When Life is Discovered

How beings on other planets would already know about Jesus.

If we discover another planet hospitable to humans, would it be likely they would have evolved the same as us? If Jesus (the creator of the universe) made all the worlds and inhabitants in his image, surely they will have known of his death on the cross.

Besides, the sacrifice for sin is eternal and would encompass all his creations. No inner-planetary missionaries would be needed for they will already have the WORD. If they do worship other gods, I wonder whose god will kick butt over the other. I’m sure it will be the ones with the highest level of revealed advances designed with the sharpest steel, the farthest bullets, and the best bombs. The god with the best guns will be THE GOD—same as always.

Imagine if they are a bit primitive how much success we could have preaching to those poor burdened souls that have never heard of Jesus. We could make them super happy—like us—and the Muslims of course. Sharing our economic models would be a real treat for them too.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

128 thoughts on “When Life is Discovered”

  1. I had this thought many times.
    What if there are aliens? Who would their Gods be? What if we come in contact with them and know about their Gods? If their civilization is more advanced than ours, does that make their Gods greater than our Gods? Will we switch sides?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I’m surprised I never thought about aliens much when I was a believer. On the one hand, the Bible implies that there is only one God who created the universe. But then when you look at Jesus, he was only dying for this sinful world, and it makes no mention of other planets. Also, it was only our planet that became sinful. So it’s almost like they have the same God but are somewhat exempt from Gods laws or something.
      If their civilisations are more advanced, then their Gods are better, history has always proven that :p

      Liked by 3 people

            1. You don’t have to believe in any divine plan. Whether you do, or don’t, is out of your control entirely because God wrote the script before Creation and all we do is …
              … follow it—His omnipotence AND (especially~!) omniscience ensure that.

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  2. If there were aliens on other planets, did Jesus die for them too? or just our world? Hmmm, the Bible makes no mention of other planets there. It seems they just get to do their own thing.
    Did the aliens have a similar test to Adam and Eve? What if they never failed? I guess their planet would get over populated pretty quickly, being sinless and without death.
    Or maybe they never got encroached by religion, so they pity us, instead of the other way round.

    Liked by 6 people

        1. But if his sacrifice is eternal, it would have to apply to all his creations that were curious and ignorant of what a consequence was. Would it be fair to test only one group? Oh never mind. He’s never been fair before.

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    1. the Bible makes no mention of other planets — The bible makes no mention of a bunch of things. Funny how the believers of today simply overlook these omissions and instead accept what science has discovered.

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  3. I think discovering (sentient) life outside of our own world would… I’d like to say really help us out in trying to free ourselves (as a species) from this religious millstone around our necks…. but that is probably unlikely and that die hard hold outs would remain that would assert the need to bring Jesus to the Aliens.

    Liked by 5 people

      1. That is an interesting consideration… what religion do we choose as being representative of our species… I mean clearly space is limited on that outgoing shuttle…

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  4. Perhaps a bit off topic, but I’m a science fiction fan from way back and this made me remember something.. I remember a story I read ages ago, probably in the 70s. An interstellar exploration flight is out, well, exploring. One of the crew is a catholic priest. They come across a star system where the star exploded, destroying a thriving civilization made up of billions of intelligent creatures. They do some calculations and find out that the star was the Star of Bethlehem, the one that signaled the birth of Jesus. The focus of the story was the priest’s struggle to try to come to grips with the fact that either one of the core beliefs of his religion was wrong, or God was willing to destroy and entire civilization just to make a birth announcement. Considering God already destroyed almost all life on Earth when he got upset about something back in Noah’s time, well, yeah, he probably would blow up a whole civilization instead of just sending a nice card.

    Liked by 9 people

    1. You’re right! History repeats itself in the Bible, that timeless, ultimate banner of murder-morality. But ya know, they’re not dead to god. Just obliterated for the moment. It’s all good bro.

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        1. Yea it’s fine. Actually he gets his minions to do his dirty work for him. They don’t know why they have to do it, they don’t even have the right to question god. A few month end back I did a post about the Milgam shock experiment. 1/2 the subjects were willing to administer a lethal shock at the prompt of an authority figure. Religion can get good people to do bad things. Dan Dennett calls it dangerous memes, things to die for.

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  5. Ok I was thinking about this exact subject just today. Stay with me- in like 5 billion years when the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies collide sending us spiraling into space like specks of stardust and then merging back together as one big galaxy, will the process of evolution begin again? I’d think so, under the right circumstances. And if so, those poor future souls who might not know this God we worship on our tiny little planet Earth right now in this point of time. Let us hope for “their” sake… otherwise HELL! 😳
    Thanks for sharing jim. I enjoy reading your thoughts.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. It appears hominid life has risen several different times right here on this planet. I wonder if the Australopithecus afarensis skeleton 6million years ago was looking forward to Jesus coming? That’s probably what got Lucy killed. Missionaries with swords and muskets. And thank you for the great comment. What a group!

