
Why are atheists so mad at god? I have heard this several million times, and apologists even posing that statement at famous atheists. The answer as always, is quite simple. Often leaving out one key point, allows apologists a foothold to say “see, they believe in god, they’re just angry with him”. That key point, when discussing atrocities and misery on the world is the word “if”. If there was a god, he is not the kind and loving father religion claims. He is all the things scripture and preachers teach against and more. God kills, tortures, exterminates, shames, oppresses, mutilates, enslaves, and decimates. Those that preach the loudest are usually the most guilty. “God is love” is a ploy to distract the evidence and cover the truth. Giving him credit for a saving one person from a tsunami that kills 300,000 people is just so spiritual, Isn’t it? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. If it kills like a genocidal maniac, starves out populations, causes death plagues on a fifth of the worlds populations, it is an evil god, not a good god. “If” there was one.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

123 thoughts on ““IF””

    1. May the Allfather Óðinn forgive your blasphemy – when he gets around to it. Last I heard the old boy was still sitting in a tree outside Stephen Hawking’s house trying to hack into his laptop.

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      1. WiFi? Wi-not. Odin is all powerful and not to be judged by the same standard of morality as us unless you admit he actually exists. Or by what standard can you judge him by? Puny mortal.

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        1. As a practicing EOA (Equal Opportunity Agnostic) I shall admit nothing, other than mine own cluelessness! 😛

          If given a choice however, I’ll take Óðinn’s wisdom and Thor’s cheerful mayhem over the Ambrahamic party-pooper any day.

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  1. I’m not mad at god because there is no god. I’m angry, frustrated and aghast at how people can seriously believe this nonsense and even more, love and worship such a cruel, petty and horrible character. Why on earth would you worship some image of such a horrendous entity.
    The damage this has done over the centuries and is continuing to do is so destructive to humanity’s ability to have peace and a more decent safe life for all.
    It’s like a sickness that’s out of control.

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    1. The word worship has always bothered me. Imagine sitting at the feet of a tyrant while we cater to his every whim. Yuk. Nice to see you this morning. Glad you came by.


      1. Whenever someone says worship, I hear warship. I always thought that seemed fitting since God was the captain of the ship who, according to the Bible, destroyed people the thousands if they disobeyed. Of course that’s Old Testament God. New Testament God captains the Good Ship Lollipop because it’s obvious, as you said, “God is Love.”

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            1. I just the think that the most honorable thing to do would be for the captain to go down with his ship. But he seems to be a pirate so honor doesn’t concern him. Pirates plunder, rape and kill with no remorse. But we’re all invited to set sail with him…. just as long as he gets his booty, 10% from everyone every Sunday….arrrr.

              Liked by 1 person

      2. Let me tell you a little story….

        Whilst in Munich on another “Let’s go see what we can see” tour, the girls and I came across the famous “Hofbrauhaus” and of course had to sample the heavenly nectar.
        Then, in the souvenir shop, there were several trinkets depicting a rather grouchy looking angel. Of course we were curious, and utterly confused when the shop owner along with several natives tried to explain the significance of this celestial creature. It seemed to involve a strange form of worship, namely playing a harp and uttering “Luja! Zefix Halleluja!”
        That part, we finally figured out, was another form of “Sacres” (Quebec French Profanity, with which we are familiar), such as câlice or tabarnak. Naturally, we were intrigued.

        And so upon returning home, I had Mr Florian explain. Or try to. Bavarian humor, and especially Bavarians making fun of god, heaven, and the holy church of which they are fond in their own way, is not so easily translated …

        In short. A fine, upstanding citizen of Munich (famous for their savagely elegant curse words as well as their demeanor which resembles that of a bulldog who isn’t angry yet, but is looking forward to becoming so) dies and is carried off to heaven. Thence, St Peter explains the heavenly rules and schedules – singing and worshipping.
        Aloysius, as a Bavarian would hear with no surprise, answers “What? What? I thought I was going to heaven?!“. He also inquires as to when it was time for beer, but is informed by an indignant St Peter that he would get his “manna” in due time.

        Manna indeed. Flummoxed and grumbling under his breath but showing good will, the new angel plants himself on a cloud and worships. There are two interludes – one with an angel who is some kind of rival (the details escaped me but I’m guessing similar to sports fan rivalry) and who gets belted with Aloysius’ harp, which makes him feel better, and one with a mighty holy, dreamy, “Hosianna” lisping one who pisses him off by not even responding to a polite request for a “Schmalzler” (snuff).

        Thoroughly disappointed with this heavenly existence, Aloysius’ worship becomes increasingly … Bavarian. His loudly proclaimed holy curses at last wake the almighty from him midday nap, and St Peter is summoned to bring the rascal before the heavenly throne.
        There, “Dear God” as he is known in these parts, takes a long look and says “Aha, ein Muenchner…” (ah, he’s from Munich).

