How Belief Underperforms

I am curious to know how the universe happened, I’m just not convinced—in any way it was a who that made it happen—therefore there is no why it all happened. Once you realize there is no god, the simplicity of life brings peace—and how it all happened loses its urgency. Although I am quite curious and will someday have more answers, I’ll wait rather than believe in a god to simply satisfy an impatience to want answers with no effort, then act like I found something special by being controlled by a plug-n-play corporate religion. “I believe” is a foolish notion lacking quality of character and discipline. How does this happen?

Sales 101 plays on the trusting, gullible mind of the human. Controlling the conversation is as easy as asking a question, then filling the psyche with so many bullshit points that the ill-prepared are not prepared to answer. Ray Comfort uses this technique on natural atheists in his exposé videos. How come the banana man never asks one of us?

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

95 thoughts on “How Belief Underperforms”

    1. Bullet points, would be more like it. Speaking of holes, the religion department of redundancy department is open for business. And you can pay to be lied to. It meshes well with politicos. We are Kevlar…

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  1. HAH! Step #2 of the Sales 101 playbook:

    • “Filling the psyche with so many bullshit points that the ill-prepared are not prepared to answer.”

    BOOM!!! And THAT is why I thoroughly (try to) answer all Xian apologists with a vista of evidence, data, scholarship, and authentic historiography and/or ask them very detailed probing questions. As many questions or long eye-glazing-over replies as is necessary. Typically until they just begin hurling personal punches and/or BrainYawn comotose-inducing playground heckling at me. That is a sure-fire way to know the sad reality is…

    they have not done their own FULL independent analysis, forensics, etc, on the subject; lazy premature quitters who’d rather just follow blindly the crowd/trend. Go the distance people. And if you utterly exhausted, take a brief break — about 1-hour 😉 — then GET BACK IN THE GAME! Do NOT always take the easy road traveled or of least resistance!

    Great post Jim. 👍

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Humans believe the first thing they hear. Hence all the regionally based faith systems. “My mama says alligators are mad all the time cause they got all them teeth and no toothbrush”.

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  2. The Banana man knows that if he asks a deconverted Christian, he’d find that he has no rebuttal to what we’d have to say.

    As far as belief being a foolish notion, I like what Richard Dawkins once said.

    “The less you think, the more you believe.”

    So true. If you believe in “things unseen” or believe in a book supposedly written by men inspired by God based solely on faith then you stop thinking for yourself and you stop searching for knowledge. Accepting things on faith is the beginning of mental atrophy.

    Liked by 6 people

        1. And your “Accepting things on faith is the beginning of mental atrophy.” is just as poignantly true. Bravo! I’d only insert…

          Accepting things on [blind] faith is the beginning of mental atrophy [and multiple forms of bankruptcy!]” Ya know, it’s actually freakin’ wise to ALWAYS look a gift-horse in the mouth. It could have no teeth, gum disease, and irreparable constipation… then drop dead in 3-days! And not rise or be resurrected for floaty ascensions upward! 😉

          Liked by 4 people

    1. Excellent point, I love the “mental atrophy!” Besides, civilization – at least western civilization – has already gone through a period where the people of faith ruled the roost; it’s called the Dark Ages. Think Galileo, Copernicus, et al., who broke through the veil of blind faith in the face of mounting evidence to usher in the Renaissance!

      No system can keep these thoughts from my mind.

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    2. And that atrophy is physical as well. Arguing with a devout person is arguing with a physiology. That’s how the incoherence and auto-handwaves become hypnic.

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  3. I doubt that the removal of the “divine” from the creation of the universe will ever remove the urgency or at least the curiosity of trying to understand the natural world and its creation. After all, it was the many discoveries of science; the study of the universe and natural world order, physics, astronomy, etc., that filled in the blanks that religion never could, therefore replacing irrational theological foundation of creation and existence. You can say “I believe” about something which has been built upon rational, scientific evidence, e.g., climate change. I hear people say “I don’t believe in global warming” as if it were a faith-based issue which, of course, it is not. I do “believe” the planet is warming, the danger is imminent, and the argument is built upon scientific evidence compiled over decades of scrutiny and study. It is in fact, this very curiosity to know, to understand the world around us that has and continues to replace religion as the answer to the most profound questions we as humans seem to be compelled to ask ourselves. May we always ask “why?” And I am confident that there will be someone, somewhere that just has to know the answer.

