
If reincarnation is real, what is it exactly that is being reintroduced? It certainly isn’t the biology, the dna, or any physical likeness. It is data that is recycled—everything is data information, and electrical impulses. Even your food is measured in calories, or energy content.

Our physical world is a system of inseparable differences. Everything exists with everything else. Left and right are one process. If thoughts are real they are permanent data structures that come and go and transcend life and death.

Life isn’t serious. It is completely unnecessary. Why is there something rather than nothing? For his pleasure it was imagined into existence. It is for play—to relive the boredom’s of infinite living.

Theorists such as Roger Penrose, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics, have conjectured that quantum effects underpin consciousness, but this theory is just as lacking as any other theory. Researchers cannot even agree on what form a theory of consciousness should take.

The Polaroid is maybe the best example of creation—the image appears all at once out of the blackness, yet nothing of substance is added to it.

Spirit or Matter

For those who do not believe there is a spirit world—there is no difference but terminology

Why does examining the physical world still explain nothing about what it is? What is the most likely reason we haven’t identified one single solitary fact of what matter actually consists? Maybe it isn’t “real”? The simplest answer is usually the correct answer? Or Occam may say—”entities should not be multiplied needlessly” But physics is at a loss, as examining the atom we find 99.99999% empty space—We are empty space.

The physical world is the most elusive, evasive topic of all topics, yet at first glance it seems so obvious (here I am) But you can’t identify what stuff is, any more than you can find anything actually existing anywhere at all. You cannot put your finger on it, nor determine the basic physical makeup—of anything, simultaneously fulfilling all the requirements of spirit. Neither science nor religion has any idea what the hell is going on (forget resurrection of matterless matter for the moment)

Matter is all at once here, there, and nowhere. While it’s properties can be manipulated slightly for our imagined benefit, as far as being the real stuff we have hoped to identify as the physical reality, is likened most easily to an image at the end a projector—though you might just as easily identify the physical properties of an image on a movie screen—where there would be nothing seen at all without the background.

The farther we peek into the physical world the less is discovered—there is nothing there. It is empty shells everywhere we look, and the most obvious yet unsettling reality stares us in the face—there is nothing physical to discover. Is life and the physical world (as we assume) merely concentrated patterns of energy—like a dust devil in passing wind, we see its stationary effects but the wind keeps blowing? Whirlpools along a passing stream? Cyclones of organized chaos? Or is matter any more than a concentration of spirit, for lack of a better term? It, the obvious answer is, essentially energy forming a pattern. The other “one thing” we harness but do not understand in the slightest—electricity.

What should be the most obvious and easy to identify—the physical world, turns out to be the most elusive of all examination. We aren’t really even here in the sense of reality we have imagined. And imagine is what we do best, and will continue to do—our existence depends on it. Whatever the case, life is simply amazing to be a part of. It’s amazing!

Fine Tuning the Biblical God

Step by step—how to dismiss contradictions til the whole package equals the Biblical God

“Do you believe in god?” “What is god?” He says, “you know, the great spirit—the conscious energy force that manifests the cosmos?” Sure, I think there might be some driving force out there, a “great spirit” for lack of a better term.” “This is the God in the Bible. And in the beginning there was Jesus to make it all happen” (hint—this is never the natural conclusion)

When you come to that conclusion that there must be a creator, you then make an unwarranted jump. That the that marvelous designing power that produces all this is the biblical god—now conveniently prepackaged and ready for you to accept. That god who is fashioned in the graven image of the paternal, authoritarian tyrant of the ancient near east. Whose ideas were not won on merit, but by force from the beginning—now sold to the young as the source of everything—even their very worth.

Religion now has a special plan to assure it is the only, eventual choice—which makes it not a choice.

Making the leap to the abrahamic god can only be done by persuasion. It is not self evident. No one makes the leap to this type of monotheism by natural reason. Therefore this god is not natural, but imitation—made in Israel.

On Spirituality

How religion is an anchor to the souls of men—dragging a dead weight.

I am an atheist. There is little to convince me the natural order of things needs guidance to align itself with compatible attractions. I do not naturally concur or conclude any god or gods, but only by desperate, impatient persuaders and force-fed answers are we convinced—surrender to its message or be damned.

However, I do not discount the fact that some people are attuned differently to the universe and take advantage of its properties. We are all part of this electric, energy-field of space, full of Planck waves and particles, entangled one with another and everything in between. We are made of energy. It would make sense that we should be able to interact in these fields to our benefit—to use them in the understanding of humanity. We are a part of it, comprised of the same waves that surround us. There is no empty space.

Enter Religion

They have all attended the same schools of thought for the past 3000 years. They debate every friggin word of the Bible (literally) and are a constant dead-weight dragging on the conscious fabric of space. We’re dragging an anchor around with us. Can we imagine for a moment—everyone engaged in real solutions developing human potential celebrating their individual abilities, versus pigeon-holing humanity into a self deprecating belief and abandoning the natural connections and abilities?

There are merely a handful of very smart people plowing on to advance the human cause. How do we escape the numbing stupor of religious beliefs? Humans have the capacity to be outstanding!

“For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself“—Galatians 6:3

I could not disagree more. Seeing what we have to work with I’d say we have much more capacity than the “unworthy servant”.

We start with an insufficient premise of defeat, the worthless sinner, the holes of indoctrination offer an ongoing climb that only gets deeper. We can do more! Much, much more when we realize we’ve got this way beyond “glory to god” for allowing one damn problem free day. The bar is low—way too low.

