The Flexible Mind

Where is the evidence of emergence?

Are your beliefs rooted in logic, or tradition. Truth is like orientation and navigation. The orientation determines the desired path, navigation tells us how to adjust. We may find through navigation that we may need to re orient, or change direction. That’s not the same as wandering with an unverifiable belief. Truth is retrospective. There is a lot of truth that is not available to us unless we are willing to go through significant transformation.

That your method can remain unaltered to gain access to truth is deeply challenged if not outright false.

No scientific theory either, is free of assumptions. In fact the assumption is the core basis of the scientific theory, eg; If you grant me X, I can explain all these other things. Most scientific theory grants reductionism (X) as fundamental. That the smaller and smaller we examine any feature, the more fundamental properties we will encounter. Combining these tiny features just so, creates consciousness. That is an assumption unproven beyond any stretch besides imagination for over 50 years. Maybe it’s time to change directions?

This has been a scientific assumption for so long, yet now we are finding the inverse to be true regarding fundamental reality.

Soren Kierkegaard

The key word here isn’t true, but believe

Babel—The Missing Insight

They’re selling what you already have

What I currently like most about The Tower of Babel, God had to stop them from building the tower to heaven because they were “about to accomplish the thing that they had set out to do, and nothing could be restrained from them”. Meaning, there are other ways to salvation (liberation, enlightenment, heaven) besides Yahweh. We can’t have anyone knowing that.

They didn’t destroy Babel and confuse the language because it was a false temple, but because it was true. The evidence is right there from the words of god. And confuse the language they did. Not by changing everyone’s dialect but by introducing confusion through word play of monotheism, by restricting the power of the individual to chart his own path.

The tower was likely a center of spiritual enlightenment, a non-denominational meditative center. An intolerable thought to monotheistic ideology. “Don’t let them see they don’t need us!”

The churches provide nothing you can’t get with a campfire and a drum—or a good stretch of solitude. That’s why you must “meet together oft” to keep the charade in play.

Religious Graduation

Where is my visitation of the spirit?

By now, if Christianity were authentic it would have a formula that would fulfill its premises and work for everyone who honestly applied the minimal effort—it doesn’t—except for the chosen ones. (Romans 8:29–30)

And if you put forth the effort and get no response, one should be free to go. Should not the churches at least be honest about this?

Christianity, which in fact resists knowing, is to pretend a carefully crafted teaspoon of belief is the full measure. When those “chosen” to believe do so with no free will of there own and with no merit at all, while the rest of us struggle on, hoping we’re on the in-crowd. This is silly, yet the chosen continue to preach like it matters—like they can save us.

If you follow the precepts of Christianity and nothing happens, it is your fault. Ie; there is underlying sin, spiritual immaturity, or the “gods will” clause. But God has no will ‘cept your own. You can do nothing to merit salvation. He has already decided who’s in and who’s out, before you were even born. That is a real head-trip for those with the “correct” neurons, so what about the rest of us? Why make the effort again and again when the Bible clearly says it is futile—except where it isn’t. Which side of the contradiction is the correct side?

Any proper school has the tools and methods to prepare its students for a minimum level of competence—for graduation. Anything else is a hobby. Certainly some different lines of thought are interesting and sometimes comforting to explore, but let’s be honest; maybe beliefs should be identified as what they are—likes and preferences.

Not “Q”anon—Qanon—Kanon—Canon, The rule of law—Sharia law

Qanon—I think people are saying it wrong. It’s a word in other languages. Can you guess which ones?

Is it any coincidence that qanon (qanun) is a word primarily of middle eastern usage? Of course it was borrowed from the Greek about 1000 years ago, but today it’s primary use is elsewhere—with the Q spelling.

In Azerbaijan (98% Muslim) Qanon means blood. In Uzbek (88% Muslim) qanon means law, or canon. See HERE for some other interesting Arabic connections, like sharia.

Maybe qanon is a clue in plain sight? Who else would love to divide the great whore of all the earth more than that?

As for the alternate spelling, there is no “o” sound in Arabic, but the “oo” as in boots. hence the u in qanon; qanun

And I thought it was just a cool spelling for my last name, hijacked to rouse the gullible.

A massive study analyzed every major contested news story in English across the span of Twitter’s existence—some 126,000 stories, tweeted by 3 million users, over more than 10 years—and finds that the truth simply cannot compete with hoax and rumor. By every common metric, falsehood consistently dominates the truth on Twitter, the study finds: Fake news and false rumors reach more people, penetrate deeper into the social network, and spread much faster than accurate stories”

Limits of Language—Other Ways of Being

How speech patterns train us in dualism, yet being and doing are the same thing

Does the forest have trees, or is the forest trees? Are those trees made of wood, or are they wood? Nothing is made of any thing, but of itself is so…The trees are treeing. It is a symptom of the cosmos.

I AM THAT, I am. More appropriately, I am this, not that. This, the subject, that, the object, and objects are simply forms which quintessentially are made of atoms which are made of no-thing. We may as well be analyzing the images on a movie screen—the massless photon, waves or particles, images?—imagines. Everything is happening in the mind.

In the language of Nootka Indians, there are no nouns and are only verbs—simply doings, for the doer and the doing are one and the same. An interesting way to see the world, and maybe more realistic than the dual nature of western thought. There is no one to blame for anything, for it is all your doing—take responsibility for it!

In Indian philosophy, nama-rupa, or named form, gets special distinction as the ultimate reality which is non-dualistic in nature. But it’s not really nature either, but mind. All of it is a projection from the apertures of the organism as in a dream of dreams—so real because it is in fact, all that we know.

