Freedom and Religion – Another Oxymoron

To think that christian peoples of all denominations demand complete freedom and autonomy while at the same time adhering to a religion that dictates to them in every phase of their life, proves they are the very ones that need strict liberal governing. In fact, they demand it, unable to imagine that another may live life peaceably and kind without their specific set of rules. Point number ten trillion where what they say does not match with what we observe. “The idea of the sacred is quite simply one of the most conservative notions in any culture, because it seeks to turn other ideas—uncertainty, progress, change, into crimes—Salman Rushdie

Sunset last night eclipsed by layers of smoke. The end is near

The depths of religious anxiety is a choice to remain in fear. Fear of an afterlife, fear of hell, fear of knowledge, fear of other ways of life, and fear of dying, for fear spawns hope, and those disposed to superstition cannot live happily without hope.

They demand freedom and in the next breath cast it away with a subscription to a god that monitors their every move—Contradictions 3:16