        At which point Aloysius, who’s had about enough, goes off and declares to the almighty that he can keep his ‘mann-na” and his worshipping, “I’ve never sung my whole life and I’ll not turn into a finch now” and there wasn’t even anything to drink!
        “Petrus”, sayeth dear god “he’s no good up here….”
        It is declared that Aloysius shall become a heavenly messenger, carrying letters with divine inspiration to the Bavarian government in Munich, and this way the dear soul shall find its peace.

        And so he goes. But no sooner sees he the awesome beauty of his native city, and – oh praise be! – the Hofbrauhaus, he cannot help but stop for a beer. And there is his usual spot, and there is Kati the waitress, and he orders another Mass, and another … and there he sits to this day.
        (And thus, it is hinted, he has arrived in Heaven after all…)

        The Bavarian government however still waits in vain for divine inspiration.

        Liked by 3 people

          1. Yes, a person should learn something new every day. This little gem will now make me a little more vigilant when my six-year-old granddaughters are on my ipad hunting up information on mermaids. :). (They’re enamoured with them)

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      1. This is soooo typical … of ALL religious beliefs: Cult leader David Berg extrapolated from this

        That’s what every single Christian preacher does … they “extrapolate” whatever meaning sounds good to them and then “share” that with their congregation. And since 99% of pew-sitters never read the scriptures, they swallow it whole.

        BTW, how did you come across this? Never heard of “FF-ing” before.

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        1. Oh, and the mormon founder Joseph smith was an expert at adding on. It never stopped and the story just got better and better, and he even named the star where god lives.

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        2. So true. I learned so much after leaving the church that I never heard of while attending. When you actually read the Bible for yourself it’s like a totally different book. That’s what control does to people. It blinds them to the truth.

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          1. If they would simply study or read the history and not the Bible, it would take away most if not all of their foolish beliefs

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      1. Bummer! If it’s any consolation, I heard she dated Poseidon, but he ditched her for Amphitrite. She’s lost her good looks and now sells sea shells by the sea shore to support herself.

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      1. Born and raised a Hindu, I respect every religion but I have doubts on this concept of God. Millions of unanswered prayers and hungry homeless people suffering because of other’s greed. The beauty of my country is, there are many religions coexisting here which allows us to get a closer look at all of them. So, practically, we have many flavoursome. 😉

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Here there is only one approved religion and the others are all wrong, bad, ill conceived, and need saving. I noticed you knew a bit about Islam. Not many people here do, only the propaganda parts. At least you have the info to make an informed choice. Way better than the overload of indoctrination here in the states for jesus


          1. We just can’t believe whatever is fed to us, right? Every information we get is distorted. So I choose to find different versions and make some sense of them. But all those are stuck when it comes to God. I don’t blame anyone but I just can’t put my faith into something that I can’t believe.

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          2. “Here there is only one approved religion and the others are all wrong, bad, ill conceived, and need saving”

            Leave out the ‘here’ and you effectively have a universal.

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    1. When I talked to Harvey, my parents took me to a special hospital. When I talked to god, they told me what a good boy I was. I couldn’t tell the difference, that’s why!

      Liked by 7 people

  2. (about to be Devil’s Advocate for sake of stirring the pot) 😉

    God kills, tortures, exterminates, shames, oppresses, mutilates, enslaves, and decimates.

    It isn’t GOD who does all of that! It is His flubbed-up creation-gone-bad…. Satan, the Devil!!! Remember? 🙄

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Of course. Say, who commanded who to do what? And if his creation is the devil, how strong is the hand of this omnipotent being? Or is it omnivolent. I forget.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Those are great questions Por-Jim! I’m going to let you just follow that logical line of questions to its natural end… but in the meantime…

        You know that neverending problem/game in maintaining a lie or a false state of affairs? It eventually requires ANOTHER lie/false-conditions manufactured to cover the previous… and soon the lies/false-conditions grow exponentially over time reacting to unforeseen conflicts… ad infinitum, ad nauseum. See what I’m getting at? See what the Christian Church Fathers created for their legacy and all of (false) Christendom?

        Is your head spinning? LOL 🤪🤯

        Liked by 4 people

    2. I resent that remark, Prof. You’ll keep … fancy suggesting that the Perfect Artificer created a faulty product. (Where did you say you live?)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahaha!!! I did indeed fancy that suggestion.

        Where do I domesticate? Just go “south” and look for the house with 6 inverted pentagrams, 6 goat heads, and 6 lightning rods on the roof. You can’t miss it, especially at night!