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Yes! Poor Lucy! Let’s hope she didn’t need the Bible to know about God…. otherwise, sorry Lucy..The stages of hominid life on Earth is mind boggling to me and I LOVE learning about every one of them! Also, I couldn’t agree with you more, awesome group!

        Liked by 4 people

      1. Thank you so much for sharing this because I’m truly mesmerized right now! That might have been THE MOST beautiful thing I’ve ever read and such a interesting idea. I had to reread it to grasp the concept of each line! What a brilliant writer. I’m truly in awe at this perspective of creation and life and death and connection. I mean wow! Perfect read for having insomnia at 2 am also! Again thank you for this! 🌌

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Isn’t that just incredible. Esme is a remarkable… everything really. I hope you left her a nice fat comment and like. She is part of the rat pack here too. Makes me so…I want to grind my teeth in my sleep sometimes. But the poem? It’s the real deal.

          Liked by 3 people

            1. Oh Oh! Another Esme addict has joined our group… called EA. (Esme’s Anonymous) “Hi, my name is Stephanie. (the entire groups says hello to Stephanie in some bit of unison — Jim says it 4-seconds too late) I am an Esme addict and I have no control of it.”

              Liked by 2 people

            2. Well hello Professor! I’m thoroughly ecstatic to join the EA. Jim flew me to her cloud and I have yet to come down! Esme caged my cosmic heart!
              (Stephanie soaring to Esme’s cloud in uncontrollable happy spirals-cloud says “tone it down Steph” -Jim says it 4 seconds too late.)
              Glad to be an EA!!

              *Stephanie laughing with Esme

              Liked by 2 people

            3. Hehehe You’ll never be the same or be able to go back to normal. Sorry Ma’am. 😉 And a fine hello to you too Stephanie.

              Some of us over there (not so much me… maybe) get booted off the Cloud once or twice a week for misbehaving. Lady Esme runs a very, VERY tight Cloud and Cloudyness over there. Step outta line and (gives a kicking motion) SMACK… you’re are ‘falling for her again!’ 😍😁

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            4. I can sense an edge of rebellion from you Professor, 😂I can imagine Esme might have to shake her finger at you from time to time. As I have fallen fast for Esme’s words, getting kicked off the cloud sounds like a heartbreak, leaving you dangling in the atmosphere begging for the cushion of her cloud! You better behave yourself Professor! 😜😜 Excited to be a part!

              Liked by 3 people

            5. Rebellion? Umm, not so much rebel, but… (rubs chin slowly looking to the Moon)

              …but an artistic, free-thinking Bohemian with a rather LARGE…

              No, not that! But a large and very healthy self-esteem that dear friends often mistake as over inflated ego caused by my life-size blow-up doll not performing correctly!

              Liked by 1 person

            6. Taboo is actually living proof of the tolerance exuded on the cloud. She knows him, yet she still allows his comments. Living proof she is an equal opportunity employer.


            7. Nan! And all this time I thought you were my #1 fan! Even more at #0.5 perhaps, enthralled with my many charms, wit, and slippery twistedness? What’s this treachery I’m reading from your lips of honey!? 🥺 (holds his broken heart and gasps)

              Liked by 2 people

          1. *hugs Jim and kisses his cheek* – Thank you good sir, I’m chuffed to bits that a poem I consider to be one of my very favourites is also loved by others.

            – Esme leaving him a plate of sticky buns and a huge elastic band to strap around his head to stop the grinding teeth. x

            Liked by 3 people

        2. That’s a wonderful thing to read, things have escalated Stephanie- you get the tin foil hat of protection right now instead of after three years of loyal service to the Cloud.

          – Esme placing the foil hat upon her head and handing over a bunch of flowers whilst she’s at it. ❤

          Liked by 3 people

            1. It is mandatory. Just remember I found you first. And don’t forget me when your famous! I do hope everyone takes a moment to check Your stellar blog as well.

              Liked by 2 people

            2. Jim, I don’t want to assume that you were talking to me, but I’ll say this in response, “Forget ya? I want to fly to Washington so I can sit down and chat for hours with ya!” Haha All jokes aside, so grateful for thinkers like yourself. And very thankful you left that link!🤗

              Liked by 2 people

            3. And I found you 33rd and don’t forget me either way back here in the nose-bleed section (some weird man you can barely see jumping up & down in a Steampunk top-hat waving his hands behind Andre the Giant, Jr.)