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    1. I’m all for answers. Great comment Rapar. Just clinging to the first answer that comes your way is problematic, and evidenced by regional religious beliefs.

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    1. I’d like to see the pre edited versions of his interviews. He makes it look like since these kids really, don’t have good answers that there are none. There are plenty.


      1. He plays the game to win, Jim, not just to play. Remember being told it wasn’t important if we won or lost, it was important how we played the game. Fairness was supposed to account for something.
        Fairness counts for nothing! Winning is everything. Another adult lie! Another case of do what I say, not as I do. Hypocrisy at its finest.

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    1. Yep. That’s pretty cool to think about. I’m surprised Christians don’t already believe in it this way. They’re used to making things up out of thin air…it’s in the roots.

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  4. What did Dennett say? That faith/religion was a gold-plated excuse to stop thinking. For those inclined to “belief” I have another suggestion. Just say “I don’t know.” and move on to a topic you can know about. That will make the pain of having to think much less and it will be easier.

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    1. There’s not a lot of cash in “I don’t know”. The humility that is sought in scripture is found in “i don’t know”, where belief has built some incredibly high pedestals.

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  5. According to ‘The Skeptic’s Dictionary’ by Robert T Carroll, “Faith is a nonrational (sic) belief in a proposition that is contrary to the sum of the evidence for that belief. A belief is contrary to the sum of evidence for a belief if there is overwhelming evidence against the belief of if one commits to one of two or more equally supported propositions.” For me, I prefer ‘I think’ or ‘in my opinion’ (IMO) to saying I do (or do not) believe something. The are a lot of gaps in my (our) knowledge that I am just going to have to live and die with, or maybe I can stuff a different god in each one. I like this: “Once you realize there is no god, the simplicity of life brings peace—and how it all happened loses its urgency.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Belief can be a means, but not a goal. That approach has turned it into a piety contest among born again “sinners”. I remember the applause and tears Jim baker generated with his public confession. Oh, he’s so righteous!!

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      1. And so many others like him…..Jimmy Swaggert, Ken, can’t remember his last name, caught in a motel doing crystalmeth with a male prostitute, among others.

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  6. I do wonder about that, too. And here’s the thing: the fact that there is a universe, that there is life on this planet and that the life here is so astonishingly beautiful and complex … I mean … isn’t that enough? Why would it need supernatural icing. It fills me with awe just as it is.

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  7. The peace one gains simply by dropping the whole religion thing cannot be understated. When the veil of mysticality gets lifted after you’ve given it up, the being guilty of human nature (sin), the threat of eternal damnation, the entire ball of oppression just slips away and one can enjoy a very meaningful life without all of that crap. I just sorta zeroed in on a line in your post there.

    As far as the what and the why of the universe we are a part of, I find the conclusions by the scientific community sufficient enough to suit me. Fascinating even. Far more interesting than a moldy old book that wants you to be a dog worshipping piece of shit who will go straight to hell daring to be human.

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  8. Dear Jim ♡ ♡

    Faith is non-rational and gullible to some extent however, evolution is non-rational too. Not to mention unplanned, unguided, blind and without purpose. I do know that the selection processes somehow gives it meaning, yet the blind watchmaker (process) itself is non-rational. Faith does not have to be oppressive;

    “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.’”

    Albert Eistein

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    1. If evolution is non rational, we are at least attempting to guide it in our favor. We fight it, we do actual things because of our weakness, make clothes, shoes, shelter, etc. Faith (the Bible) teaches us not to worry about those things. The lord will provide. It is rather obvious if we actually believed “care not for what you will eat or wear” that we’d be really miserable right now. Faith requires one to depend on people that do care for those things. ‘without purse or script’? It demands that you put yourself at the mercy of people that don’t live that way.
      Not only is that impractical, it is defeatism. Firm belief serves one thing. Firm belief. The quirks of human neurotics believe what they are told and belief is a comfort food that produces nothing. I need a new word for when you think belief is a valid survival tool when it actually curbs ones potential.

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      1. Well, I think there is a common thread in the Bible that is overlooked. Not to mention, it is written in human language and that does not do. It should be one word The Word. We are not getting anywhere with our discussions are we? 🙂

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        1. so, what is this supposed “common thread”? And Isabella, you offer the usual excuses for your bible. It fails and your god evidently was too stupid to be able to make it understandable. Which is it, can we trust the bible or not? You seem to want it both ways, and at the end, you want to pretend that you and only you have the “right” version, like every other Christian.