        Liked by 5 people

            1. That is quite true Jim. Everywhere else in the state has “proud” redneck heritage with spitoon contests or Tejano-Tex-Mex heritage with exceptional margaritas! If I’m forced to step out of my element, I always choose the latter! LOL 😉

              Liked by 2 people

            1. Kinky. I can handle all manner of abuse, so long as it doesn’t involve being forced to watch Ray Comfort videos while strapped in that contraption used to ‘cure’ Alex in A Clock Orange. 🙂

              Liked by 4 people

            2. DAMN! So you’ve already seen our techniques. But you are alright then with the eye-lid spreaders… and other spreader-bars? 🤩

              Nah, TRUST ME Ron. You’ll like it. I promise! 🤞

              Liked by 3 people

            3. No. I’ll pass on the eye-lid spreader.

              I remember watching this program called “The Operation” in the mid-nineties. They were slicing and dicing people open in every manner conceivable and I never flinched once. Then one week they aired an episode about a corneal transplant and I had to shut it off. Even thinking about it now makes me squeamish.


  3. I can’t be angry with nothing. Now cut me off on the highway, and you will see angry 🙂

    One of my boys got a job with the almighty, I can’t even say the name, it rhymes with small fart, he was aked the other day by a couple, “where do you keep the bibles?” After a moments reflection he said “have you tried the fiction section?”

    While hilarious, that could easily cost him his job in these parts…

    Liked by 5 people

            1. Yes! A full case. Don’t use them all at once, spread them out sparingly and they should last a while. And these days you might not want to use them on the small stuff, as the big stuff keeps coming faster and faster.

              Truth from the sad but true dept.

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            2. 🙂

              On a side note I found the Mel. Dropped a message on some post about morality, I don’t think he likes me much Jim.

              I doubt I’ll go back, I can’t take much of that kind of stone wall-ism. Where they are incapable of seeing any perspective but their own.

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            3. He can’t imagine for a minute that morality is a process all by itself that has nothing to do with god. Barnyarn on the other hand, is totally off his rocker.


            4. Mel thought I was babbling incoherence because I said basically that morality is a human construct, a cultural thing. Apparently to some, it is inconceivable that morality did not come from the dog. 🙂

              I said somewhere that at some point believers go beyond belief and become the con they have adopted. Mel has become the con.

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            5. I have a good thread it there too about it. They keep saying I’m incoherent. Kia is incoherent, you are incoherent, they keep using that word. I don’t think it means what they think it means-Inigo Montoya


            6. I may have been incoherent a time or two when I was inebriated to the gills.

              I may also have been in Coherent once or twice, I have traveled this country quite a bit, can’t remember every small town 🙂

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            7. I saw a lot of that silly movie a couple weeks back (again) While it is B movie stuff, I still like it. If anything because of Andre the Giant, and the Inigo Montoya thing.

              The dictionary definition of incoherent would be something along the lines of unintelligible babble.

              The religious believers use of the word, I think, means: What you are saying directly contradicts my beliefs.

              I think the first version adequetly explains theist apologetics.

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            8. 🙂 I can sell cases of thoughts and prayers at cost, for $29.99. That comes with a free blessing! And a brand new plastic cross that looks like real wood! But act now, because they are going fast!

              Liked by 2 people

            9. Our prayer warriors are standing by. Call 1-866-mel-wild and with a small donation we can pray coherence into scripture. Maybe. (all prayers are subject to change, melwild is a registered trademark of the four square church. Licensing fees may apply)

              Liked by 2 people

            10. I can imagine someone receiving a case sized box, with a hand scribbled note saying “Bless You” And a cheap little plastic faux wood cross in it. Oh and a bunch of thoughts and prayers… 😉

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            11. I just realized that after the decimal point is more nothing lol

              Before the decimal point, many zeroes before the decimal point…

              I umm need more coffee lol

              Liked by 2 people

            12. I’m feeling generous today, so here you go:


              Please remember to tithe 10% to your favorite house of worship.

              Liked by 3 people

            13. Just wanted to throw this out there … I’m willing to share my winning case of T&P’s to anyone who can demonstrate their effectiveness. But, let me add, they won’t be cheap. Anything that works well is worth the price … right?

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  4. “Giving him credit for a saving one person from a tsunami that kills 300,000 people is just so spiritual, Isn’t it?”

    Ooooooooh … you won’t go to Heaven!

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  5. My take on it is that people project their feelings. To paint or label atheists as angry people will justify their anger and frustration. Jealousy perhaps? If they can’t be happy then they can’t suffer the idea of others enjoying life and freedom without guilt. How dare any person live without a guidebook?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of how can you possibly live without a guidebook? Uhh, personal responsibility. Not justifying bad behavior to be forgiven later. Augustine said ” remove the temptation lord, but not today”!

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  6. Of course morality comes from humans, although some of the animals seem pretty good at it.

    In one area alone, humans have made progress, not a god. And that’s inclusiveness of those that are different. That has greatly improved in the last 50 years or so. But there are still religious nuts who try their best to condemn LGBTs, minority races, other non Christian religions etc, but overall man’s progress in morality has improved.

    In the biblical times, god would have just had them killed or had famine and disease befell them. Yeah that’s really good morality!


    1. Mans morals have constantly challenged gods morals for the better. If we waited on the churches, women would be equal to that we see in the Middle East. Good point Mary


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