences is exercising freewill while simultaneously destroying it. But I suspect evolution has something to say about this. Because if evolution is thoroughly true, we are in charge of nothing.

At this point of the game if anyone truly had freewill it would be catastrophic.

Christopher Hitchens

Grace or Faith? One Cannot Rely on the Other

Faith cannot achieve grace, for faith is an effort of belief.

Faith is the mental effort to believe. According to research, during a typical day, a person uses about 320 calories just to think. Different mental states and tasks can subtly affect the way the brain consumes energy. Applying effort to the belief in things you don’t know, raises additional strain on cerebral energy consumption. Is this not works? Is not this something you do?

Additionally, the mental wrangling required to believe in deities is indeed effort. To outsmart the contradictions of the Hebrew religion also induces stress and issues of self worth, further adding to “works”.

Faith in Jesus is works. Contradictions 9:17 Apologetics is even further efforts that contradict the biblical promise.

Grace and faith are ideas in opposition that require caloric effort. The only way to evade that is faith like an atheist—total trust in letting go. Only then can grace be achieved through unbelief—through no effort whatsoever.

Contradiction—Enduring Faith

Less belief equals more objectivity

In a nutshell, the less you believe in Christianity, the more likely you are able to understand it. The ability to handwave and justify contradictions is erased by unbelief. That is a big plus towards a firmer reality. We’re not talking one or two contradictions, but a massive patchwork—it’s thematic

In pharmacology there are statistically not eight prescription medicines you can take without drug interaction—basically at that point, taking medication to treat side effects of medication.

Christianity’s circuitous contradictions are so frequent, they now use contradictions to explain the contradictions.

Only through unbelief can we see that this is the great mystery of the kingdom—how does he get us to do that?

This is exactly what happens when you concoct a story without thinking it through. It may sound convincing at first, but as we peel back the layers they have to add another. Today we have no other institution on earth so grand where built-in redundancy is another million volumes of contradictory explanations—per year!

Diabla cooling off after a long run up the mountain.

Irritating for Jesus

Being persecuted for your beliefs doesn’t make you a martyr, nor does it prove you right. It does, however, prove you irritating.

Dying for religion doesn’t make it true. It only proves is your fanaticism was stronger than your love of life.

They tell us that the truth of religion is beyond worldly reason. Do you not admit then, that these truths are not made for reasonable beings? To pretend that reason can deceive us, is to say the truth can be false, that usefulness can be injurious. Is reason anything else but the knowledge of the useful and the true?

Besides, as we have but reason and our senses (such as they are) to lead us in this life, to claim that reason is an unsafe guide and that our senses are deceivers, is to tell us that our errors are necessary, that our ignorance is invincible, and without extreme injustice, God cannot punish us for having followed the only guides which he desired to give us—Jean Messlier, Testament

Then go on to pretend intelligence is a gift from god. The same god that is immaterial but created material. The same god that is immutable and alone, where his laws do not apply because he is apart of any society. The same god that lets his most irritating effective servants die without lifting a single finger to come to their aid.

“And that’s why it was such a brilliant idea from prophet Mohammad (and from the Bible) to explicitly describe the religion as the absolute last word from God that would never get any future amendments of any kind. It was the first to say it was the last, and and it worked pretty well by taking their immunity against listening to others and learning form them to a whole new level” Haritha

By abandoning your reason and senses, you can believe anything. Depending on where you were born, of course.

My road less traveled.

Prosperity Gospel

Historical approval of prosperity gospel is a green light to defraud the poor

The founders and the missionaries of the old world set a precedent by flaunting their prosperity. “Paganism was a faith that was largely geared to gaining material prosperity. There were gods for the crops because they wanted their crops to grow. They had gods for cattle so that they would produce more milk. When these pagans looked at the wealth and power of Christian Europe, they were impressed: the Christian God was obviously one who could deliver the goods. Christians built bigger buildings, made more beautiful jewelry, possessed better ships, and so on. Many pagans were not adverse to converting to Christianity because they believed it would, in fact, give them more material prosperity than had their gods”. (1)

To appreciate this point, note how Christian missionaries fared in sixteenth-century China. Here was a non-Christian culture that was in many ways superior to the West. In that context, Christianity makes practically no headway.

In Europe, we see evidence that this wasn’t a by-product but a deliberate tactic of missionaries. When the bishop of Winchester sent his pupil Boniface to evangelize Germany, he stressed that Boniface should remind the pagans just how rich and powerful the Christians were.