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  6. Evangelical human: “Do you love Jesus?”

    Inebriated extraterrestrial: “Geeze us? I ain’t that drunk, buddy! Go geeze yourself! And, take all those bony, angular Earthlings with you! Hey Honey, what’s with that guy?”

    E.T.’s wife: “They’re all like that… assholes, every last one of them. Their whole effing planet is full of assholes.”

    Liked by 5 people

  7. Maybe we can discuss that once the Islamic and Christian gods have finally figured out how to reach hundreds of primitive tribes who are still outside “God’s coverage” until today, after two thousand years of sending his message.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Two thousand years and no results. Great point. That ties in with his grace and love too. Funny how that lags about 500 years behind scientists labor.

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    1. Hi, Maka! I follow you everywhere (I kid!)

      There was an American Science Fiction show called Stargate, and the final set of baddies, the Ori, who were an “Ascended” (into a higher plain as energy beings) race that fed off the worship of their followers to gain power in their war with another group of Ascended beings, the Ancients.

      I think Neil Gaiman developed a similar thesis in his novel American Gods.

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  8. Well, if life is discovered on another planet, we already have a leader prepared to preach the Gospel to them. No one is more ready, willing and capable than the one and only Creflo Dollar:

    Liked by 4 people

  9. What else would the numbnuts from Earth do but repeat the very same insanities they’ve done here for thousands of years? How could they believe otherwise? They’ll take their insane beliefs, their diseases and their weaponry and go a-conquering, as always. If however they encounter another predatory race as violent and vicious but more advance technologically and militarily who also have an all-powerful deity to serve and service, then the Earthian numbnuts will feel themselves hard done by when they are enslaved, raped, and used as blood sacrifice.

    Liked by 7 people

      1. They’re all hiding from us. This is true. They hope that one day humanity will become a neighbour they want to invite round for a beer, but at the moment they have a universal restraining order in place to make sure not one us gets to see (or be believed if we do) any aliens at all.

        – Esmeralda Cloud Empress of the Universe knowing her stuff.

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    1. We come in peace (with one hand tapping the hidden pistol behind the back) I remember reading Bartolomé de mas Casas 1st hand account of Columbus in the islands. The people knew not violence and were struck down without fear of death. We fixed em, didn’t we. I would hope a discovery like this would change us….but alas…

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      1. Coming in from left field, as usual… as long as people refuse to consider they “may” be pre-programmed to act as they do, most often against their own self-interest, then they will continue to act as they do and the more things change the more they will remain the same. As long as people think that the god issue is either yes or no with nothing in between, nothing in that arena will ever be resolved. As long as people insist that the richest or the most powerful make the best leaders the psychopaths will continue to rise to the top like cream on milk. These are, in my opinion, truisms. We could teach ourselves wisdom through observation and not jump to knee-jerk conclusions on everything. We could take the trouble to examine what lies behind many so-called conspiracy theories or ancient myths and learn a thing or too. But as long as we’ve decided that burner #2 is cold and burner #4 is hot, we’ll refuse to consider that it’s not the burner we should be concerned about but the hand that twists the knob. If we are standing on a burner that is cold or hot there must be someone, or something manipulating their temperature-but we don’t want to go there because that upsets the applecart, big time! “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves that we are “certifiable idiots”… because we do nothing to change our general programming, except to practice the burner dance. There are 4 burners on the stove and we know that periodically some get hot, some go cold, so we jump back and forth until the day comes when we get trapped on one or the other, then we either freeze or burn, end of story.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Yes indeed. And how quickly people forget, or change their attitude based on who controls the knob. Even when nothing changes—or even gets worse, if their guy is making the chicken dance it’s all good.

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  10. God created the universe–yet he had no idea there are worlds other than the Earth. God created the Earth, yet he has no idea there are countries like Spain, France, Switzerland, Austria, Ukraine, Russia, England, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, India, Yemen, Somalia, etc. etc. etc. God created the Hebrews, named them his people, and suddemnly throws them away in favour of Greeks and Romans.
    Does this god really know anything? Does he even know the Earth is round, and the sun does not revolve around the Earth? Does he know anything at all? Read the bible, and you learn only about the geography of a tiny part of our world. The history of the world only happens around a very tiny part of the world.
    Why is it god cannot see the whole world, let alone the very universe he supposedly created?
    Because he does not exist!