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          1. I already know that I am stupid, I call it cognitive insufficient though. Kognitivt utilstrekkelig in my language. I do not mind though, if I work hard at understanding something I usually do.
            Have a wonderful day ❤

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            1. So, what is the common thread you claim, Isabella? Or are you too busy playing the martyr?

              You do seem to have some reading comprehension problems. No one called you stupid. I asked if we can trust the bible or not, considering the claims of Christians that their god evidently can’t make itself clear. You avoided that question.

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            2. Ah, nice dodge. I see you cannot show this common thread that you claim, Isabella. Why is this? Here is what you claimed “Well, I think there is a common thread in the Bible that is overlooked. Not to mention, it is written in human language and that does not do. It should be one word The Word.”

              You want to claim that since the bible is written in “human language” this is a problem. You want to claim that you and only you have the “right” interpretation. But you can’t know that if you think that there is a problem with the bible being written in the only way you can understand it. Which bit of nonsense do you want to stand behind because you are contradicting yourself. Can we trust the bible or not, or is it flawed in that it is in “human language”?

              It is nothing new that a Christian chooses to make false accusations about someone e.g. that we are not having a “meaningful discussion” to avoid admitting that she cannot support her claims. That’s called bearing false witness, Isabella.

              It seems that when you say “meaningful” you mean that you want your claims accepted blindly and not challenged. And since you dont’ like being challenged and your nonsense shown to be wrong, you do your best to ignore it. Willful ignorance may be your last defense for your religion. Unfortunately, reality doesn’t go away when you figuratively stick your fingers in your ears.

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            3. Your words and accusations
              Are giving nothingness formation
              Now a poetic debate
              Will seal the fate;
              Right in the middle
              There came a riddle
              About a pearl and a girl
              When pigs fly in remorse
              You will get the source
              If not you can wish this “gullible lie”
              Forever goodbye
              Love, Isabella

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            4. Yep, there we go, a TrueChristian(tm) who makes claims, then when asked for evidence, she tries to claim that asking such questions is being “mean” to avoid answering them. It’s a shame that Isabella has chosen to bear false witness against me. However, I do appreciate it since it shows that she is nothing special, ignoring her bible as long as it is convenient for her.

              Isabella, as near as I can figure, you try to lie about quantum mechanics because you think it gives you some excuse to claim that there is a god since you think that superpositioning allows for any possible thing you can invent in your head. This is nothing more than a version of the ontological argument e.g. if Isabella can imagine something, it must exist. That argument is one of the most silly, IMO, in that anyone can always imagine something even better and bigger than the god defined. And there is nothing at all that indicates anyone’s delusion has to be true. Now, apologists have tried to refine their argument by insisting that it only applies to a “necessary” thing, but all that accomplishes is special pleading, for they cannot explain what makes their god any more “necessary” than a perfect island, snow cone, hamster or yo-yo.

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    2. Isabella, that quote cannot be found in any of Einstein’s writings or speeches. It is claimed to be a quote from AE by a geographer Gilbert White who made it in a book Journal of France and Germany. In that AE’s other quotes never indicate a position like this, there is no reason to believe it is an authentic quote. We also know that Christians repeatedly lie about quotes from Einstein. It is a shame that Christians choose to lie about such things and try to hide behind a scientist to make themselves sound viable. You are ignorant and gullible, thinking that other Christians won’t lie to you. By your actions, you demonstrate very well how religion depends on ignorance to spread.

      You also show that you are completely ignorant about evolutionary theory. You invent a strawman to attack in your ignorance. That you chose to be this way shows without a doubt that faith is indeed oppressive if it requires such desperate avoidance of reality.

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      1. Checking sources is important. Just not necessarily to believe—anything. We tend to like things that agree with us, the reason due diligence is always required.

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      2. Hi ❤ Thank you for your feedback. I did not quote Einstein for the point of quoting him. It was to get the point across that there are two ways of looking at the universe, one as if everything is a miracle and two as if nothing is. You put forward claims that you have very little evidence to back up. First, that I use Einstein's quotes to lie. Then, you claim that I am gullible, and that I believe Christians will not lie to me and that I spread ignorance. Evidence suggests that evolution is real, and I do not deny that. I use Einstein's science to back of my theory of everything. I do not for a minute believe that Christians will not lie to me, and I try my very best not to spread ignorance. I try to spread love.

