Improvements I’d Like to See

  1. Faith insurance. As part of a nationwide tithing settlement, a portion of every donation would fund mental health counseling and current believer vertigo
  2. Graduation from church. Mandatory time limits for your church to meet its objectives. A good church would cut you loose but they depend on your tuition to ruin you
  3. Get out of religion free cards. More or less a monthly hall pass to get your bearings
  4. Tithing refunds—For those of us that saw it for what it is—and isn’t. We want our money back!
  5. Reparations to deconverts funded by a tax on religion
  6. Post traumatic religious syndrome: federal recognition that the duping you received caused you trauma.
  7. 4D vision-proof glasses. For looking beyond the veil to see there isn’t one.
  8. Religious Life-lock for identity reconstruction. Find yourself again on the church’s dime.
  9. Prophet sharing [sic] on religious revenue. Every good investment gives revenue sharing and dividends. Religion isn’t one of them.
  10. Warning signs on chapels and a two verse limit. Religion served on the premises, no children allowed.
  11. Minimum age limit (21) for baptism or any contractual membership.
  12. Embarrassment—that goes with the territory when the charade is over—sorry, only time will heal your chagrin

Finding your life groove outside of the myopia of belief.

Racist or a Product of Survival?

How does racism affect you?—A story of my wife.

Am I a racist? For as long as I can remember I have just kept quiet when people vented their hatred of my skin color at me. Being quiet meant being safe in the sense that I’m not allowing the situation to escalate further.

Being spat on and having the people spit on the floor and tell me to eat their mucus as they called me a spic, beaner, wetback amongst other names. Called a dog and chased down hallways at high school, bullied for having brown skin, eyes and hair. Enduring the hate in the eyes of extremists as I help them at the local emergency room. Being overlooked and when noticed, looked down on and dismissed at my local church for being the “Latina” by my “sisters in Christ”. Being spoken down to, spoken over and dismissed while presenting new ideas as I Co-chair a local coalition that is completely Caucasian. I feel like the brown speck in the white chicken crap. Should I shoulder on and stand my ground—or just accept the invitation to join my brothers and sisters at the local Reservation?

I did not understand what my offense was. When I walk out the door at home I don’t check my skin color. I just am—soy yo.

Now I’m older, still have my skin color and ethnicity. Those insults that I endured all my life may have affected me.

I chose to marry and have children with Caucasian men. Divorced by 22, widowed by 36 and finally at peace with final husband. My question is why did/do the men I chose have green eyes, fair skin and light hair? Was I hiding my DNA or an unknowing product of my evolution? Did I want to spare any potential children from enduring what I have lived with?

I’m glad to be who I am. An Asian/Latina with many talents and gifts. I will no longer hold my civil tongue as those who chose to throw venom at me continue their ways.

Climate Hoax

The ruling party of religion has controlled society from the top down for a thousand years. Nice job!

The memories of summers past are fading. I remember the Pacific Northwest with the bluest skies in the world, and now because of the climate change hoax, I can’t see the skies through the smoke for 7 years or more. Call off the hoax, join a good church, pray like hell and keep using every resource imaginable. That should clear things up.

The ultimate say in morality is once again, the most damaging model to humanity. Christians have had the majority say in the destruction of our world and not one has taken the lead to end this stupidity. Regardless about how you feel about your faith, the overall picture of what has happened under your watch is disgusting.

I don’t think we’ve had a clear day this month. Thanks climate hoax! Fire season is only six months long now. Good job. Praise the Lawd!

Here’s the air quality in our Beijing NE Washington area today.