In Wei Wu Wei, we are the mind using the mind to seek the ontological truth, but the seeker and the sought is one in the same and can never be found—what is sought is the seeker. That is the secret. So, our biggest hinderance to seeing this begins with language—that things have a subject and a predicate, but everything is a really a gerund. I’m not a jim, but I am jimming. I am a verb-ing. This certainly rings a bell. No wonder nobody can see it—like a fish searching for water in the ocean—it is nowhere to be found.

One thing that sets Christianity and Islam apart from other religions; is theirs must be the ultimate truth, it’s that important—yet it’s all they know. There are better ways of realization without the depreciation—sinners! Yes god has been revealed to others places and times, but…

Fascinating to me how others see the world, without the guilt of being born of no freewill from sin. Who’s right? There is only one contradictory free truth, so how hard can it be?

All The World is a Stage.

We can imagine everything but truth, for the truth is too obvious to be it, and too simple to accept. With the curtain drawn we have now built a story to validate humanity as something less spectacular than the sum of its parts—which is ridiculous considering.

Occasionally one gets a peek behind the curtain. When that takes place a couple of things can happen if you are not prepared—they may walk off the set, self destruct, or go off the chain. This is why no master will ever teach you without a discipline to go along with it.

Another thing that often happens is a rise of self importance; I am god—The Jehovah Effect© I and the father are one—now you must listen to what I say and do what I tell you to do. What I know is the way, the truth, and you have to go through me (to get back to where you have no choice but to be) History is scattered with these types. Jesus at least spoke in parables to not give away the game. It is essential to the longevity of it all, that mankind doesn’t cut the act short by knowing the secret while we’re here—that there is no secret. This is the usefulness of religion—never answering the question, and unable to—constantly searching beyond the simplicity of it all.

Part of the problem is Christianity’s beginnings, where Christ sought out his disciples. Disciples who were not seeking enlightenment nor prepared for the experience (jesus couldn’t wait to share his newfound knowledge) They never did understand him while he was alive, then took it upon themselves to be zealots when he was dead. If you want to wake up then do so, find it, see it, but be prepared; all there is left to do from then on is watch and smile at the game.

Knowledge is simply the absence of delusion—The you who is not the one you see in the mirror, but the you that defines who you really are beyond that (personality, consciousness) is not the ego you’ve been told. Perceiving the essence of yourself in our natural existence is similar to scale of a fish achieving awareness of itself, that could never comprehend the head of the fish—so it is with the universe. We are merely a function, the eyes and ears and perceptions, a nerve ending on the whole living organism.

Our nature, whether here or there has not changed but the slightest. We seek to be entertained, to be engaged in emotions, to laugh, to cry, to feel fear or to feel exhilarated by the fantasy. To seek out endless ways to relieve the boredom and stay busy even after an idle day or two.

We are merely participants in a play, breaking away from the doldrums of everyday immortality to see the show (or be in the show) while others act out the mystery and sometimes misery for a role in the drama. Either way, life here means nothing but a respite from the mundane existence of infinite living. Simply not knowing the outcome is the most masterful, simple game in the universe. And like a fish jumping out of the water, for a moment, getting a brilliant glimpse backstage that there is no more to life than the existence we are living.

Monotheism is especially proud of its level of tail-chasing distractions—a necessary player to reduce enlightenment and retain players in the game.

Shouldn’t Truth Unite?

Wouldn’t all universal truths self evident?

Truth always divides due to the existence of lies. I fear and reverence God. I also love Him more than life itself. If you sought Jesus Christ through His Word and prayer with as much fervor as you use to argue and debate His non-existence then you would see the reality that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life“—tjcole

If truth divides and not beliefs, why are Muslims fighting Buddhist and Christians fighting Christians, all jockeying for the perfect wording to prove their truth—and killing for it too? Real truth is easily identified because it is universal (we find these truths to be self evident) They don’t require dogmas.
Like, if all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. Nothing of a religious doctrine should suppress one group over their genetics. Christianity is a walking contradiction when it comes to human issues.

Picking real cherries does not make me a Christian…

Dismissed With Prejudice—The Lawyers of Religion

Dismissed with prejudice is a legal term used in court cases, meaning that it’s dismissed permanently. The case case is over and done with, once and for all, and can’t be brought back to court. A case dismissed without prejudice means the opposite. It is not dismissed forever, and can be re-examined when new evidence comes to light, a missed legality was acknowledged, or you just decide a new approach.

An acquaintance of mine took the school district to court over their special needs child. They basically bet the farm on winning this case, and after four years of lawyer fees and court costs, the district prevailed. They had to liquidate their home and assets to pay attorneys, and are now renting an old double wide trailer. Case dismissed with prejudice! Ouch! I feel their pain, but they’re a litigious minded couple looking for a payout—it backfired. They also have small children at home. Betting everything on the opinions of a lawyer always goes one way. The lawyer gets paid! Which bring us to religion…

Before betting your life in the words of a paid minister, it might be a good idea to think for yourself. Experts in gods-law, but right or wrong, he’s getting your money based in a phony presumption of misdeeds and guilt—your guilt, instilled by ‘men of words’ and followers based on assumption.

Most of us that have deconverted have dismissed the Bible and the churches without prejudice. It could be a cool story if it were true, and we have so many years sunk into it, wouldn’t it be nice if it came through for us? Some real evidence to present? I would easily take a new look at everything—if but one part were true?

Betting the farm on the words of another—mere belief, that’s all it is, a life to lay in waste on the word of another. Why would you discard your own mind and potential on the word of a paid lawman, or one of his lackeys, while you actually have the power and ability to chart a much more interesting—yours!