        About that desperately avoiding reality; On the quantum level all options are in superposition with each other. In one universe you are winning this discussion, in another I am winning, in one this discussion never happened and in others we were never born. How is that for reality?


        1. Isabella, you did quote Einstein because, like many other christians, you want to appeal to authority. That fallacy fails twice since most atheists couldn’t care who said what, as long as there is evidence, and that the quote is nothing more than glurge. There is no reason to look at anything as a “miracle” aka as if magic did it, since magic doesn’t exist. The false claims of theists, especially Christians, about miracles consistently fail. Unfortunately for you, we do know the fruits of Christians like you, that you repeatedly can be shown to appeal to authority, quote-mine people to support your false claims about how great your religion is, etc.

          That you either had no idea about the quote and chose to use it out of ignorance, or you did know that it was nonsense, shows again that you are either gullible, lazy or intent on deceit. The choices aren’t very flattering to you. In that you spread baseless nonsense from the bible, you do spread ignorance. There is no evidence at all for any of the essential events in the bible and plenty of evidence of entirely different things happening during the many times that Christians try to claim that their myths occured. In fact, Isabella, I’ll ask you: when did the flood happen? The exodus? The crucifiction?

          I’m glad that you don’t dispute that evolutionary theory is true. That means that you are one step up from creationists who claim otherwise. That doesn’t mean any other part of your religion is true. And your “theory of everything”? So how does Einstein’s various theories back whatever you have up? Making up nonsense and trying to claim that Einstein supports you isn’t love, that is again trying to disguise your religion as something valid.

          And wow, way to make up nonsense by appealing to quantum physics. You are not alone in trying to appeal to that to play pretend your religion is true. No, you are not winning this discussion, in this or any other universe. Someone with baseless claims can never win an discussion since she has no evidence for what she tries to claim is true. Unfortunately for you, reality doesn’t obey your wishes for something to be true.

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      1. Thank you for your comment <3. There are people who believe in a creator in another way. Those that view such an intelligence though the eyes of science and research. Religion is not what I am referring to. Faith in such a way is beautiful and not oppressive. Furthermore, I do not hold you accountable for evil events performed by other atheist in the past or now and expect you to do the same for me. Finally, I try to not label you/put you in a box and blindly expect you to be just the same as all other atheists. You are unique, with your own story.


        1. oh and more hearts to show just how wonderfully “loving” you are. no, not buying it. There are plenty of people who believe in a “creator” and all of you disagree with the next, all certain that your god in your image is the only one. In that there is no evidence for these many creators, you are not looking at any of them through the eyes of science and research. You see, Isabella, you’ve made up a conclusion that you and only you have the one true God, and you try your darndest to try to make reality fit your fantasy. And you are indeed refering to religion. You are one of those Christians who wants to change the meaning of words so you can ditch the religion that Christians have made up and failed at. Your faith is religion, the worship of some magical being that you have no evidence for, just like a Muslim, a Wicca, a Hindu, etc.
          I don’t care if you hold me accountable or not, Isabella. In any case, you would simply be wrong. You spread false information from your bible, trying to make up new explanations on how the parts you like must be true, and how the parts you don’t like mustn’t be your fault. I hold you accountable for being lazy, ignorant or intentionally deceitful because it is you who is here making up nonsense. I also hold your accountable for supporting your claims, which you cannot do.

          in your attempts to make up your god in your own image, you are not unique at all.

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            1. I am so sorry, but you will not be able to stir up negative emotions in me. I assume that is what you are hoping for (your name). It must be crap being as negative as you towards people, to seek joy in others misery. I do wish you find a happier path ❤ There is not need to continue trying to hurt me because why on earth would I be offended by someone who does not even know me? That does not make sense to me. I know who I am. I do not know you though, but all I feel for you is empathy. Love, Isabella

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            2. Sure, Isabella. To clarify since you seem unable to figure it out, clubschadenfreude is the name of my blog, not me. And if you would read my blog, you’d see that I do enjoy when people, like you, cause themselves misery because of their ignorance and arrogance. And nice to see you hope that anyone who doesn’t agree with you feels like crap. As for knowing you, you are known by what you claim and what you misrepresent. Your actions speak louder than your little hearts you feel you need to sprinkle around.

              If you love someone, you don’t try to lie to them. You chose to lie, Isabella and you were caught. You don’t like that.

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            3. Based on research presented in Psychology Today: “When you insult or criticize someone else, it may say more about how you are feeling about yourself than the other person.”