    Liked by 4 people

  11. Imagine encountering benign aliens. If we explained our “faiths” to them, they would either “tsk, tsk” (translated from their language) or laugh uproariously. They would either be bemused by our gullibility or laughing because we were worshiping the wrong gods. (Imagine the mess with all of those competing religions!) Many of these ideas have been tackled by science fiction/fantasy writers but the number of story lines is endless, since all is imaginary.

    On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 10:46 PM TheCommonAtheist wrote:

    > jim- posted: “If we discover another planet hospitable to humans, would it > be likely they would have evolved the same as us? If Jesus (the creator of > the universe) made all the worlds and inhabitants in his image, surely they > will have known of his death on the cross. ” >

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Somewhere in my “ideas” folder, I have a write-up for a future novel. Earth sends a manned spaceship into deep space to look for life outside the system. Well, sure enough, they come across an Earth-like planet ruled by none other than King Jesus who immediately tells the Christian astronauts that he’s really glad to see them cause he’s interested in collecting the royalties he’s earned from the publication of his life story and all. He then throws a big party where he provides cases of water, which he turns into wine letting them know he’s “still good.” After a few drinks, the Christians ask him about the virgin birth, and the miracles, and the resurrection!
    “Hell of a story,” he said. “Made it all up. Mostly what I did was hang out with my crew, drank a lot of hootch and visited rich folks. Now about those royalties. All I’m asking for is say, fifty percent of the gross. My accountant says that comes to about a billion jillion dollars. Yeah. Look ya’ll sleep on it. Tomorrow I’ll show you our olive groves. We live on greens here. Don’t kill animals. Even got a pet lion, named Zeus. Real friendly. Hahaha.

    Thanks for the great post! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I liked that post, and in fact had commented, as did a ton of other folks–which is another reason I like your blog so much. You get amazing responses and comments with every post.

        Thanks for reading.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for reading, Esme. I’m ashamed to say I’ve not read Douglas Adams famous novel, but I’ve ordered a copy and I’ll definitely give it a read. I certainly had a fun time writing the response! :-).

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  13. Why did people keep getting born on earth *after* Jesus did his handiwork and redeemed everyone up to that moment? Shouldn’t this whole mortal-earth-thing have ended then and there, mission accomplished?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Geewhiz I don’t know. Maybe we’re just so special but we have to be tested beyond what anyone else could bear. I’m sure if I spent enough time delving into the mind of apologetics I could come up with a sweet sweet answer to make you warm and fuzzy John

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Is there one, though? I’ve never seen one. Like I just said to Sha’Tara, this question popped into my head as a kid and rang all sorts of WTF-bells. If it was Mission Accomplished, why didn’t anything change?

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Quite possible because nothing changed because nothing happened. Remember that Occum guy? But hey, if you believe it long enough, truth is irrelevant. It’s personal truth now.

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            1. Lol. The answer I believe is belief. Accepting we can’t understand everything and god is in control, which is not true at all. We can understand anything put before us if we apply ourselves. We can’t understand…right up until we do. Christianity has given up and let god, and 80% of the population abandons advancement.

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    2. Seems to me religion in particular Christianity is a state of perpetual warfare so it’s never mission accomplished that being the whole point of the scam. How many people believed then? Probably less than a thousand and before the end these had to go through the whole world and preach to every single soul and there’s your catch. You can always claim some haven’t heard the ‘good news ‘ yet so hold the fort, hang tight, fight on and raise tons of money for the church.

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      1. But he who is without the law receives no punishment. So all they do by sharing it is curse you if you don’t believe it. Aha! You had your chance, now you’ll go to hell…but I love you.

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  14. Jim,

    When we discover another species of extraterrestrials or they discover Earth first, THIS how it will go, news headlines read:


    “With a remarkable array of communications skills, teamwork, selflessness, eusociality, and highly dedicated and perfected Superorganism behavior learned over millions and millions of years through our planets WORST catastrophes, after years of examination the higher-intelligenced aliens decide to save Earth’s ants and 10 other species, but leave all human beings to their own primate demise and imaginary gods.”

    Ya know Jim, I can’t say that I’d blame the aliens at all for making that smart choice. 😉 😛

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      1. 🤣 And then they build these cathedrals or sporting stadiums if they’re Baptists, get on their knees chanting, mumbling gibberish, raising their arms everywhere screaming gratitudes for the mess they keep adding to!!! I mean, just how much “higher” an IQ can they think they can pray for or to… really!? 🙃

        And THAT is one out of 100 reasons we aliens are leaving them on Earth. We’ll take these ants EVERY single time, EVERY visit here! Geeeezzzzz!

        Liked by 2 people

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