Prosperity gospel is the cartucho that sets the poor on a course to prosperity in jesus. Now, popular in the poverty culture of Christianity is to give their mite to the wealthy ministers in hope for wealth through faith—

Professional audio, sound, and lighting guaranteed to bolster the spiritual experience with calculated speech patterns to ultimately deceive its audience my manufacturing emotions—with of course phone apps to request prayers and donate money. Copeland’s net worth is now $760 Million on the backs of the poor. So much for living like Jesus?

I couldn’t donate to anything with this face attached to it.

Ordering Off Menu

Whenever we go out to eat, my wife is constantly out-ordering me. She’ll talk to the waiters and describe some incredible home-cooked meal just the way she pictures it, and more often than not they come back with some fabulous creation while I’m eating something with fries. Her food brain is like a fashion designer—nowadays I’ll just have what she’s having.

These past 2-1/2 months of house building she’s been cooking for 13 people out of the cabin—for both families and a friend, a grandson and the teenagers friends, and whoever stops by. It’s been incredible and a tremendous work load in a cabin with no dishwasher and a very basic kitchen. I don’t think we’ve eaten the same thing twice, and all top notch meals. Thank you.

Religion has no “off the menu” ordering, but it does. I’ll explain. I recently saw a show where this guy and his fiancé are looking for a church. Each week they go somewhere different, check the facilities and get a quick sales pitch explanation about the belief and direction of the church from the pastor. It is semi amusing sickening, but then the couple decides if this is a place and belief they agree with. Then they move on. Trying to find a Christian church that already aligns with what you want to believe is a painstaking process. The lighting, music, and decor must be just right. They will never find what they want, so they’ll either settle for close, or hey, start their own church! What better way to find what you already believe?

After the breakup of AT&T, thousands of smaller telecoms popped up all over the country. New companies emerged with their own way of doing things. The religious monopolies have already collapsed. Each is doing its own thing and is disconnected from the source (if there ever was one) and each church is going the way of the pastor. 45,000 denominations, personalized service, but it’s no longer Christianity—any more that Inland Telephone is AT&T. Everyone is off the menu, they just can’t admit it.

“The key to solving the mysteries of god is unbelief ” whatever you hear in religion, look for the opposite to be true. Very simple observations prove this time and again.

Freedom and Religion – Another Oxymoron

To think that christian peoples of all denominations demand complete freedom and autonomy while at the same time adhering to a religion that dictates to them in every phase of their life, proves they are the very ones that need strict liberal governing. In fact, they demand it, unable to imagine that another may live life peaceably and kind without their specific set of rules. Point number ten trillion where what they say does not match with what we observe. “The idea of the sacred is quite simply one of the most conservative notions in any culture, because it seeks to turn other ideas—uncertainty, progress, change, into crimes—Salman Rushdie

Sunset last night eclipsed by layers of smoke. The end is near

The depths of religious anxiety is a choice to remain in fear. Fear of an afterlife, fear of hell, fear of knowledge, fear of other ways of life, and fear of dying, for fear spawns hope, and those disposed to superstition cannot live happily without hope.

They demand freedom and in the next breath cast it away with a subscription to a god that monitors their every move—Contradictions 3:16

Disappearing Hate

How many deconverts of religion have turned to divisive, discriminatory speech and hate groups? How many are condemning alternate lifestyles and supporting religious laws to ban women’s rights? How many choose to impose their lack of belief on others by going door to door, or casting stones at immorality, while practicing immoralities. None. That’s because when people leave religion, and think on their own accord, sometimes for the first time in their life, they speak in support of freedom and fairness and equality to all. That is who I believe people really are. It is the churches and their stiff indoctrinations that separates, setting themselves above others with “inspired” lines drawn in the sand of divisiveness. I know some of us struggle to make all the changes at once, but by and by, love is found. Fairness is found. Equality and acceptance are found. And for many, it is the first time in their lives they have thought their own thought, said their own words, speak what they have learned, and not what they have been told. And it is good. Very good.

Belief and faith are strange ills. They are contrary to open dialog and contrary to real problem solving. They are driven by fear and supported by groups such as ADF and others. The propaganda from the pulpits is a powerful sermon from gods anointed, but the thoughts people have and the words they speak are not theirs. They are the churches.

I am very optimistic about the future, as I know that the hearts of the people are good. Their minds have been sealed off by faith, but the real person inside is good, and when they finally leave religion behind, like waking from a long stuporous dream, 100% of them return to true love and equality. That’s a pretty impressive number to have hope in.

“Early Storm Sky”