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            4. nice to see that you can’t actually put a link to your nonsense. Hmmm, would this be because you are quote mining again, hoping that no one would look up the whole thing? Here’s the link to the whole article.

              Unfortunately for you, Isabella, you seem to forget that little word “may”. This can also be written “When you criticize someone, they may be wrong.” I am still waiting for you to show this thread you claim to have and to show how quantum mechanics supports whatever theory of “everything” you claim to have. You have so far refused. One might think you made baseless claims and now are cornered into supporting it. What you’ve chosen to do is evidently attempt poetry and run away.

              In this case, your hope for projection doesn’t work. You need to claim that anyone who shows that you are wrong is “mean”. You can’t show this to be the case, but it certainly feeds your martyr complex.

              The article is very interesting, although it’s odd that there is only a “part 1”) . “Social identity theory argues that humans have a basic psychological need for “positive distinctiveness.” In other words, people have a need to feel unique from others in positive ways. ” This goes a long way to explain the need for humans to pretend that some magical being supports them and only them.

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            5. The God that I believe in loves you just as much as me. He loves everybody the same. He wants us to love each other as well. Enemies included, so that includes you. Not that I view you as an enemy, but I do get a little hunch that you might not like me as much. The reason I have not responded to the science, facts and faith aspects in your comments is because they are drowning in personal accusations against me. Now, about that quantum mechanics it is what the Bible refers to as the desert. Subatomic particles are only waves of potential, where all options are in superposition with each other. Unless we observe that is. This is one of many clues that all is not what it seems. Like a veil in front of our eyes.

              Jesus said to his disciples, I will make you fishers of men. The branch on Darwin’s tree that led to humans is called vertebrates and from fish it branched out into humans.

              A common thread in the old testament is the sacrificing of animals. In the new testament Jesus Christ is the lamb that is sacrificed. The main character in the old testament is Moses, the main character in the new is Jesus. There is quite an extensive list of similarities between the two. The flood, the tower of babel, and so much of the Bible are parables. They have way different interpretation than the general assumptions and have layers of meaning.
              Now, I do not belong to any congregation and I struggle with the views of Christians in general. I do not like the way they judge other people. I do not like the way that they put themselves above others, and think that they have some sort of favorable position with God. Most of them struggle with what we are in essence told to do; Love everybody else, just as much as we love ourselves.

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            6. Wow, what a pile of baseless nonsense aka “woo”, invented by a woman who needs to pretend that she knows everything. I suppose I couldn’t be so lucky that you really were going away forever. Of course, I knew you would come back when you were caught in another attempt to misrepresent information.

              Well, let’s look at more of your nonsense. Your god doesn’t exist, but if you want to show evidence of it, go ahead. And please do explain on how a god that supposedly loves everyone allows people to die from starvation, allows soldiers to be blown apart by IEDs, etc. Yep, it’s that pesky problem about evil, Isabella. You want to claim an omnipotent, loving god and this god is a complete failure. It can’t even come up to the definition of love in the bible. How pathetic.

              You are right, I don’t like you. You are a liar. I don’t like liars. You are just one more Christian who makes up nonsense and who has nothing to support her claims. You try to remove the ability of people to make an informed decision by your misrepresentations of science, just so you can feel ever so special.

              All you make are excuses, Isabella. It’s too bad that you don’t like people showing you that you are wrong, and hilarious that you try to use that to give an excuse why you can’t give evidence of your claims.

              The bible refers to the desert a lot. And in every case, the authors are referring to a real desert not quantum mechanics. You’ve made up nonsense in your very own interpretation, again, sure that you and only you have the right answer and you still have no evidence for this. It’s hilarious that you go from incoherent ramblings to regurgitating just enough science to show you haven’t a clue about what you are talking about. It’s so pathetic that you think you can lie to people who know what quantum mechanics consists of. You want to pretend that you know what is behind the veil. And so does every other loony who claims that they know this god. It’s very potent to think that you are extra-special and know a “secret”.

              Then, oh my, you want to claim that somehow JCs reference to fishers of men is “really” about evolutionary theory because evolutionary theory says “fish” somewhere in it. A fisher isn’t a fish, Isabella.

              Hmm, and then we go to sacrificing of animals in the bible. Yes, we know that the human sacrifice that your god demanded was Jesus aka a “lamb”. You baselessly claim that there are “similarities” between Jesus and Moses. So what are these, Isabella?