Whereas all rivers flow to the sea, carving, meandering ways, changing course, moving mountains and civilizations—so it is in the whole universe”

The Compromise—Panpsychism /panˈsīˌkizəm/

“And the earth was without form and void”—a better reading

Life—amalgamating with matter which “was without form and void“—Genesis 1:2. Void of what? Simply without form and without the void. Containing no defined area imbued by life to perpetuate, but animation itself (energy) creates a void between the nucleus and the shell when it permeates matter, enlarging it by millions with a seemingly empty space—expansion, and all kinetic energy wrapped up in galactic collision.

When life happened upon this pale blue dot, or collided with this insignificant speck in a deluge of massive energy, the globe that we know today was without space for life. Without the consciousness of energy, it sat billions of years since last contact—about the size of a basketball in truly space-less matter—containing no life, but by perfect cataclysm aligned with a star. With energy, wave functions, invisible quantum fields, quarks and gluons, fantastically create, then occupy what we perceive as space, expanding them a million times their inert, lifeless size.

Dinosaurs, once tiny specimens of slightly larger flecks of dust before the earth enlarged its area thorough never-ending chains of cosmic collisions, emerged again in their re-birth as expanded fossil-forms to thousands of times their prior size as the power came on for this generation of conscious energy, expanding to life in the void, for life makes space—and a lot of it (by comparison sake) creating a void between the nucleus and shell, massless electrons fill the space by being everywhere simultaneously as pure energy. Prior to this moment, all the fossil fuels on earth would contain in a thimble.

By removing the empty space, the atoms that make a complete human are the size of a small, minute dust particle, with all of current humanity fitting into an area of a common sugar cube.

The rapid expansion and evolution of species when life infiltrates non-life, gradually stabilizes. Environments peak and yaw, decline and drive evolution and migration. During times of calm these changes are slow and hard to see, but what might happen in a lifetime years ago, now takes millennia.

Earlier, un-eradicated men knew of these energies that infiltrate organic and inorganic life, including the rivers and mountains, considered themselves part of the system we have been forged to forget. By being “civilized” we have lost intuition with the connective forces that sustain us.

Is it a coincidence that the sun encompasses 99.86% of all the visible matter in the solar system, while we (and the other planets) get a trickle that amounts to the matter we possess? That the tiny ray that dissipates this direction contains and maintains the energy that is life and sustains it, earth, and that our very bodies thrive because of shared elements of the stars? We capture a mere fraction (1/billionth) of her emissions.

The atoms that make us, from the calcium in our bones to the iron in our blood, brewed in the heart of an exploding star billions of years ago, and now nurtured by her distant cousin with a mere trickle of energy. Just enough to be, and to simultaneously maintain.

The Conibo people of the Peruvian Amazon, when asked how they knew which varieties of plants to use for what purposes, answered simply, “the plants speak to us. This exchange of informations takes place at a primitive level. Attuned simply to the frequencies and vibrations of the earth and its secrets—secrets that are now considered quackery, sorcery, witchcraft, and second class to modern medicine, shamanism.

These deeply connected people knew “to be“, was to be in touch with their natural environment, sharing electrons and transferring data with every thing that came in their path. The secrets of life are found in our bare skin and the souls of our tightly bound feet. But we now live in a world of barriers.

/panˈsīˌkizəm = pan/all, psychism/consciousness—all is conscious
  1. the doctrine of evidence that everything material, however small, has an element of individual consciousness.

We are vastly made of empty space (filled with energy) 99.999% of the human body is a relative illusion of shared energy—same as the rocks, the rivers, and the trees. All as alive in their own element as the next. Finding your roots in the asphalt, concrete, and barriers to nature is a modern challenge—finding those roots is to find the meaning.

It may not be very sophisticated in this day and age to reverence the sun or the earth—but try life without them. Panpsychism is 99.999% more likely to be accurate, than to postulate a god we have no evidence of.

While apologists continue the debate over the word “was” in Genesis 1:2, again we see that science and the shaman produce the answers to their void, which is truly empty of reason or evidence.

“Was” in the Hebrew is a great attempt at hairsplitting scripture to try and align with scientific evidence that the earth is very old.

HERE is an example of the past 3000 years (really) of trying to determine what “was”, was.

Unlocking the Mysteries

The consensus among most scholars is the monuments, henges, pyramids, and alignments are to help the ancients know when to plant crops and keep a calendar. I believe this is rubbish. It’s time for a serious re-date and new look at the purpose that drove these creations.

Something about their knowledge of the universe, which surpasses our understanding was the key to their fantastic abilities many thousands of years ago. Harnessing a now unknown power of the night skies was imperative to their understanding of how to manipulate the natural forces of the cosmos and earth.

Have you ever felt like you are missing a sense, an ability, or an easier (should be obvious) understanding of the world or universe. Are we just a crippled bunch looking at the world as mentally handicapped people? For over 2500 years though confused submission, darkness has erased our past connection of higher enlightenment as we continue down errant paths.

In life, we are often (always/mostly) given two, or just a handful of choices between equally wrong things. Practically forced to pick a side at every turn, in one way or another. Creationist or evolutionist? Young earth, old earth, flat earth? Wtf? Left or right, conservative or liberal, theist or atheist? I think the latter may be the greatest trick of all. The choice to believe in god—or not believe in god has quite possibly distracted us from the self empowerment and abilities to draw the energy of enlightenment through oneness with the natural world.

In the world of shoes and indoor living, it is no wonder we have lost touch with our world. We are children of this planet, whatever your stances are, the composition of your body is separated from the soil, minerals, and elements that made you, replaced with rubber soles and synthetic trash.

Research is clear on the importance of touch. Babies die without it, while survivors spend a lifetime in disconnect from social normalcy, withdrawn and alone. We are disconnected from nature, its soils, its elements, its touch, and its energy.

The more sterile our cultures become, the farther the disconnect will be. We were meant to be in contact. Reach out to your local earth, let the grass and the dirt press up between your toes. Sit down and feel the renewing power of touch by physical contact with the natural world.