The meaning of Life

Watching religion unfold from the cheap-seats

The meaning of life is to subjugate your will to imagination.

As a religious spectator—life has its own meaning, or get bogged down with the rule book—or the experts. We all remember that one guy who would always quote the rule book, but only when it was to his benefit?

The coach—Preaching is a most unworthy profession. If you can’t do, teach! Pseudo-wisdom and just enough fear smattering through the sermons to keep you coming back, burying themselves in the doctrine to hide their lack of faith by pretending. Caught up in the game itself, but lacking any accomplishment in life, they plow through the book and find a million different ways to say the same thing. Like a motivational speaker that entangles each talk with a threat. Teaching others not to trust their own judgement—how empowering.

The player coach—Youth pastors are training to be real pastors. Enamored with the “men of words” and someday having his own congregation (he’s such a good boy) his enthusiastic sickness has never read the Bible through, but what he has read was carefully explained.

The referee—Governing bodies that look the other way and move priests from parish to parish to protect the name of the church. Payoffs and gag orders, protect the good name of the lord, even at the cost of a child. Skilled in sleight of hand, priestly gerrymandering makes these guys a top pick for ruthless prick.

The team—Everybody is running their own plays. Everyone else is doing it wrong (in this I agree) My favorite however, is the cheater who gives glory to god for every goal, and supplements his business ventures with car sales.

The Spectator—the one that watches it all unfold in a game that should have never been invented

Studying rule books is a way of life for most of the world. Hell, we’ve all done it (which is why we are here) but now we watch the plays unfold from the cheap seats,

It’s amazing what one can see from this vantage point! The game of unfun—religion…stuck in your craw like a hometown referee.

Your Own Beliefs, Or Submitting to Authority?

How religious authority is a catalyst against your natural kindness

For a long period of my life I submitted to authority—Religious authority. A well known study (Milgram Shock Experiment) had participants administer shocks to a learning participant. 61% of subjects were willing to eventually administer lethal shocks to a stranger, solely because the authority figure had directed it. The shocks were fake, but the participants were unaware of that fact.

One subject wrote a letter to the study’s founder during the Vietnam war. He said, “While I was a subject in 1964, though I believed that I was hurting someone, I was totally unaware of why I was doing so. Few people ever realize when they are acting according to their own beliefs and when they are meekly submitting to authority … To permit myself to be drafted with the understanding that I am submitting to authority’s demand to do something very wrong would make me frightened of myself … I am fully prepared to go to jail if I am not granted conscientious objector status. Indeed, it is the only course I could take to be faithful to what I believe. My only hope is that members of my board act equally according to their conscience ...

The religious are ripely submitting to authority. I do not believe for a moment that discrimination against gays, immigrants, women, transgenders, or any other focus of hate today is rooted in the minds of the people. It is rooted in the foundations of faith, which purported hate is the result of pulpits—and the authority we allow is a preacher behind a bible.

Eric Hoffer, one of my favorites writes, “Whenever we find a dispensation enduring beyond its span of competence, there is either an entire absence of an educated class, or an intimate relationship between those in power and the men of words (the preachers).

I’d say we have both. If you want to see what your own natural beliefs are before the preachers get to you, watch 2 young children play together before indoctrination.

New Chinese AI News Anchor—A Type and Shadow of Religion

How an AI hoax will be the second coming of Jesus,

As long as there is text to read, China’s new AI news anchor can report the news from multiple locations 24/7. Patterned after a popular Chinese talking head, the AI anchor takes no breaks and reads English text tirelessly. While appearing to speak at times from both sides of his mouth, those of faith overlook this like seasoned professionals.

After being programmed and told what to say, tireless AI rambles on. Of course we see the parallels to religion. After submitting your will to Allah or Jesus, parroting becomes quite natural—no thinking is necessary, and often disallowed to maintain order in the flock. What will Copeland and Osteen be able to do with this technology?

When Jesus returns it is predicted those who don’t believe will still not believe, and as I see it, we probably shouldn’t. All the world will see him return in his glory, and very likely AI Jesus will be the new god to an old idea. Able to appear to every televised/wired culture in their own language, Jesus will come down from the heavens satellites and be visible to the entire world. I wouldn’t put it past the wealthy pastoral types to run a hoax like this, they’ve been doing it for years on the largest scale they could muster. This would be no different.

Article Here

Fairy door in the pines.

Sanguinivorous Bats and Leeches—A Common Ancestry

How genetics map a unique common ancestry

Vampire bats from the family Phyllostomidae, comprised of three known species and blood sucking leeches (sanguinivores) from four subspecies (Hirudo medicinalis) tested all share common genes.

The vampire bat is a unique evolutionary specimen. The only mammals that survive on blood alone (obligate sanguivory) the 93% protein diet requires specialized kidney function and unique microbiome (gut bacteria) along with an enhanced immune system required for an all blood diet. Interestingly, 87% of the bat salivary proteins are common across the tree of life. 13% was unique, but common to both species.

That leeches and vampire bats share a common ancestry of 4 million years was no huge surprise to geneticists. However, the 13% unique protein genome is also found in a majority population of pastors, priests, and bishops. The remarkable gene has spawned a niche in humanity surpassing the mythical vampire. The preacher—impervious to contradiction through enhanced immunity while addicted to the blood of another is a remarkable connection even I didn’t foresee.

Sucking the life out of humanity without contributing anything. Talk about unprofitable servants! Isn’t that a scripture?