              You then try the typical Christian nonsense to whip out your magic decoder ring and declare that you know what parts of the bible are to be taken literally, to be taken as metaphor and to be ignored all together. No, Isabella, the flood was considered a actual event, even the writers have JC confirming that. The idiotic story of the tower of Babel and your fearful god was also taken as literal. You make up your nonsense and the next Christian makes up theirs. What a wonderful way to know that all of you are lying, since your god doesn’t do a thing to clarify which of you has the “truth”.

              I know you don’t belong to a congregation. You are one of those Christians who is sure that she has the only right idea and when she fails to convince anyone, she runs away, all wrapped up in her wannabee martyrdom. It’s great to see your hypocrisy again in how you are so upset that “those” Christians put themselves above others, when you do the same thing. You are sure that you know this god and you know exactly how the universe works. You certainly love yourself, but you don’t give a damn about others. You choose to lie to them.

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    3. I have a hard time with evolution being “non-rational” also unplanned, blind and without purpose. It’s almost as if nature just threw everything against a wall and waited to see what would stick. Surely animals, plants, etc., evolve for a reason, no? Why did H. Erectus begin to stand, so he could wave a taxi? Surely it was a result of their life in their environment and their struggle to survive. Isn’t survival a central theme in evolutionary change? Surely that is a rational & purposeful event?

      Furthermore, your comment that faith doesn’t have to be oppressive, I’d ask then why is it? Why did the Christians go from being persecuted to being the persecutors? Almost immediately after becoming the state religion by Theodosius II they began to persecute others; pagans, Manichaeans, etc. Think of the tragedy they caused at the Serapium in Alexandria, killing hundreds of pagans in the name of Jesus. In fact, they murdered the philosopher and mathematician Hypatia because she was an atheist. The Puritans left England/Holland due to persecution and religious freedom and immediately began persecuting anyone that wanted any variation or asked any questions. I could go on and on with examples of intolerance by various faiths around the world. Religion is intrinsically intolerant. Consider even today, Christians can not accept that there are people who will not accept Jesus as god or, worse yet, that there is no god. They’re not killing us obviously but I have no doubt that, given the right circumstances and the power, they would make life miserable for all non-believers.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you for your comment <3. There are people who believe in a creator in another way. Those that view such an intelligence though the eyes of science and research. Religion is not what I am referring to. Faith in such a way is beautiful and not oppressive. Furthermore, I do not hold you accountable for evil events performed by other atheist in the past or now and expect you to do the same for me. Finally, I try to not label you/put you in a box and blindly expect you to be just the same as all other atheists. You are unique, with your own story.


    1. I’m not entirely sure. Secular answers or faith answers? With faith, having the answers (in your own mind) stunts actual growth and discovery. When you believe, you spend your time trying to prove it, to believe it. Nearly everything we see around us is the result of stepping outside of belief and doing something about your life. ‘Think not for what you will eat or wear’ or ‘go without purse or script’ is only remotely possible because others have taken it upon themselves to grow food, make shelters, and warm clothing. Faith in Jesus takes us nowhere but smug feel-good where you volunteer to fall in line with the masses and be controlled—by choice

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  9. “How come the banana man never asks one of us?”

    There’s no doubt he occasionally meets people who can refute his arguments, but that footage is conveniently left out. Plus, atheists are not his target audience. His goal is to sell merchandise to those who already believe. He does this by shilling his wares online and at “guaranteed minimum audience” speaking engagements which include riders to cover all his travel expenses and accommodations. It’s a sweet gig.

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    1. I would like to see some if those ‘lost tapes’. Excellent Ray fodders. Surely they are deleted and stomped to death in the alley behind the ministry.

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      1. The “lost” footage sometimes appears in videos where Ray has no control over the camera. Here’s one where he responds to serious questions with unfounded assertions and non-stop preaching.

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            1. All he needs is one of those “old-timey” sandwich board signs around his neck that says Repent! on it and it would be perfect.

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            2. I guess I’m a glutton for punishment. All this Ray Comfort talk made me listen to a debate with him. He ignored every single question asked and just kept repeating his prepared speech and kept using his tired old analogies. It’s like listening to a robot…without the sophistication of a machine. It’s enough to drive someone nuts.

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            3. One night (years ago) I saw an informercial with him and Kirk Cameron for their “Way of the Master” DVD set. I was so impressed with it (the same garbage that makes me want to puke today) that I nearly ordered it. Talk about brainwashed.

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