Fine Tuning the Biblical God

Step by step—how to dismiss contradictions til the whole package equals the Biblical God

“Do you believe in god?” “What is god?” He says, “you know, the great spirit—the conscious energy force that manifests the cosmos?” Sure, I think there might be some driving force out there, a “great spirit” for lack of a better term.” “This is the God in the Bible. And in the beginning there was Jesus to make it all happen” (hint—this is never the natural conclusion)

When you come to that conclusion that there must be a creator, you then make an unwarranted jump. That the that marvelous designing power that produces all this is the biblical god—now conveniently prepackaged and ready for you to accept. That god who is fashioned in the graven image of the paternal, authoritarian tyrant of the ancient near east. Whose ideas were not won on merit, but by force from the beginning—now sold to the young as the source of everything—even their very worth.

Religion now has a special plan to assure it is the only, eventual choice—which makes it not a choice.

Making the leap to the abrahamic god can only be done by persuasion. It is not self evident. No one makes the leap to this type of monotheism by natural reason. Therefore this god is not natural, but imitation—made in Israel.

Author: jimoeba

Alternatives to big box religions and dogmas

32 thoughts on “Fine Tuning the Biblical God”

  1. Re “When you come to that conclusion that there must be a creator, you then make an unwarranted jump.” I agree with you about the jump, but how does one get to the “conclusion” that there must be a creator. Does a nearby mountain have a creator? How about a tree? If that tree grew from a seed form another tree, does that make the other tree its creator? If one traces back things that get created, other than humans, there doesn’t seem to be much creating. Things just sort of happen. When we bake a cake, there is a whole bunch of creating going on. But what out in nature appears like a cake being baked? I don’t see anything. So, the jump is bogus, but so too is the “conclusion” that there must be a creator.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I concur. I just can’t buy into there being ANY creator. When you go there then you must also account for who or what created that creator and before that, as nauseum. I go for one of the scientific approaches. The big bang theory has always been my favorite.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The universe JUST IS. That may boggle our primate minds that demand causality. The further reaches of physics can be a spooky, unprovable, fanciful place, but they do seem to confirm that things just are.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I really like this statement: That may boggle our primate minds that demand causality.

          I’ve contended for a long time that just because we humans experience beginnings and endings doesn’t necessarily mean the Universe (and all than entails) follows our lead …

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          1. Even the commonly understood “Popular Science: version of the Big Bang (which could posit a beginning or at least the current cosmic era) is not the most commonly accepted understanding of how things worked! I wish I were smart enough to really understand physics!

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  2. I’ve long said that I might be able to be convinced that some “god” exists, but I will probably never become a Christian again. Christianity has all the hallmarks of being just as man-made as every other religion out there. Hell, even if there is a god, and Jesus rose from the dead, that isn’t sufficient to convince me that Christianity is true until you have some way to establish why (and how) Jesus rose from the dead.

    The arguments for God are all part of bait-and-switch that apologists make.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They are bait and switch. Claiming ownership of what no man has ever been able to conclude. Paul in Athens played on the Greeks and the unknown god. “I know this unknown god” Now how could he have known that was that?

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  3. Cosmological argument [opening the door to a ‘creator’] only makes to sense to people who don’t understand modern physics/cosmology, and haven’t read an actual book since 1983.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Now they read the bias commentary versus the actual research. In layman’s terms, “Now they read the bias commentary versus the actual research”

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        1. Waving contradictions is a gradual, piecemeal process, line upon over-explained line, until the whole package is nicely wrapped in an existential jump to faith

          Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh! Oh! I want one! How much are they? My funds are limited so any more than 10 or 20 cents will be over my budget. That includes shipping costs.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Does it make me a bad person to have hoped that your current tin pot fundamentalist strutting “answer to everything” at least caught a mild case that slowed him down in his plotting and scheming?

        Liked by 2 people

        1. He’s completely lost it. Literally, he’s gone off the deep end. He has no idea what’s going on. Apart from him (and his sons) the govt. response has been pretty good. Problem is, we’re also battling a dengue outbreak, so it’s all a bit of a mess.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Do you feel that the cosmic energy force is personal or might reveal itself in some matter? Also, there is much commonality in all religious faiths. Might all reveal truth in varying degrees? I’ve often said this, but it does seem to me that most people on the planet, through time, seem to intuitively know that there is at least something or someone greater than ourselves. Spirituality seems embedded in our species.


    1. @ Becky

      I’ve often said this, but it does seem to me that most people on the planet, through time, seem to intuitively know that there is at least something or someone greater than ourselves. Spirituality seems embedded in our species.

      As no intelligent person would ever likely espouse such a monumental claim we can presume that you have evidence to support it. I for one am very interested to read the evidence.


      Liked by 3 people

  5. I don’t recall a personal leap forward like that. Several times I’ve jumped back. My conclusion now is that there are no gods – NONE. ZIP! And ALL religion (every one is man-made) is nonsense, especially since, like, there’s no gods out there, man. No higher power, no great spirit, no woo-woo whatchamacallits. If I know anything intuitively (which means without conscious reasoning or instinctively), that’s it. But such intuition is supported by my reasoning.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Of course not, unless it’s an acute event. Part of being guided into it is accepting it all before any contradictions are raised or presented. First you agree to believe, and then comes the test to the story bit by bit you rationalize and at the end you have a nice package of contradictions and the faith to let it slide. Voilet!

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  6. I told some lady on Facebook today to pray away all she wants, but god isn’t going to fix the coronavirus. She quoted a biblical verse about the plagues and such and god stating that the faithful will be spared and make the whole bad thing go away. How the hell can ANYONE believe this crap? Let them pray. Meanwhile, I’ll do all the things medical professionals are suggesting to keep myself and everyone else safe and enjoy my time without fear. The jumps made for any and all regions reduce people to senseless idiots.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. It’s just another version of bait and switch: We’re completely out of generic gods but for a only few brain cells more we can upgrade you to our new and improved YHWH model.

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    1. It’s almost like saying hey, you wanna know a secret? Humans are curious and gullible. The king has no clothes rings a bell


  8. … but what’s the turkey got to do with it?

    Whatever the explanation for the existence of the universe and all within it, I think we can rule out the invisible friend. Let science tell us the things we want to understand. Even if that might take a few revisions and clarifications, it still makes more sense than the dog did it.

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    1. What god is evolves based on what we discover anyway, so what the point of believing when that’ll change anyway upon discover?


      1. Well, we have discovered quite a bit since 2000 years ago. And people still believe in their invisible friends from an era gone by.

        I think it has something to do with the people… 😉

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  9. the question is not ‘who’ but ‘what’ is this? life is EXACTLY like a dream at night, which appears totally real when you are asleep. only when you wake up, you realize it was only a dream. exactly same thing happens when you ‘awaken’.

    daily reality and night dreams are made of the same ‘stuff’. the only difference is one is more concentrated than the other. the amount of focus you give it.
    who dreams your dream at night?

    Liked by 1 person

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